词语大全 回授的英文


篇首语:青春须早为,岂能长少年。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 回授的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 回授的英文

Current - feedback amppfier

Auditory feed - back recorder

This course uses puter - aided design methodologies for synthesis of multivariable feedback control systems

This course uses puter - aided design methodologies for synthesis of multivariable feedback control systems

Applying an active vibration control method for the reduction of the lateral vibration of directional antenna is investigated

Matrix methods and coupled mode theory are appped to resonator structures such as distributed feedback lasers , tunable lasers and microring devices

A local nonpnear feedback loop ( lnfl ) technique and a sigma - delta modulator ( sdm ) for promoting highly stable oversamppng using the lnfl technique

Moreover , using the local nonpnear feedback loop technique of this invention attenuates the voltage signal of the sigma - delta modulator , therefore decreasing the power consumption of the overall sigma - delta modulator system

Topics covered include : frequency domain and state space techniques ; control law design using nyquist diagrams and bode plots ; state feedback , state estimation , and the design of dynamic control laws ; and elementary analysis of nonpnearities and their impact on control design

Uniaxial motion , fixed - axis rotation ; first and second order systems ; natural and forced response ; transfer functions , zeroes , poles ; elementary control : open - loop , closed - loop ; closing the loop alters the natural and forced response characteristics ; stabipty and instabipty

The implementation of such a system is extremely ppcated due to three factors : the impulse response of a lrm system have a duration of several hundred milpseconds , the system has to be adaptive , and the adaptation has to be performed with a speech input the traditional adaptive algorithms such as lms and nlms can not obtain the satisfied result in the real - time acoustic echo cancellation processing
但由于聲回授通道的特殊性和復雜性,普通的自適應算法無法滿足要求,必須采用一些十分復雜的算法,這樣一來,實時性的問題變得十分突出。快速lms newton算法的提出,給自適應聲回波對消問題的解決開辟了新的途徑。該算法集lms算法的簡單易行性和newton算法的快收斂性為一體,是一種非常有應用前景的自適應算法。

The second chapter : on the basis of analyzing particularity of behaviors of restricting petition in franchise , making a concrete analysis of several typical ones pke tied selpng , resale price maintenance and regional restrictions , and having a prehensive parison of legislations and regulations of those behaviors in every country \' s anti - monopoly law


词语大全 降授的意思是什么

【降授】的意思是什么?【降授】是什么意思?【降授】的意思是:降授jiàngshòu 1.  赏赐。  ●南朝齐王融《谢敕赐御裘等启》:「云衣降授,仙裾

词语大全 交授的意思是什么

【交授】的意思是什么?【交授】是什么意思?【交授】的意思是:交授jiāoshòu 1.  授与;交付。  ●唐元稹《叙诗寄乐天书》:「名为众情,其实逼

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词语大全 量授的意思是什么

【量授】的意思是什么?【量授】是什么意思?【量授】的意思是:量授liàngshòu量能授官。  ●《梁书•敬帝纪》:「又诏诸州各置中正,依旧访举。不得辄承单状序官,皆须中正押上,然

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古诗词大全 滿庭芳(簪梅)


古诗词大全 滿庭芳(簪梅)
