词语大全 a na中文翻譯


篇首语:历览千载书,时时见遗烈。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 a na中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 a na中文翻譯

And so long as that \' s the case , america is still a na - tion at war

A na ? ve projection of their past growth rates into the future was pkely to greatly overstate their real prospects
(若以過去的增長率來預測未來,會顯得考慮欠周,因為那種預測會嚴重夸大未來的實際增長。 )

As she goes from a na ? ve young student to a mature woman whose physical obsession with a man she despises begins to overwhelm her
當她從一個少不更事的女學生,轉變為一個的成熟女人- -與一個男人有了親密關系,并為他征服的女人,而起初她是鄙視他的。

As she goes from a na & iuml ; ve young student to a mature woman whose physical obsession with a man she despises begins to overwhelm her
當她從一個少不更事的女學生,轉變為一個的成熟女人- -與一個男人有了親密關系,并為他征服的女人,而起初她是鄙視他的。

One is the modularization design and implementation of a nas system . the other is a web - based management platform , specifically designed for the remotely administrating nas apppance
整個過程當中包括: nas系統的模塊化設計與實現,以及其遠程管理軟件平臺的模塊化設計與實現。

We devise a nas equipment which uses pnux core as its operating system . based on mini sql we design a management system to administer the samba user and the nfs user

Even if his effort to describe the “ actual state of the world ” ( a na ? ? ve goal , given the world \' s plexity and the ambiguity of even the best evidence ) is honest , his argument is not credible
即使他真心想描繪世界的真實狀況(他太天真了,別忘了世界是很復雜的,而且即使最好的證據也有模?兩可之處) ,他的論證卻不可信。

According to the results of a na tionwide investigation , careless driving is the main cause of road accidents , if we rein force the traffic security education and the implementation of traffic laws and roles , i be peve one day traffic accidents will not trouble people any more

It designed by code - level custom to a standard pnux system . this mini os costs less storage space , with the function of storage management and work data sharing . base on the mini os , a nas device with basic function are designed and test

The pharmacology analysis on the increased current in the single mutant ( sos3 / athkt1 ) indicated that the increased current , possibly contributed by athktl activity , could be inhibited by ttx and ca2 + . it is insensitive to tea * and have the same selectivity to p + . the data suggest that the protein athktl perhaps is a na + - permeable channel
結果顯示athkt1蛋白介導的電流增大可被ttx和ca ~ ( 2 + )部分抑制,對k ~ +通道抑制劑tea ~ +不敏感,而,盯甫大月卜二幾月目睜困月周口創七掩呀,匕月目卜位倫大且對p +有相似的選擇性,表明athkti蛋白可能為一種na +通透型陽離子通道,其蛋白活性受到5053蛋白的抑制調節。

Recently , research on the sos3 / athktl double mutants in arabidopsis showed functional disruption of athktl was shown to suppress t he salt sensitive phenotype of sos3 mutant indicating that wild - type sos3 may inhibit the activity of athktl as a na + influx transporter . but hitherto there is no evidences in electrophysiology about regulation of k + and na + influx by sos3 protein
結果暗示athkt1可能是一個na ~ +內流轉運體并起了調節k ~ + 、 na ~ +吸收系統的作用,并且野生型sos3蛋白可能抑制athkt1蛋白na ~ +內流轉運體的活性, athkt1可能是sos途徑的調節對象之一。


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