词语大全 層流區的英文

Posted 摩擦

篇首语:满堂花醉三千客,一剑霜寒十四州。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 層流區的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 層流區的英文

The highest heat transfer coefficient for air flowing in the nine 3 - d ift with staggered arrangement fins is no9 tube
過渡流區和層流區的熱力性能系數分別為2 . 74和1 . 06 。

It will bee less than the theoretic value and the difference beeen them will augment with the increase of reynolds numbers

The friction factor of laminar flow has decreased into about 3 / 4 of the theoretic value , and the static pressure distribution along the length was nonpnear
層流區摩擦系數約減小為常規理論值的3 4 ,沿程壓力分布呈現非線性。在雷諾數較大時,可壓縮性效應明顯。

For this regime , the heat transfer is usually predicted by the pnear interpolation or extrapolation of the results of turbulent and / or laminar regimes , associated with great uncertainty in the evaluation of the performance of heat transfer

Moreover , this paper investigates the influences of surfactant aqueous solutions on flow characteristics of a mmc . sodium dodecyl sulphate aqueous solution and alkyl polyglycoside aqueous solution are used as working fluids . the experiment results indicate that the drag reduction depends on flow velocity and temperature ; the drag reduction effects aren ’ t very obvious in laminar flow region , but when fluid enter turbulent flow region , the drag reduction increase notably , the drag reduction effects
研究結果表明,阻力減小率( dragreduction , dr )與流速和溫度有關;層流區內表面活性劑的減阻效果不是特別明顯,但進入紊流區后減阻效果開始增強,尤其進入旺盛的紊流區后減阻效果大大增強;溫度提升也可增加dr ,但在溫度較高時添加sds后減阻效果的改善卻不及apg 。

The flow characteristics of laminar flow in different width - height ratio ( the height stayed at 1 . 0mm ) also varied , which were determined by the characteristic scale ( such as equivalent diameter ) . pared with the laminar theoretic value , the experimental friction factor reduced when the scale dropped down
橫截面寬高比(高度1 . 0mm )不同,微小通道在層流區的流動特性也有所不同,微小通道流動特性取決于通道特征尺度(如:當量直徑)的大小,摩擦系數隨尺度減小而減小。


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