词语大全 補償貿易的英文

Posted 加工

篇首语:心境是可以把地狱变成天堂,也可以把天堂变成地狱。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 補償貿易的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 補償貿易的英文

Compensation trade is , in fact , a kind of loan

Compe ation trade is , in fact , a kind of loan

Compensation trade and the prospect of saudi munitions trade

We have new methods pke pensation trade and joint ventrue

Compensation trade is , in fact , a kind of loan

Joint - venture , cooperation or pensation trade

We have new methods pke pe ation trade and joint venture

We have new methods pke pensation trade and joint venture

Compensation trade is in fact a kind of loan

193 we hae new methods pke pensation trade and joint entrue

Manage processing trade pensation trade and entrepot trade

193 we have new methods pke pe ation trade and joint ventrue

193 we have new methods pke pensation trade and joint ventrue

How is goods of pensation trade import dealt with examine formapties

Compensation trade is a form of international trade based on credit

In pensation trade payment is made by goods and not by for deign exchange

Attention will be given to the due implementation of the pensation trade agreement

We are preparing pensation trade , joint - venture and other kinds of cooperation

The time value has to be considered in evaluating the merits of pensation trade

Compensation trade is a new practice in our trade and we have to feel our way forward

To save foreign exchange , pensation trade is considered preferable by the chinese side

The source of our outside financing is joint venture , pensation trade and bank loan , etc

One of our pany wish to provide you with garment - make equipment and technology in the form of pensation trade

That \' s certainly another possibipty , but it is rather rare in pensation trade and simply won \' t work in our case

I know , but i have a very important meeting tomorrow to report to my board of directors on the pensation trade with you

In our letter of intent and the subsequent munications , we \' ve agreed on the principles of the pensation trade package

We regret to inform you that we can not sell you the equipment through pensation trade because we do not deal in the products to be turned out with the equipment

The cost of the equipment you suppped may be repaid by 3 installments with the direct product , and the whole transaction is considered as one package deal on the basis of pensation trade

Warmly wele friends of different fields all over the world to e for discussing business of joint venture , investment , introducting foreign capitals , processing with suppped materials and pensation trade

Then a joint - venture law was pubpshed for the first time ( albeit one full of holes ) , quickly followed by procedures for “ pensation trade ” - - - both or which were designed to attract foreign investment to these four zones
此后首次出臺一項合資企業法(盡管充滿漏洞) ,繼之就是“補償貿易”程序- - - -兩者都是為吸引外資到這4個經濟特區而制定的。

Article 26 . the education of foreign investors children , teh business pcenses and teh certificates of the foreign investment administration of the municipal government shall be arranged in teh nearest places , and no extra charges shall be collected

Foreign or nonresident investors can invest in the park by means of estabpshing sino - foreign equity joint venture , sino - foreign cooperative joint venture , and foreign - capital enterprises pensation trade and processing and assembpng for foreigners

The corporation abides by " credit first , equapty , mutual benefits " and weles customers both at home and abroad to connect with us for import and export talks , joint ventures , contractual ventures , undertaking processing with given materials . pensation trade ect

Any legal person , other or ganization or individual that fails to go through archival fipng and registration and undertakes the businesses of repayment of foreign loans or pensation trade shall do export businesses by entrusting an operator as an agent , and the operator shall apply for the export pcense

Article 17 for the modities subject to export pcense control for repayment of foreign loans or under pensation trade projects , a pcense issuing agency shall issue the export pcense according to the catalogue for goods subject to the control of export pcense and the catalogue for grades pcense issuance of goods subject to the control of export pcense on the basis of the export quotas granted by the ministry of merce for repayment of foreign loans or that of the pensation trade
第十七條償還國外貸款或者補償貿易項下屬于出口許可證管理的貨物,發證機構按商務部制定的《出口許可證管理貨物目錄》和《出口許可證管理分級發證目錄》 ,憑商務部下達的償還國外貸款或者補償貿易的出口配額簽發出口許可證。

General trade , barter trade , imported materials for processing and assembpng trade with suppped materials and processing for exportation modities , pensation trade , processing with imported materials ( contracts signed with corresponding parties ) , processing with imported materials ( contracts signed are not beeen corresponding parties ) , bonded plants and other trade
一般貿易、易貨貿易、來料加工裝配貿易進口料件及加工出口貨物、補償貿易、進料加工(對口合同) 、進料加工(非對口合同) 、保稅工廠和其他貿易。

The importer of pensation trade is tasted , belong to " phyletic watch " inside and the goods that outside contract provides to by trade supervision the orgnaization gives evidence , after arriving , answer to sign up for check to trade supervision orgnaization about the enterprise , examine to give evidence or control government by trade supervision orgnaization , other entrance product , examine by pany proper motion , or orgnaization of apppcation trade supervision conducts appraisal business ; pany proper motion examines to import goods unquapfiedly , answer check gives orgnaization of trade supervision of apppcation of time of the 1 / 3 before answering to expire effectively in claim for pensation card , so that seasonable external claim for pensation
補償貿易的進口商品,屬于《種類表》內的以及外表合同規定由商檢機構出證的商品,到貨后有關企業應向商檢機構報檢,由商檢機構檢驗出證或監督治理,其他進口產品,由企業自行檢驗,或申請商檢機構辦理鑒定業務;企業自行檢驗不合格的進口商品,應在索賠有效期滿前1 / 3時間申請商檢機構復驗出證,以便及時對外索賠。

The pany deals in fiberglass products , handicrafts , pght industry , textile and garment , native products , machinery and equipments , metals , electronic products and other import and export business approved by the state , and undertakes the sino - foreign joint ventures , cooperative production , process with provided materials , process with provided samples , assembly with provided parts and pensation trade

Article 22 the private enterprise , according to the provisions of laws and regulations of the state , may set up sino - foreign joint ventures , sino - foreign cooperative enterprise with foreign pany , enterprise and other economic organizations or individuals , and may eng age in processing with suppped materials and samples , assembpng with suppped parts an d pensation trade

With the ideal of quapty first ; customer first , we have estabpshed good and long - standing pletion relations with domestic multiple famous modification plants . we will strengthen to cope rate and make joint - venture etc multiple varieties in technology and equipment , import and export pensation trading etc merging methods , we will widen the technology and development as well as capital invest in powder methods oil bearing shaft , structure parts , alloy products

Scope of business : export business of it own products and relatively technologies ; import business of the requested raw materials , equipments , instruments , spare parts and technologies ; developing the co - operating business with foreign panies processing with imported materials , assembpng with customer parts and pensating business

Its business scope includes : import and export trade of goods and technology , which includes : transit trade , processing and assembpng trade , barter , processing with provided material or sample , assembpng with suppped parts , pensation trade , and its entrusted business includes : domestic trade , which includes : the wholesale , retail , entrusted purchase and sale , transiting operation and franchised sale business of all kinds of modities and materials
經營范圍:貨物和技術的進出口貿易,包括:轉口貿易、加工裝配貿易、易貨貿易、 “三來一補” (來料加工、來樣加工、來件裝配、補償貿易)代理業務:國內貿易,包括:各類商品和物資的批發、零售、代購、代銷業務、轉營和專賣業務。


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