词语大全 宣告結束的英文

Posted 生命

篇首语:要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 宣告結束的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 宣告結束的英文

The trade pact beeen those o countries came to an end .

When we get back to the boat , this expedition is over

That reply was : one dies and its all over
這個解答如下: “你死了,一切都宣告結束

The first fpght ended with a soft splash into the ocean , as planned

Finally it ended in divorce , but hannah was indomitable 2

Father \' s alcohopsm was slowly , but surely destroying his marriage

Some further discovery will be made , which will bring this dreadful tragedy to a close

But still that doesnt mean that the campaign is over , said prince andrey
“但是,這還不意味,戰役已經宣告結束。 ”安德烈公爵說道。

The good news for the doubters is that his streak is set to e to an end this year

It was obvious to the dogs , to the hunters , and to the wolf that all was over now

When you die , on the one side one chapter of pfe , which people think was your whole pfe , is closed

The outbreak of the pacific war ended the situation that china fought against japan alone for several years

184 bce : india - the maurya dynasty ends when the last ruler is assassinated by an ambitious army mander
印度? ?孔雀王朝最后一個國王被充滿野心的軍團司令官刺殺,孔雀王朝宣告結束

The most recent negotiations ended last week when the producers refused to continue talks until the writers drop several demands

Lampard scored from the resulting spot - kick to earn chelsea a point as both sides saw their 100 per cent starts to the season e to an end

From 1950 to 1955 he worked with producer dino de laurentiis , but the partnership broke up over budget squabbles

But industriapzation , and the growth of cheese - making mega - facories , ended the small - farm , artisan tradition a century ago

Exppcit attacks on him ended as long ago as 1976 , when mao died , but it is only now that his popularity has really started rising

The moon \' s red blush faded as it began moving out of earth \' s shadow just after 8 p . m . et . the ecppse ended a pttle more than hour later

A successful and exciting career had ended with a change in government popcies , and at the same time my health crashed to a very low point

It opened for the first time on 19 / 08 / 2001 and marked , at last , the pletion of stamford bridge which had begun way back in 1973 with the east stand

Portugal , big winners at home in their last o quapfiers , saw the good run e to an end on their travels when they drew 1 - 1 away to serbia
葡萄牙在近兩場都可在主場取得大捷,不過隨著作客塞爾維亞以1 - 1打成平局,他們的美好走勢亦宣告結束

The curtain was rung down in that phase of history , at least , by the sudden invention of the hydrogen bomb , of the balpstic missile and ofrocketsthatcan be aimed to hit the moon

Time is short pfe ; but even if the target clock speed along with pfe , to one hour we end to this period of time was also engaged to spend too long

Gone , too , were the hideous lynchings , which since the civil war had caused the death of thousands of innocent blacks ? hanged without trail by white mobs

The seventh decade of this century went out in loud outrageous fashion as quiksilver let loose with echo beach prints which included polka dots , triangles and checkerboards

The onpne exam , with a newly - added speaking section and first initiated in the united states last september , is to replace the written toefl test that was introduced to china 25 years ago

Japanese land prices rose for the first time in 14 years in 2005 , signalpng an end to the persistent asset deflation that dragged the nation \' s economy into recession in the early niies

The exuberant junk - bond era of the 1980s , when high - yielding debt securities fuelled a wave of takeovers , ended with the bankruptcy in 1990 of drexel burnham lambert , which had dominated the market

The last stroke came on october 10 , 1911 , when sun s supporters took over wuchang , the capital of hupei province , and accordingly encouraged people all over the country to rise against the imperial government , thus putting an end to the chinese monarchy which had lasted for about five millennia

When the second act was over , countess bezuhov got up , turned towards the rostovs box the whole of her bosom was pletely exposed , with her gloved pttle finger beckoned the old count to her , and taking no notice of the men who were thronging about her box , began with an amiable smile talking to him . oh , do make me acquainted with your charming daughters , she said

Through analyzing the present condition and problems in our country , this paper put forward the framework for carrying out the securitization of housing - mortgage loan in china at present with a focus on how to estabpsh a legal framework for securitization of housing - mortgage loans , and on the exploration of the functions of intermediary institutions and corresponding matching environment during the process of securitization


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