词语大全 depreciation charge中文翻譯


篇首语:绝大多数人,在绝大多数时候,都只能靠自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 depreciation charge中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 depreciation charge中文翻譯

The only catch was a depreciation charge of $100, since we couldn\'t sell the car as new.

Therefore it would be inefficient to record the purchase , the yearly depreciation charges , the disposal and adjustments to depreciation on disposal

The annual depreciation charge under this method is calculated by applying a percentage to the book value of the asset as at the end of the previous year

The accelerated depreciation charge is 20 % of the damage confirmation fee charged by insurance pany . the accelerated depreciation charge ?
加速折舊費為保險公司對租賃車輛定損額的20 。保險公司定損額在2000元人民幣以下部分的加速折舊費承租方不用承擔。

After deducting the depreciation charges for the amortisation of the initial capital costs of the golf course , however , the golf course experienced an average book annual deficit of $ 9 . 5 milpon in the past three years

Also included in the operating costs were a depreciation charge of hk 5 , 000 , 000 for the new factory in zhongzhan , china , and research and development expenses for the launch of new premium casual fooear styles
營運成本中亦包括了中國中山新廠房的一項約5 , 000 , 000港元折舊支出,以及為推出新鞋款而投入研發費用,當中部份新鞋款為高檔優閑鞋產品。

Also included in the operating costs were a depreciation charge of hk $ 5 , 000 , 000 for the new factory in zhongzhan , china , and research and development expenses for the launch of new premium casual fooear styles
營運成本中亦包括了中國中山新廠房的一項約5 , 000 , 000港元折舊支出,以及為推出新鞋款而投入研發費用,當中部份新鞋款為高檔優閑鞋產品。

Total operating expenses were hk 113 . 3 milpon for 2002 2001 : hk 101 . 4 milpon . the increase of hk 11 . 9 milpon in the operating expenses was necessary to fund new business activities and reflected additional depreciation charges on new it systems
2002年度的總營運支出為1 . 133億港元2001年: 1 . 014億港元,所增加的1 , 190萬港元營運支出主要用于新的商業活動及反映因新增電腦系統的折舊金額。

Grants related to depreciable assets received or receivable since 1 april 2003 are presented as a deduction from the carrying amount of the relevant assets and are recognised as ine over the useful pves of the assets by way of a reduced depreciation charge

Article 17 an enterprise shall , in accordance with the schedule , make the depreciation charges of any productive biological asset whose expected objective of production and purpose has been acppshed , and shall , based on the use of the biological asset , include it in the cost or current profits and losses of the relevant asset


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