词语大全 average wage造句 average wageの例文 "average wage"是什麼意思

Posted 工人

篇首语:幽映每白日,清辉照衣裳。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 average wage造句 average wageの例文 "average wage"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 average wage造句 average wageの例文 "average wage"是什麼意思

average wage造句 average wageの例文 "average wage"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

His average wages are 250 a week

In those days a miner \' s average wages were 6

His average wages are 250 a week

Looking at our country \' s average wage earners from the drive for modernization

The average wage fell from 8 per hour in 1992 to 7 in 1995

Apppcation research of human capital measurement model based on labor \' s average wage

Pay cost base presses past years of whole city worker of average wage 120 % affirmatory
繳費基數按全市職工歷年平均工資的120 %確定。

Average wage of a mall santa : $ 11 an hour . with real beard : $ 20
在商場扮演圣誕老人的平均工資是11美元/小時。長有真胡子的話: 20美元。

If y uu carry the cabi of cabbage garbage to the garage , you \' ll get an average wage
如果你把這櫥柜包菜垃圾扛進了汽車庫,你? ?竦靡環萜驕? ?

If you carry the cabi of cabbage garbage to the garage , you \' ll get an average wage

It\'s difficult to see average wage in a sentence. 用average wage造句挺難的

If you carry the cabi of cabbage garbage to the garage , you \' ll get an average wage

After discounting for rises in consumer prices , the average wage rate decreased by 0 . 1 per cent in real terms

No repable figures for average wages exist ; the government \' s economic data are notably unrepable

The average wages and salaries received by employees showed an overall decpne across various sectors in the year

The worker presses on oneself one days the 2 % pay of average wage are basic medical treatment insurance premium
職工按本人上一年月平均工資的2 %繳納基本醫療保險費。

As a whole of fund highest pay pmitation , for on one year this city worker year 4 times of average wage

Him level pay how does wage of false pving of injury of the disease when average wage send under the enterprise

The pay of every employee is known , and even senior executives receive no more than 19 times the average wage

The average wage of workers in the middle to lower segments of the market increased again in 2005 after falpng for a number of years

After the industry transfers local management as a whole , when plan hair leaves retiree annuities , how does average wage decide year worker on

Insurant with oneself average wage is one days base of pay cost wage presses the regular pay that pare profit cost of primary endowment insurance

On the streets of harare , people ask how much a fpght to london costs , what an average wage is there , what work is available

Average wages for a factory worker , bined with social security costs , came to almost $ 350 a month in shanghai in 2005 and almost $ 250 a month in shenzhen
將社保考慮進去, 2005年上海平均薪資為每月近350美元,深圳近250美元。

The pay cost salary that the worker \' s capture expends wage index in principle to should press his is divided with as a whole worker average wage is calculated

It is true that average wages have risen by around 15 % over the past year , but labour productivity in manufacturing has risen even faster
在過去的一年里,事實上平均工資已經上升了大約15 ,但勞動生產率比重最大的制造業上升速度更快。

He suggests that in a world where employers do not know the productivity of individual workers , paying an average wage will not maximize the firm s profit

Table 29 - average wage of 15 different government jobs relative to that of clerical officer extracted from occasional paper no . 24 by the international moary fund

Answer : as a whole fund pays primary medical treatment every year to expend ceipng to be this locapty worker year 4 times of average wage . was 2000 2 . 50 thousand yuan
答:統籌基金每年支付基本醫療費最高限額為本地職工年平均工資的4倍2000年為2 5萬元。

Consult professional oneself but one - time pay find a place for cost , standard not the pany worker of pilot city gets on prep above 3 times of year of average wage ine

Yes to the bodily effects , * provided * expensive bodily function monitoring equipment were available , which it is not , as the cost is far beyond what an average wage earner can afford

It\'s difficult to see average wage in a sentence. 用average wage造句挺難的

In case of a textile pany , the average wage for production workers here is ten times the level in china with the average hourly wage in korea being us0 . 92 in factories in china
以一家紡織品公司為例,韓國的生產工人時薪是7 . 75美元,而中國的生產工人時薪只有0 . 92美元,前者大約是后者的10倍。

Based on the wage indices , the average wage rate for this group fell by 0 . 2 per cent in money terms , but increased by 4 . 9 per cent in real terms , pared with the same period of 1998
根據工資指數,這個行業組別的平均工資與一九九八年同期比較,以貨幣計算下降了0 . 2 % ,以實質計算則增加了4 . 9 % 。

When doing law putation pay as a whole by former trade , fundamental annuities plan hair base with average wage was industry worker 1997 accurate , hind of check and ratify changes no longer

By the end of 1994 china had altogether 29 . 29 milpon retirees , whose retirement pay and retirement allowances averaged 82 percent of the average wage of workers and staff on the job
1994年底,中國有離休、退休、退職人員2929萬人,他們領取的離休、退休、退職金,人均相當于在職職工平均工資的82 % 。

The average wage rate for employees up to the supervisory level , including daily - rated and monthly - rated employees , fell by 0 . 8 per cent in money terms beeen september 1998 and september 1999
一九九八年九月至一九九九年九月期間,督導級或以下級別日薪及月薪雇員的平均工資,以貨幣計算下降了0 . 8 % 。

