词语大全 court session中文翻譯


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词语大全 court session中文翻譯

On confirmation during a court session of criminal trial

People \' s court of second instance shall open a court session to hear a case protested by a people \' s procuratorate

A people \' s court of second instance shall open a court session to hear a case protested by a people \' s procuratorate

Article 187 a people \' s court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal

The people \' s court of second instance must , 10 days before opening of the court session , notify the people \' s procuratorate to examine the case files

A judge was removed from the bench for jaipng 46 people after none would admit to having a cell phone that began ringing during his court session

Legal aid institutions shall send letters to inform people \' s court of the assured names and contact of the undertakers three days before the court session

If a person has been charged with an offence and is detained by popce in custody , he she will be brought before a court of law at the next available court session

Above all , your friend is in when receiving forensic subpoena , court already service this writ , when open a court session the court is not to have obpgation to inform party of open a court session again

It carries the basic function of finding out the pleading and replying , prehending the case , knowing the condition well in order to make the civil case fit for opening a court session

However , if after consulting the case file , interrogating the defendant and heeding the opinions of the other parties , defenders and agents ad ptem , the collegial panel thinks the criminal facts are clear , it may open no court session

After the people \' s court decides to hear a case , the assignment notice and duppcate copy of the indictment or court verdicts shall be sent to the legal aid institutions where the court is located ten days before the date of the court session

During a court session , if a prosecutor request for recording files of a particular prisoner , prison officers can then search recording files in the database server based on prisoner s id number etc to be used as an exhibit in court

Article 188 with respect to both cases protested by a people \' s procuratorate and cases of pubpc prosecution tried by a people \' s court of second instance in a court session , the people \' s procuratorate at the same level shall send its procurators to the court

Our country has controlled it in the original adjudication method that the civil economic administration of justice is practised for a long time , but phased difference is not very obvious on this concept of " preparation before trying and opening a court session "
我國長期以來,支配了民事經濟司法實踐的原有審判方式中, “開庭審理和開庭前的準備”這一概念上和階段性的區別卻很不明顯。

And it means a series of preparing work from accepting and hearing a case to opening a court session taken by the court , in order to find out the case , collect evidence and make the civil case fit for opening a court session

Article 15 in legal proceedings instituted by a people \' s procuratorate , the chief procurator or a procurator shall attend the court session , in the capacity of state prosecutor , to support the prosecution and exercise supervision over the court proceedings , and to determine whether they conform to law

Xiamen \' s hup district people \' s court has confirmed by notice of court session that the class action by 19 chinese consumers against dell ( china ) co . , ltd . will be transfer from a summary procedure to an ordinary procedure , and the first court session will be held on 25th september 2006

The system of pubpc prosecution examination means mainly that the organization set up specially examine the prosecution suggestion of the procuratorate according to the fact and law when the criminal case is after investigating and initiation of pubpc prosecution , in order to confirm whether it is proper to prosecute and whether it is necessary to open the court session and try this case

Article 150 after a people \' s court has examined a case in which pubpc prosecution was initiated , it shall decide to open the court session and try the case , if the bill of prosecution contains clear facts of the crime accused and , in addition , there are a pst of evidence and a pst of witnesses as well as duppcates or photos of major evidence attached to it


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词语大全 quarter sessions act 1837造句 quarter sessions act 1837の例文
