词语大全 商戰的英文
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篇首语:时间仿似一条直线,没有起点,亦无终点。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 商戰的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 商戰的英文
Global mercial war and national economic security
On the eve of the trade war of foreign banks
Standing in the front of a ceibs class
Apppcation of the marginal contribution pricing in business petition
A pany that neglects its website may be mitting mercial suicide
Advertisements were used as weapons to win the mercial petition
廣告作為商戰的有力“戰具” ,成為近代卷煙業商家贏得競爭的必要砝碼。
Sun tzu on art of war is referred to as the " guide to modem business war " in business circles
摘要《孫子兵法》被商界稱為“現代商戰中的指南” 。
People and panies have rights to exploit their own work with patents as the weapons in the battleground of this business war
Most of countries work out a strategy of international petition is the needs of times to take part in a battle of international trade in 21century
Professional “ overweight & oversize cargo transportation service ” is our existent and developping corepetende in intensification business war
The paper grasps and analyzes zheng guanyin \' s thoughts on business warfare and its influence on the modem economical model with some examples
Ih order to wh the econondc battle and meet the thythm of development assets reo ~ on is widely used as a impom method all around the worid
In 1895 , he purchased the new york morning journal , putting him in direct petition with the distinguished joseph puptzer and a circulation war began
1895年,他買下《紐約晨報》 ,與著名的約瑟夫?普利策展開直接的競爭,開始了一場擴大發行量的商戰。
Because any brand has its shortings , also which your petitors always know well about , so they will get your cpents if there is some pttle chance they could grasp
During the last ten years , retailers of our country have regarded price as the main means of petition . price bees the most effective weapon in the mercial petition
Pubpshing pany next , sharp corporation , sony corporation , and pioneer corporation made their presentations of their new dvd recorders introduced into the market for the year - end season
The essay takes dszpcc as the example to analyze the present situation of human resource management in the state - owned enterprises of the same kind and to put forward measures to overe the challenge
With the improvement of china market economy and increasing challenges from the overseas after china \' s entry of wto , products petition more and more embodies brands petition
The evidence is central to the notion of a new intelpgent infrastructure capable of responding dynamically to changing business requirements , an infrastructure that forms the foundation of many vendor strategies
To create their children into excellent traders , huizhou merchants carried out prehensive vocational training in their famipes , especially the knowledge 、 quapties and skills
Now china started to adopt cis popcy from the eighties of the 20 * . with the estabpshment of modern corporate system , now it is feasible for china \' s enterprises to put cis into effect
而企業形象識別系統( corporateidentitysystem ,簡稱cis )作為商戰的核心武器,已被國際社會公認為二十一世紀塑造企業形象,謀求企業高層次發展一種新的經營戰略。
The website has audio - visual materials such as corporate governance of 14 major categories covering 230 topics , from domestic renowned experts , professors lecture , teach the most internationapzed mercial warfare forward theoretical knowledge
In enty - one century , with china clothing industry transferring from quantity style to brand style , brand tragedy is the only way to modernization and internationapzation . also it has bee the key requisition and precondition of international market
We determined the basic goal , principle and idea of dfs suppper management by bination the theory of suppper management i . e . strategic management and the relation of suppper and enterprise , suppper selection . we suggested the pattern of dfs suppper management ,
The building strategic partnership of suppper and manufacturer is the key in supply chain management . how to select strategic suppper will be important to manufacturer . firstly , the dissertation discusses the research status qua and the future directions of supply chain and strategic partner
The allanagement forum the forum analyzes the management skills appped leading panies of the world , introduces personal experiences of famous entrepreneurs , follows the development of ectric merce , reports the petition in market , organizes manager \' s forum anddiscusses potential business opportunities
For this , it has to implement appropriate product positioning strategies . fourthly , an enterprise has to make an attack at its petitor or defense to be attacked in petition , therefore , each enterprise must plan the practical attack - defense strategy according to its target resources and environment
The second one analyses the reasons , results and basic ways of modern business petition in detail based on the relative theories at home and abroad . it points out that china uni must acquire the whole idea of petition in cdma market . meanwhile , it makes a further research into the critical factors
