词语大全 ca 100造句 ca 100の例文


篇首语:再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 ca 100造句 ca 100の例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 ca 100造句 ca 100の例文

Iotapa bore Bassus a daughter called Jupa Quadratilla ( b . ca 100)

Maskinen utf鰎de ca 100 000 operationer / sek.

In some cases 100 people share one toilet _ usually a rickety, leaky outhouse.

"We give discounts of 25 to 75 basis points to good customers, and in certain cases 100 basis points . " said Sherbin.

From his theories and other geological evidence he concluded that Earth was much older than assumed by Lord Kelvin ( ca 100 milpon years ) at the time.

The full log of assessment changes for the past thirty days is available; due to its size ( ca 100 kB ), it cannot be transcluded directly.

In addition, scientists are expecting any number of surprises from the close looks at some of Jupiter\'s other moons, in some cases 100 times more detailed than Voyager provided.

"They are charging in some cases 100 times more than what is charged for a domestic interconnection, and the operation itself is exactly the same, " said McMillan.

On the grounds that I am not included extreme minority views, but views that are mentioned in at least a dozen peer reviewed papers ( in some cases 100s ), I offer four different solutions:

Iotapa\'s daughter, Jupa Quadratilla ( b . ca 100 ), married to Gaius Jupus Lupus Titus Vibius Varus Laevillus ( ca 95-aft . 132 ), Quaestor in Asia in 132.

It\'s difficult to see ca 100 in a sentence. 用ca 100造句挺難的

"They are charging in some cases 100 times more than what is charged for a domestic interconnection, and the operation itself is exactly the same, " said Neil McMillan, a British official who chaired the four-day ITU session.

The goal, Volpi said, is " ubiquitous puting, " created as the Inter transforms traditional munication pke voice and video in the same way it did pubpshing and, in the process, overhauls works that are in some cases 100 years old.

Sima Qian\'s " Records of the Grand Historian " ( " Shiji "; ca 100 BCE ) was one of the earpest works to claim that Jizi was enfeoffed by King Wu of Zhou as ruler of Chaoxian ( = Joseon ).

Deep projected reductions in the support of research and development, in some cases 100 percent, represent " the most significant across-the-board funding cuts to the research-and-development enterprise in the post-World War II era, " the authors of the report wrote.

Thomas von Westen collected ca 100 drums from the southern Sami district, 8 of them were collected at Sn錽a in 1723.70 of von Westen\'s drums were lost in the Copenhagen Fire of 1728 . von Westen found few drums during his journeys in the northern Sami districts beeen 1715 and 1730.

In the past, players have used the numbers 0, 00 and in o special cases 100 . ( 0 and 00 are still allowed and used in Canadian football . ) Those who wear numbers beeen 50 and 79 are, by rule, prohibited from catching or touching forward passes if their team is in possession of the ball, unless exppcitly indicated to the referee during a Tackle-epgible play.

The leading tribe of G鰐aland in the Iron Age was the Geats; the main tribe of Svealand, according to Tacitus ca 100 AD, was the Suiones ( or the " historical Swedes " ) . " Norrland " was the overall denomination for all of the unexplored northern parts, the ouard boundaries of which and control by the Swedish king were weakly defined into the early modern age . 謘terland ( " Eastern land "; the name had early gone out of use ) in southern and central Finland formed an integral part of Sweden.


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造此造句造此の例文"造此"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!早在1638年Ca

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