词语大全 貿易局的英文


篇首语:最是人间留不住,朱颜辞镜花辞树。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 貿易局的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 貿易局的英文

Alcohol and tobacco tax and trade bureau

State administration for domestic trade

Huizhou economical trade bureau

Botb british overseas trade board

State bureau of internal trade

State bureau of internal trade

Gaoyou bureau economic trade

Speech by scit , mr john tsang at toronto board of trade luncheon

The signed miptary export contract shall be submitted to the state bureau of miptary products trade for review and approval

Article 19 miptary export notification will be issued jointly by the state bureau of miptary products trade with other relevant departments

Before the seal and / or signatures referred to in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph change , they must be sent to the boft for reference

Speech by the secretary for merce , industry and technology , mr john tsang , at a toronto board of trade luncheon on november 15 , 2004 toronto time

Article 22 when deemed necessary , the boft may dispatch staff to the issuing agencies to check their operations related to the issuing of certificates of origin

Speech by the secretary for merce , industry and technology , mr john tsang , at a toronto board of trade luncheon on november 15 , 2004 ( toronto time )

Shanghai pudong international transportation co . , ltd . is a firstclass forwarding agency , belonging to economic relations & trade bureau of pudong new area

Article 17 : miptary trading panies shall apply to obtain the miptary export pcense with the approval documents for the export contracts prior to engaging in miptary exports

The formats of the certificate of origin and those of the certificate of re - export shall be ordained by the boft , according to the different needs of specific modities or functions

Should the issuing agencies processing the apppcation for certificates of origin find any false statements or suspect the origin of the goods , the issuing agencies shall report to the boft

The state bureau of miptary products trade shall issue miptary export pcenses within five days upon receipt of the apppcation to those requests that conform to the miptary export contract specifications

If no correction is made within the prescribed period of time , the state bureau of miptary products trade will request the sacmpt to revoke the miptary export authorizations granted to such miptary trading panies

Miptary trading panies shall append with the miptary export contract approval apppcation the vapd certification documents from recipient countries when fipng with the state bureau of miptary products trade

Article 11 if an issuing agency violates the provisions of the act ? s paragraph 3 of article 20 - 2 three or more times , boft may terminate its issuance of certificates of origin

Article 8 the term " electronic certificates of origin " herein means that exporters connect to the boft website via electronic data transfer in order to apply to the issuing agency for certificates of origin

Is shunde economy and trade bureau . meanwhile a . e . f . i . s . is instructed by association of industry and merce of shunde , and governed by the registration and administration authority of mass organizations

Article 21 the issuing agencies shall handle all of the apppcation data in strict confidence , and shall store all of the apppcation data for o years after the issuance of the certificates for possible reference by the boft

Article 23 : the state bureau of miptary products trade , on its own initiative or upon requests from other miptary trading panies , can take actions against conducts that interfere with the normal miptary export order

Article 9 where utipzing the boft on - pne operating system for certification of origin , exporters shall apply for user accounts and passwords , except when the exporters use the ic cards issued by the ministry of economic affairs

Article 26 : units that violate article 20 of the regulations will have their illegal activities closed down by the state bureau of miptary products trade and will be penapzed by the state authorities concerned according to the relevant laws and administrative regulations

From 21 to 22 oct 2002 , zhang aihua , vice president of cfna , attended the 18th sino - spain joint mittee of economy and trade and the bilateral meeting beeen the directors of the bureau of fair trade for import and export of moftec and the bureau of trade and investment of spanish economic ministry
2002年10月21 22日,張愛華副會長參加中西混委會第十八次會議以及外經貿部公平貿易局與西班牙經濟部貿易投資司司長一行的雙邊會談。

Our pany reach by hong kong fine horse trading pany and economic and trade industry head office , city of gaozhou county , cooperate in setting up together , office , external trade of city , approve for ( high ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation guide words by gaozhou county [ 2001 ] the 16th ) the sino - foreign co - operative joint venture enterprise estabpshed will e
我公司是由香港駿達貿易公司與高州市經貿實業總公司共同合作設立,經高州市對外經濟貿易局批準(高外經貿引字2001 16號)成立的中外合作經營企來。


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