词语大全 cone in中文翻譯


篇首语:非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cone in中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cone in中文翻譯

The direction of the axis changes gradually so that it traces out a cone in space .

Presently the secretary of the gun club appeared at the top of the cone in a triumphant attitude .

On building new tourism golden cone in the west of china

It is illegal to transport an ice cream cone in your pocket

Experimental study of flow - induced tones of nose cones in high - speed flows

An ice cream cone in the afternoon tided mary over until supper

The presence of more than o types of cones in the retina allows an even greater capacity to see different colors

Distribution of cones in the crown and the ratio of pollen to ovule in seed orchard of cunninghamia lenceolata hook located at chongyang

Methods equi - luminance random dots moving test was used to determine the change of motion perception of blue , green and red cones in 51 eyes with poag

Theoreme 3 . 4 let p be a regular cone in e and a : be an increasing operator such that then a has a maximal fixed point u * and a minimal fixed point it , in [ u0 , u0 ] i moreover theoreme 3 . 5 h c lc [ r + , e ] is relatively pact if and only if 10 the function in h is equicontinuous in [ 0 , 6 ] for any b > 0 , 20 h ( t ) = is relatively pact in e for any t r + , 30 when is uniform for any x ? h theoreme 3 . 7 h c fc \' [ r + , e ] is relatively pact is and only if 10 the function in h is equicontinuous in [ a
川e d人qn v , q都有。丘口川三(三…三un )三…三u小) s ( v ” k1 … 1 ) 、什i … ) ; (門) n (八wc人第三節,作為預備知識首先討論了空間lc r , e中的錐與bclllch空間e中的錐的關系,然后給出了無窮區間上兩類抽象連續由數族相對緊的充要條件,并用它lfl考察了一階微分方程的終值問題和fredholm型積分方程解的存在性

Main results : theorem 1 let e be a real banach space , p be a normal cone in e . conditions ( a1 ) - ( a3 ) be satisfied , let k0 < c2 , and l = max 1 , maxj g ( t , s ) , inequapty 4l # [ c3 + m + 47 # k0 ( c4 + 2n ) ] < 1 holds . then there exist monotone sequences vn ( t ) , ( wn ( t ) , such that uniformly on i and p ( t ] , r ( t ) are minimal and maximal solutions beeen vq and w0 forpbvp ( 1 . 1 )
( a2 )存在常數m o , n 0 ,滿足這里( a3 )對和等度連續的有界單調序列都有其中本文的主要定理:定理設為實空間, p是中正規錐,條件滿足,設設滿足則存在單調序列在上一致成立,且分別為上的最小解和最大解

Throughout the following of this section , e denotes a real banach space and p is a cone in e . in chapter , a new three - solution theorem is obtained . moreover , the famous amann \' s and leggett - wilpams " three - solution theorems in nonpnear functional analysis can be seen as its special cases , namely they are united . so they are improved . the main results can be stated as the following : let d be a nonempty bounded close convex subset in e , and nonnegative continuous functional on d . and is concave while is convex . suppose 0 < d and denote
首先我們約定,在下文中, e是實banach空間, p是e中的錐。在第一章中,我們利用錐理論與不動點指數理論統一了著名的amann三解定理與leggett - wilpams三解定理。主要結論是:設d是e中的非空有界閉凸集, ,是d上的非負連續泛函,且是凹泛函,是凸泛函。

Fluorescence power transfer function , three - dimensional point spread function ( 3d - psf ) and three - dimensional optical transfer function ( sd - otf ) for the various fluorescent wavelength of the o kinds of fluorescence confocal scanning microscopy are calculated in this paper by using fourier imaging theory . the results show that the fluorescent wavelength has influence on imaging property of confocal microscopy such as spatial cut - off frequency , resolution and 3d - otf . there is a different missing - cone in the 3 - d space of otf when the ratio of excitation wavelength to fluorescent wavelength decreases


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