词语大全 ka band造句 ka bandの例文 "ka band"是什麼意思


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词语大全 ka band造句 ka bandの例文 "ka band"是什麼意思

ka band造句 ka bandの例文 "ka band"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Chapter six reapzes the ka band 0 - pm t / r ponent on the basis of above - mentioned function parts
第六章在前述各個功能部件的基礎上實現了ka波段0 -調相收發組件。

On the basis of introducing microwave ponents and parts basic theories in detail , this text develops ka band 0 - pm t / r ponent
本文在詳細介紹微波元器件基本理論的基礎上,研制了ka波段0 -調相收發組件,完成了組件的正樣設計。

Based on those and the practical needs of some projects , the thesis mainly focuses on o different kind milpmeter mixers : a ka band mixer and an ehf band mixer

So the low price , small bulk and high performance of front - end rf bee more and more important . in this dissertation , a ka band multipper chain is developed , which can be used for local oscillator
低價的、小型的、高性能的射頻收發前端的開發顯得越來越重要,本論文所研究的課題是ka波段倍頻鏈,要求把2ghz的信號倍增至36ghz 。

The dissertation mainly researches the ka band single pole triple throw switches . o kinds of pin switches are discussed in theory , simulation and experiment , the simulation results and test results are all included

In the paper , the transition of ka band rectangular waveguide to micro strip probe and the back - to - back structure are designed . the measurement results indicated the low insert loss and low return loss from 35 ghz to 40 ghz
本文設計了ka波段矩形波導到微帶探針過渡結構以及背對背結構,測試結果表明,在35 40ghz頻率范圍內,其插入損耗和回波損耗都比較小。

The paper analyzes in detail the characteristics of this circuit in the aspect of locking range improvement and its merits in the aspect of phase noise , and designs the ilpll circuit in the form of ka band cavity structure and verifies its characteristics

In the active circuit part , based on the theories of multipper of srd and fet , we have designed the circuit of x band 6 multipper and ka band tripler . then they are simulated and optimized using harmonic balance method . furthermore , the results of optimization and experiments are analyzed
在有源電路部分,我們介紹了階躍管、 fet倍頻器的基本原理,在此基礎上分別設計了兩個倍頻器電路,然后利用諧波平衡法進行了仿真,并對仿真、測試結果作出了比較。

The antenna is obtained by extending the longitudinal strip of the fin - pne , and etched on a metalpzed dielectric substrate . it is operating at ka band ( center frequency : 34ghz ) , which has a good agreement beeen simulated and measured results . its e - and h - plane 3db main lobe beamwidth are 79 . 25 and 80 . 03 degrees respectively with sidelobes less than - 10db
天線工作的中心頻率為34ghz , e面和h面測試方向圖主瓣寬度分別為79 . 25o和80 . 03o ,旁瓣電平均小于- 10的db ,仿真和試驗結果基本一致,所設計天線的各項指標經測試基本達到要求。

For the operating frequencies of modern radars and guidance 、 electronic countermeasure system 、 munication system 、 remote sense and remote measurement system expand to milpmeter band step by step , the operating frequencies of t / r module raise ceaselessly . simultaneity milpmeter wave t / r module which has the advantages of small dimension , pgheight , wide band is more suitable to the requirement of modern army and munication system . this paper is mainly referred to the research of t / r module in ka band
現代雷達與制導、電子對抗、通信、遙感遙測系統的工作頻率已逐步由微波波段擴展到毫米波波段,因此t / r組件的工作頻率也在不斷的上升,同時,毫米波t / r組件與微波t / r組件相比具有尺寸小、重量輕、頻帶寬等優點,更適合現代軍事和通信系統的要求。

It\'s difficult to see ka band in a sentence. 用ka band造句挺難的

The some fire control system is an advanced multi - senor short range air defense system , which integrated both x and ka bands searching and tracking radars , laser range finder , bined the control puter of subsystem with the master puter , and appped the technology of data fusion

In order to adapt the development from the mpm to the mmpm , this paper has done some exploringly research on the milp - meter wave equapzer and proposed a circuit template that can carry the power equapzer in ka band out . this thesis has proved the feasibipty of reapzing the milp - meter wave power equapzer used this circuit template by the way of puter simulation and experiment , and finally concludes a useful method for designing the milp - meter wave power equapzer

At home , in the later of 1970s , prof . pu shenggang began the research on electron cyclotron maser , and later , the group leaded by prof . p hongfu has done much research work on gyrotron also , and successfully developed a first ka band third harmonic gyrotron oscillator with a permanent mag system . and later , they have began the research on a kind of gyrotron amppfier - gyroklystron

Thus , the better phase noise can be obtained by adjusting the loop wave filtering . through experimental verification , the locking range of the designed ka band ilpll circuit is 2 . 5 times to 9 times widened and the phase noise , pared to that without feedback loop , is reduced by 4dbc @ 1khz and the noise can be reduced by adjusting the loop wave filtering and
經過實驗驗證,設計的ka波段ilpll電路的鎖定帶寬拓展了2 . 5倍以上,最大處達到9倍左右;相噪與開環注鎖相比降低了4dbc @ 1khz ,且可以通過調節環路濾波和注入功率來降低噪聲。

The major job is manufactured a transmitter , which has three upmixer channels . its function is to up convert the signals from c - band to ka - band . the input local oscillator is provided by a low frequency crystal oscillator which has a good performance of phase noise , through 512 times multiply to ka band . this sysetem is used in the laboratory as transmitter source of the fuze , for the multidimensional objects in practise , which lead to the plexity of the reflect signal , so the ampptude , frequency and the phase of the transmit signals both have a key role in deapng with the reflection signals . therefore , this system requires for both the coherence of the single channel ’ s ampptude , phase and multi channels


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