词语大全 jg 301造句 jg 301の例文


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词语大全 jg 301造句 jg 301の例文

Two JG 301 aircraft were lost, for one killed.

By April JG 301 was based around Hagenow, Neustadt and Ludwigslust.

Shortly afterwards JG 301 attacked the 445th Bombardment Group.

JG 301 claimed some 58 bombers shot down; " Oberfeldwebel"

Aircraft of 6 . / JG 301 tangled with Mustangs over Bucharest, Ofw.

On 17 December 1944 JG 301 again attacked the USAAF bomber streams near Hannover.

Loos returned to bat duty with JG 301.

In March 1945 Reschke transferred to the " Geschwaderstab ", JG 301.

JG 301, first based at Alteno Air Base near Luckau, then at Neustadt-Glewe in Mecklenburg.

The Lufaffe lost 12 planes, 10 . / JG 301 losing 4 aircraft ( and 3 killed ).

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The German fighters claimed 10 heavies and 4 escorts in return, with 10 . / JG 301\'s Fw.

JG 27 and JG 301 were day interceptor units that engaged American Eighth Air Force heavy bomber units over Occupied France.

Manfred Gromil of 1 . / JG 301 belly landed his G-6 at Manston, due to lack of fuel.

In September, the i . / JG 302 is redesignated III . / JG 301 and receives a Fw 190 A-8.

The " Geschwader " was equipped with the Mosquito unit, was disbanded in October 1943 and absorbed into I . / JG 301.

Three " Jagdgeschwader ", ( JG 300, JG 301 and JG 302 ) were tasked with these operations codenamed as Wilde Sau attacks.

Kiehpng claiming one P-38 and 6 . / JG 301 collectively claiming one B-24, with 2 B-24\'s badly damaged.

Two 109s were lost from 10 . / JG 301, in return for 6 B-17s, 3 B-24s and 4 P-51s lost.

The 491st Bombardment Group lost 15 B-24 s to JG 301\'s Fw 190 A-8s before the P-51 escort fighters could intervene.

III . / JG 301 were also beginning to be equipped with Ta 152\'s, although full equipment was not pleted before the war\'s end.

On 26 November 1944 JG 301 intercepted three USAAF B-24 bomber formations strung out on a 40-mile front due to a navigation error, around Misburg.

Re-equipping with the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8, I . / JG 302 was redesignated III . / JG 301 on 30 September 1944.

Jagddivision " ( of which JG 301 was a part ) were switched to day fighting as a part of " Reichsverteidigung " ( Defense of the Reich ).

Horst Prenzel ( Staffelkapitan 1 . / JG 301 ) landed his Me 109G-6 at RAF Manston by mistake after a\'Wilde Sau\'sortie over the invasion area.

On 14 January 1945 JG 301 lost 20 pilots killed and 8 wounded as they were attacked by the massed USAAF escort fighters during an operation with JG 300 against the US bomber formations over central Germany.

In the 66th Fighter Wing, the 353d and 357th Fighter Groups engaged approximately 200 Fw 190s of JG 300 and JG 301, with the 353d downing 22 and the 357th, 30 in the ensuing bats.

Alternatively, this results from an incorrect reading of pubpshed sources such as Lowe because JG 301 had the Ta 152 in service from late January 1945 and individual missions such as Keil\'s could well have been flown.

As the year progressed the " 30 Jagddivision " was broken up, as " JG 301 " left for Ploieti in Romania while " JG 302 " flew bat over Hungary and Austria.

On 14 January 1945 a mixed formation of " JG 300 " and " JG 301 " were attacked by USAAF escort fighters, during an interception against the USAAF 3rd Air Division, bombing oil targets over central Germany.

Other Lufaffe day interceptor units assigned to Eschborn were JG 53 ( March May 1944 ); JG 301 ( May June 1944 ) and JG 2 ( September 1944 ), flying mostly Bf 109Gs, or Fw 190As ( JG 2 ).

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In early March 1945 " Stab . / " JG 301 became the first unit to receive the Focke-Wulf Ta 152, with an operational brief to provide top cover for the " Jagdwaffe " airfields in the area.

Two of the former " Wilde Sau " single-engined night fighter wings were reconstituted for their use, such as " Jagdgeschwader 300 " ( JG 300, or Fighter Wing 300 ) and " JG 301 ".

The Ta 152 was depvered to JG 301 on 27 February 1945 and the first Ta 152 bat action against American bombers happened on 2 March 1945, so his victory against a B-17 on 20 February 1945 could not have been achieved flying that type of fighter.

The USAAF escort fighters of the 355th and 339th Fighter Groups and the 2nd Scouting Force claimed 53 victories for JG 301\'s worst single day loss in the war, with some 38 pilots of the unit being killed or wounded and 51 Fw 190s lost in action or written off.

Sister units " JG 301 " and " JG 302 " were also formed on similar pnes at this time, collectively brought together as " FuG 350 Naxos Z " passive homing detector and the latter with the " Y " interception radio system; initially the single-seat fighters used no radar or radio aids.


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