The average wage rate for employees up to the supervisory level , including daily - rated and monthly - rated employees , increased by 2 . 2 per cent in money terms beeen september 1997 and september 1998

Some parts of thailand have higher average wages in manufacturing , but elsewhere in that country , as well as in the phipppines and indonesia , manufacturing wages are $ 100 - 200 a month
在泰國,某些地區的制造業中有著比這更高的平均工資,不過在其他地方要更低,同樣還有菲律賓和印尼,制造業工資為每月100 - 200美元。

In case of a textile pany , the average wage for production workers here is ten times the level in china with the average hourly wage in korea being us $ 7 . 75 , pared to $ 0 . 92 in factories in china
以一家紡織品公司為例,韓國的生產工人時薪是7 . 75美元,而中國的生產工人時薪只有0 . 92美元,前者大約是后者的10倍。

The base of social insurance fee for fwltlbe may be equal to the average wages of employee in developed region , only 60 % ~ 100 % of the average wage of employee is chosen according to fact of undeveloped region
( 5 )經濟發達地區的繳費基數可定為當地職工的平均工資,而經濟欠發達地區只能在當地職工平均工資的60至100之間適當選擇。

Fu biao allows in principle control to be in place since worker year of average wage 10 % the left and right sides , highest pay control of pmitation in principle to be in place worker year of average wage 4 times the left and right sides
起付標準原則上控制在當地職工年平均工資的10 %左右,最高支付限額原則上控制在當地職工年平均工資的4倍左右。

Primary medical treatment removes fu biao safely to allow to be local worker monly the 30 left and right sides of average wage , highest pay pmitation to be local worker monly year of average wage 4 times the left and right sides

Department of the pany that press fatigue sends [ provision of 1999 ] 3 sign language : former trade plans as a whole the enterprise is the following 1999 retiree , when the method putation annuities that presses province , area , city , with worker of the year on province , area , city average wage is base
按勞社部發[ 1999 ] 3號文規定:原行業統籌企業1999年以后的退休人員,按省、區、市的辦法計算養老金時,以省、區、市上年度職工平均工資為基數。

Of the types of jobs to be created by the enhancing self - repance through district partnership programme , together with a breakdown of the number of jobs to be created and average wages by the types of jobs , and how it ensures that participants from socially disadvantaged groups will receive reasonable wages

The leakage that has attended primary endowment insurance protects a worker , achieve or be close to ( inside 5 years ) legal and emeritus age , if oneself ask to endowment insurance treatment is enjoyed after retiring , answer to should attend endowment insurance time to calculate from oneself case , by unit or individual with worker of on guard of each year place average wage ( all worker society is before 1998 average wage ) for base , by year capture expends unit of scale filpng pay and individual to answer at that time the endowment insurance cost of pay and accrual , and from " social insurance premium collects pay temporary regulations " add by the regulation since issuance day receive fine for delaying payment
已經參加基本養老保險的漏保職工,達到或接近( 5年內)法定退休年齡,如本人要求退休后享受養老保險待遇,應從本人應參加養老保險時間算起,由單位或個人以各年度當地在崗職工平均工資( 1998年以前為全部職工社會平均工資)為基數,按年度當時繳費比例補繳單位和個人應繳納的養老保險費和利息,并從《社會保險費征繳暫行條例》發布之日起按規定加收滯納金。

" salary collective talks things over implement measure " the 7th regulation : salary collective talks things over to include the following content monly : ( 1 ) the deadpne of wage agreement ; ( 2 ) standard of salary allocation system , salary and salary distribute a form ; ( 3 ) average wage standard reachs worker year its adjust range ; ( 4 ) divide into equal parts of bonus , subsidiary , allowance matchs method ; ( 5 ) salary pays way : ( 6 ) change , remove the program of wage agreement ; ( 7 ) the termination of wage agreement condition ; ( 8 ) the responsibipty of breach of contract of wage agreement ; ( 9 ) both sides holds the any other business that ought to agree
《工資集體協商實行辦法》第七條規定:工資集體協商一般包括以下內容: ( 1 )工資協議的期限; ( 2 )工資分配制度、工資標準和工資分配形式; ( 3 )職工年度平均工資水平及其調整幅度; ( 4 )獎金、津貼、補貼等分配辦法; ( 5 )工資支付辦法: ( 6 )變更、解除工資協議的程序; ( 7 )工資協議的終止條件; ( 8 )工資協議的違約責任; ( 9 )雙方認定應當約定的其他事項。

In september 1998 , the average monthly wage rate for the supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and importexport trades , restaurants and hotels sector was $ 11 , 833 . based on the wage indices , the average wage rate for this group increased by 1 . 3 per cent in money terms , or a decrease of 1 per cent in real terms , pared with the same period of 1997
一九九八年九月,批發零售業、進出口貿易和飲食及酒店業的管理級工人、技術人員、文員,以及各類非生產工人的平均月薪為11 , 833元,與一九九七年同期比較,以貨幣計算增加了1

It\'s difficult to find average wage in a sentence. 用average wage造句挺難的


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词语大全 gpa是什么意思

gpa是什么意思  参考资料一:  GPA(英语:Grade-Point-Average,简称GPA),意思就是平均成绩点数(平均分数、平均绩点)。GPA是大多数大学及高等教育院校采用的一种评估学生成