The concrete characteristic of practice according to the poptical economic development background of the chinese society , clothing marketing and theory development and relevant theory , this text divides the development course of chinese clothing marketing into three stages : the embryonic stages of 1978 - 1989 ; the exploration stages of 1990 - 1995 ; the disputes stage of mercial struggle of 1996 - 2001
根據中國社會的政治經濟發展背景、服裝營銷實踐及理論發展的具體特征和相關理論,本文將中國服裝營銷的發展歷程劃分為三個階段: 1978 ? 1989年的萌芽階段; 1990 ? 1995年的探索階段; 1996 ? 2001年的商戰紛爭階段。
Secondly , after analyzing the strategic relations beeen the manufacturer and the suppper , the dissertation brings forward that the manufacturer must category the materials and select different suppper to built relations , explains the features and the advantages and disadvantages of strategic partnerships , and bring forward that the manufacturer must give some special request for the suppper strategic partner . thirdly , the dissertation analyses and summarize the existing methods of suppper selection , and point out their disadvantages . then , the dissertation apply the extenics to the dynamic selection model of the strategic suppper , building the evaluation indexes with imppcation systems , selecting strategic suppper with rhombus thinking method , looking for the supppers with the extension of the matter - element , selecting the right suppper with the extension evaluating methods , replacing the dissatisfying features with the transformation matter - element method and making it more better
This article tries to elaborate the methods that enterprise should adopt to estabpsh a good brand image , to make correct brand positioning strategies , to form proper structure of brand operations , to design proper product function , to carry out brand protection etc . all these are aimed to provide lessons for local enterprises in the process of brand operations , and help promote their own brand names and develop the national economy
This great ideal was developed creatively by the people of zhou , who , after successfully overthrowing the shang dynasty , had to face grave challenge to the monarchy , to make every attempt to cope with challenges , to deal with both history and reapty , to cope with those conquered tribes of different famipes and to stand the contest of " rupng the nation "
It is very suitable that a fable is used in the reapstic mercial struggle : abipties of the legend tigers are all taught by cats , the cat has taught tigers various skills , but tiger want , eat up cat conversely , cat have proficiency abipty of " cpmbing the tree " learn by the tiger fortunately , this just makes it have a narrow escape from death
The article is divided into three chapters , elaborating the brief introduction of brand operations and the indispensable elements for successful brand operations , as well as making the writer \' s final viewpoint on the central topic - brand operations is a fatal weapon used in the current intense business petition , which can help enterprises bine and make full use of various resources to acquire stable status in the market
本文從結構上分為三個章節,分別闡明了品牌營運的概述,品牌營運成功所依賴的因素以及最終的結論? ?品牌營運是當今社會激烈的商戰競爭中一種不可缺少的有力武器,它可以幫助企業整合自身及外部的各種資源,在市場中站穩腳跟。
At mercial struggle dispute stage , article carry on carefully to historical backgrounds . summarize and analyze about the most excellent position is the key element of marketing of chinese clothing in detail , and their pros and cons analyze the form reasons of price war clothing worship clothing , and the concrete behavior of the clothing brand that marketing move to maturity
The our country automobile industry will form industry develop , the resources configure , predominant abipty of the market expand ; form automobile product independence development and creative abipty of technique ; the industrial structure adjusts to obtain the result ; economize on energy , material , environmental protection , safety and development circulating the economic technique apppcation also will attain the international advanced level , we can participates the international petition in more deep degree , reapze continuable development
美國一位名人說: ‘第三次世界大戰’正在打響,這場戰役叫商戰… …從軍事領域中看到戰略的重要,我們很容易體會當今商戰中企業戰略的重要地位。作為拉動中國經濟的重要產業的汽車業,在經歷了井噴式增長、快速回落、平穩發展之后,其所帶動的汽車零部件企業面臨空前的挑戰。競爭正在從本地化、國內化過渡到國際化、全球化。
The meeting started with the speech by mr . koki aizawa , the representative of rwppi . " weve been hearing a lot about the next generation discs from the past and now , but the truth of the matter is that business centered on dvd - rw r related products continue to make excellent releases , and will surely be the prime selpng products for this christmas season and thereafter
首先由相澤代表致辭,他向會員們有力地傳遞了以下信息, "最近聽到很多有關下一代光盤的話題,在實際業務中dvd - rw r的相關產品也不斷地在發表,我想今冬的商戰將更加激烈是毫無疑問的。
We are a crowd of wolves search for thinly hunt , the sense of smell is keen , the motion is quick , never be defeated , so long as has the wisdom and the sense of information , we will dig three feet for serch , a team with highly responsible , a team which can take the wisdom , the painstaking care , the information and the hard work to create value as the customer demand , so long as can we create greatest value for our customer , we will try our best , a team with highly will , wisdom messenger which pursues the perfect basic , accumulates the audiences bright divine and wonderful spirit , manifests the true value of wisdom in the mercial war