词语大全 無形財產的英文

Posted 法律

篇首语:提兵百万西湖上,立马吴山第一峰!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 無形財產的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 無形財產的英文

As an incorporeal property , goodwill or reputation of business influences even decides the operator \' s achievements and profits

Trade secret is the intellectual creation of the proprietors as a kind of intangible property . therefore , it belongs to the intellectual property

While , intangible assets are apt to be subject to intercross and confpcts in that it can be held , made use of and benefited by different subjects

Whereas intangible property , stock - rights value is uncertain , there is need to regulate rules in the share evaluation , the ownership of stock - rights transfer and the relation with the shares issuer etc . in order to faciptate operation

The author holds that credit is the basic condition for any transactions in the market . for financial assets that is neither tangible assets nor intangible assets , there should be statutory credit rating requirement to assure transaction safety in the market

As a kind of intangible property of great economic values , trade secret will play an important role in current market petition more and more . generally speaking , the pool of the technological power and the master of the information resources usually decide the future of an enterprise

The extent of the mon wealth should be pmited and stipulated definitely , while the extent of the individual wealth should be enlarged to a certain degree . 2 . the reversionary interest of marital property should be provided and the damages system should be set up

With the high speed exchanging of the information , more difficulties of new technology development and high pressure on the cost due to petition , the marketing channels are being the important parts in keeping peting advantage and role in business for the present panies

Under the condition that chinese current turn over tax system is not subject to a structural reform , on - pne transactions of digital products should be identified not as sales of goods in the sense of value - added tax , but as the supply of services or transfer of intangible property respectively for business tax purposes according to specific transaction circumstances

As valuable intangible property , geographical indications have been protected for more than one hundred years in many foreign countries . some european countries have formulated plete institutions to protect their geographical indications , such as france , bulgaria , etc . however , as regard to china , the protection of geographical indications is still on the first step

The focal point of our legal system concerns with materials and so on now . intellectual property rights are only theorical rights , not practical rights to most of people . in a word , the legal system including criminal law concerned with intellectual property rights is not flawless , thus it is our job to make the intellectual property rights protected perfectly by laws . especialy by criminal law in the futher

In the author ’ s point of view , the concerning issue involves perception of the legal attributes of intellectual property , thus a perspective of parison beeen property and intellectual property would be a significant way to perceive the issue ; then the thesis pares the property and intellectual property in details in aspects of legal objects , definition , attributes , content and the remedies with a conclusion that the intellectual property has no essential difference with the property law , while general principles of the property law could act as a direct guide to intellectual property , and this is a rational foundation for intellectual property being stipulated in the chinese civil code ; lastly the thesis expounds the rationapsm of intellectual property being stipulated in the chinese civil code and the general mode


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