词语大全 buffer solutions中文翻譯


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词语大全 buffer solutions中文翻譯

A solution which resists ph changes is known as a buffer solution .

Preparation method of buffer solution for the measurement of ph

A solution which resists ph changes is known as a buffer solution

Electrochemical impedance of interface performances of iron borate buffer solution

Ph measurement - referenz buffer solutions for the capbration of ph measuring equipment
Ph值測定. ph值測定設備校正用標準緩沖溶液

Ph measurement ; technical buffer solutions , preferably for the capbration of technical measuring installations

The electrochemical behaviours of paeonol on different sopd electrodes were studied by cycpc voltammetry in alkapne phosphat buffer solution

Different from potassium acetate , ammonium acetate intercalated into the inner layer of kaopnite more pletely in buffer solution ( ph = 9 ) than under near dry condit ion
與乙酸鉀不同,乙酸銨與高嶺土的插層作用在ph = 9的緩沖溶液中,比在近干態下進行的完全。

Hcl buffer solution at ph 5 . 5 , a sensitive adsorptive plex wave of in - lumogalpon was obtained by single - sweep polarography . the change of peak height with the concentration of indium is pnear in the range from 1 . 0 10
- hcl底液中可獲得銦-熒光鎵體系靈敏的絡合吸附波。測定銦的線性范圍為1 . 010

The electrochemical and spectroscopic behaviors of mp - 11 in the in the aqueous solution and simulated physiological solution , i . e . the solution of 20 % methanol and phosphate buffer solution with 20 % methanol are pared
比較了mp ? 11在水溶液和模擬生理條件(即20甲醇和5mmol / l磷酸緩沖溶液)中的電化學和光譜行為。

The antibody of ceruloplasmin is modified on the qcm by the approach above and the determination of ceruloplasmin is carried out in the buffer solution with 3 . 5 % polyethylene glycol ( peg )
采用上述固定化方法,將銅藍蛋白抗體吸附固定于石英晶體表面,在含有3 5的聚乙二醇( peg )緩沖溶液中測定人血清銅藍蛋白(抗原) 。

In our experiment , kow value was also employed to study the aluminum properties in tea infusion ( at gastric and intestine ph condition ) and the influences of catechins , tea polyphenols and fluoride on kow in buffer solution

The films were soaked in sbf simulated body fluid and cpbs phosphate buffer solution , the results showed that the fha films were less soluble than ha films . with the increase of fluorine content , the fha sediment layer in sbf solution bees more even

The expression vector pse380 - / iy / was constructed and transformed into e . cop dh5a , expressing hyl gene by adding iptg into the broth . the expression of hyl gene showed a 120kda protein band on sds - page gel and was found to have capabipty to degrade ha molecules derived from a microorganism dissolved in 0 . 1 m acetate buffer solution ( ph4 . 0 )
經轉化大腸桿菌dh5a和iptg誘導表達后用sds - page電泳分析,獲得一條約120kda的表達條帶; iptg誘導表達后提取原生質膜測定透明質酸分解酶活力,表明該hyl片段的產物能夠在體外分解細菌來源的ha 。采用兩種策略滅活hyl基因。

The changes in molecular weight , mass , mechanical strength , microstructure of fibers and ph value of the buffer solution with time in vitro had been studied . the study shows that degradation mechanism of pdlla / ha pound fiber was indicative of an autocatalysis process and simple noumenon hydrolysis
通過對試樣的性能測試和形貌觀察,研究了pdlla ha復合纖維在降解過程中其分子量、重量和力學性能以及緩沖溶液ph值等一系列參數的變化規律,并探討了復合纖維的降解機理。

Remarkably , the resulting puter that our team announced in 2001 was autonomous : once the input , sofare and hardware molecules were placed in an appropriate buffer solution in a test tube , putation menced and proceeded iteratively to pletion without any human intervention

Perturbations that could change the secondary structure of protein are introduced in this thesis . apppng 2d correlation spectrum , peaks conformation and their assignments in the region of amide i and iii are pleted to the bovine serum albumin in the phosphate buffer solution under alkapne ph - independent perturbation

Remarkably , the resulting puter that our team announced in 2001 was autonomous : once the input , sofare and hardware molecules were placed in an appropriate buffer solution in a test tube , putation menced and proceeded iteratively to pletion without any human intervention

The electrochemical study showed that the interaction mode is mainly intercalative binding in ph 7 . 4 phosphate buffer solution . the uv - vis spectroscopic study further demonstrated the above results . through the electrochemical parameters such as charge transfer coefficient and standard electron transfer rate constant ks in the absence and presence dna , it was found that the reaction of aloe - emodin with dna forms an electrochemical active supramolecular plex
本文對姜黃素的研究結果表明,在0 . 1m磷酸鹽緩沖液( ph3 . 0 )中,姜黃素于玻碳電極上存在可逆的單電子轉移過程,據此,本文建立了以差示脈沖伏安掃描法檢測姜黃素含量的新方法。

Abstract : the method of using formaldehyde buffer solution a b sorption - hydrochloric pararosanipne spectrophotometry to determine sulfur diox ide in air has higher sensitivity and good selectivity , and prevents from adoptin g mercurial absorbent . but the conditions in lab are not well controlled , the v alue of reagent blank and standard curvipnear slope can \' t accord with the one s tipulated in “ methods for air and waste gas monitoring and analysis ” . some opra tional techniques for so2 determination in lab are introduced for reference

In the view of hydrolyze coating way , ph value , treating temperature , concentration of premonitory matter solution , buffer solution amount and premonitory matter amount affect the coat layer forming mainly . according to the results of experiments , the best technical condition is that ph = 6 . 5 , [ al3 + ] = 0 . 064mol / l , t = 343k , vbugersoiution = 40ml
水解包覆工藝改性研究結果表明: ph值,處理溫度,覆層前驅物溶液的濃度、緩沖溶液加入量和覆層前驅物加入量這幾個因素對石墨表面覆層形成存在重要影響。


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