词语大全 tabard inn造句 tabard innの例文
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词语大全 tabard inn造句 tabard innの例文
The Tale of Beryn is the first tale told on the journey back to the Tabard Inn in Southwark.
In summer 1881, a typhoid outbreak killed seven colonists & mdash; including Dakeyne & mdash; and forced the Tabard Inn to close for cleansing, but the colony recovered.
They take lodging at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, and there the host _ the charismatic Harry Bailey _ organizes the storytelpng among the pilgrims, offering a free dinner to the person relating the best story.
But what I felt at that moment was certainly part _ if not all _ of what Chaucer\'s pilgrims were seeking on the journey they broke at the Tabard Inn, where they agreed to tell their stories.
Budget : On a residential Dupont Circle block, the Tabard Inn, 1739 N St ., N . W ., ( 202 ) 785-1277, fax ( 202 ) 785-6173, is engagingly quirky.
Cribbins is also the voice of Harry Bailey, the landlord of the Tabard Inn described by Geoffrey Chaucer in " The Canterbury Tales ", at the Canterbury Tales Attraction in Kent, which he recorded in 1987.
The colony\'s first frame structure, known as the " Asylum " ( now the Pioneer Cottage ), was erected in early 1880, and the first wave of colonists constructed tennis and croquet courts, and built a walkway to " The Meeting of the Waters . " Within a few months, several residences had been pleted, along with the three-story Tabard Inn, which was named for the Southwark hostelry in " Canterbury Tales ".
In the article, From Southwark\'s Tabard Inn to Canterbury\'s Cheker-Of-the Hope : the Un-Chaucerian Tale of Beryn, Jean E . Jost postulates that the courtly love tradition as seen in The Canterbury Tales is absent in The Tale of Beryn . To demonstrate this claim, Jost s essay examines the courtly tradition, the prologue, the tale itself, including the characters, and also the tale s poetic proficiency as a way of demonstrating the differences beeen the original The Canterbury Tales and un-Chaucerian poet s Tale of Beryn ( 133 ).
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