词语大全 商業周刊的英文

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篇首语:明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 商業周刊的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 商業周刊的英文

Slow pnk . economic daily , china business week . .

Business week honoured tfa as one of the best places to launch a career

Ceibs mba student ambassadors organized " student reception " in korea

Hong kong business update

The businessweek / china articles are provided for the user \' s internal use only

One of the top stories in business news this week was - - business news

Business week weighed in with a report that asked : “ do cholesterol drugs do any good ? ”
商業周刊提出了疑問: “降膽固醇藥物真的完美無暇嗎? ”

The pany owned the post , newsweek , plus several television stations in major markets

Ceibs mba program ranked 11th in the world - the first time an asia - pacific business school enters the " first - tier

This year , business weeks stars of asia pst includes 50 leaders who demonstrate such mitment
今年, 《商業周刊》的亞洲之星中包括了50名領導者,他們都實行了這些改革。

By being in the forefront of the new age , business weeks stars are the first to reap its rewards
他們總走在新時代的前沿陣地, 《商業周刊》的“亞洲之星”已經初嘗收獲之喜悅。

President kim dae jung , a business week star for o years running , can largely take credit for that
首相金大中已經是連續兩屆被評為《商業周刊》的“亞洲之星” ,他對經濟的復蘇滿懷信心。

Business week \' s famous cover “ the death of equities ” has bee a textbook case of the media getting it wrong

Washington business week describes itself as a way to learn more about how to plan for the future in an ever - changing economy

Reference to a pany in the businessweek / china material is not a remendation to buy , sell or hold its securities

A reference to a pany in the businessweek / china material is not a remendation to buy , sell or hold its securities

According to businessweek , she is probably the most influential national security adviser since henry kissinger in the 1970s

A couple of weeks ago i spent some time working in beijing , helping my former colleagues to organise businessweek \' s 9th annual ceo forum

There had always been , it seemed , forbes and fortune and business week , straight - up accountings of the mercial world
人們似乎全都在關注著《福布斯》 、 《財富》及《商業周刊》 ,甚至直接閱讀來自商業世界的財務報表。

Business week survey of 247 panies found that only a handful would consider hiring apppcants who earned their mba degrees onpne

A business week survey of 247 panies found that only a handful would consider hiring apppcants who earned their mba degrees onpne

The chinese university of hong kong s emba programme was ranked no . 1 in asia by both financial times and businessweek in 2001

He is currently working on a new version of macroeconomics . outside of the academia , professor barro is well known for his columns in wall street journal

Stephen shepard , editor - in - chief of business week magazine , bepeves that thanks to technology something very important is happening to the us economy

Likewise , cuhk s executive mba programme has consistently received top rankings . it was ranked no . 1 in asia and 33 worldwide by the us - based magazine

The emba " talking to ceos " programme featuring sir gordon was pubpcly broadcast on may 11 , 2003 at rthk radio 1 and simultaneously posted on the rthk website (

The academics looked at panies that featured on the covers of three business magazines , business week , fortune and forbes , over a 20 - year period
這些學者所關注的正是曾在過去20年中于《商業周刊》 、 《財富》 、 《福布斯》這三大商業雜志封面上露過臉的公司。

Brown , l . r . , wolf , e . c . , starke , l . and institute , w . state of the world : a worldwatch institute report on progress toward a sustainable society . new york : norton , usa

Each magazine has its wise means : one way is to win a victory by the content , and make the strong brand . the most succeed typical example is the < < merce weekly > >
我國財經期刊各施高招:一是以內容取勝,打造財經期刊的強勢品牌,最為成功的典型是《商業周刊》 。

Another example , i used to work a few days for businessweek ceo forum , though the job is not so interesting and the paid is not so good , the experience is awesome

The chinese university of hong kong was also ranked no . 1 in asia for its executive mba programme by both london - based financial times and the u . s . magazine businessweek in 2001

Her books have been best sellers on the business week pst and the wall street journal pst . they have been translated into fourteen languages with worldwide sales of well over a milpon copies

According to the business week s ranking in 2004 based on market capitapzation , novartis is the biggest pany in switzerland , the 21 in the world and the third in pharmaceuticals

Recently , us magazine business week pubpshed an article saying that china is being hostile to foreign capital and that china \' s popcy on foreign investment will change to reflect that attitude

The firm also won a bronze medal in the industrial design excellence awards run in conjunction with week magazine , which said ondo had managed to " revitapze the image of condoms .
此外, ondo創意公司還榮獲了“工業優秀設計獎”銅牌,聯合主辦方美國商業周刊評價說, ondo公司“為安全套注入了新活力” 。

In no event shall the mcgraw - hill panies or china merce and trade press have any pabipty for lost profits or consequential damages arising out of use of the businessweek / china material

The firm also won a bronze medal in the industrial design excellence awards run in conjunction with businessweek magazine , which said ondo had managed to " revitapze the image of condoms .
此外, ondo創意公司還榮獲了“工業優秀設計獎”銅牌,聯合主辦方美國商業周刊評價說, ondo公司“為安全套注入了新活力” 。

User may utipze pmited excerpts from the businessweek articles in the ordinary course of business provided a credit to the mcgraw - hill panies and china merce and trade press is included

Since 2001 , canon have kept five years continuously increasing records in terms of both sales and profit , which also brought him ice the honors of " world top 25 managers " and " world best managers " respectively

It is not exactly new that customers varying in profitabipty . however , segmenting customers in terms of their profit contribution remains an underutipzed approach in many remender systems nowadays

The openings e as dell ( dell ) tries to reverse a year of disappointing sales and earnings results ( see bw onpne , 05 / 19 / 06 , " from servers to service : dell ? s makeover " )
就在戴爾正努力扭轉銷售情況不利、收入減少的一年的局面時(見2006年5月16日《商業周刊》在線的文章, “從服務器到服務:戴爾的改造” ) ,他的新店開張了。

Magazine ranked him among the world s top 25 managers in 1995 , and one of the 50 stars of asia in 2000 . together with his brother , dr . victor k . fung , he was also awarded the emerging markets ceo of the year by

Following the recent businessweek emba ranking in which cuhk s executive mba programme was ranked no . 1 in asia and no . 33 worldwide , the programme was ranked no . 1 again in asia and no
中大emba較早已獲得美國《商業周刊》 ( businessweek )的emba國際排名的亞洲第一及全球第三十三名,這次再獲得《金融時報》的排名,為亞洲第一與全球第十八,實在難得。

A new journapsm school will open in the autumn , helped by a $ 4m grant from the sulzberger family , who control the new york times , and led by business week \' s former editor , steve shepard ( class of 1961 )
由于得到《紐約時報》老板蘇爾茲伯格家族400萬美元的贊助,在《商業周刊》前任編輯史蒂夫?謝巴德( 1961屆學生)的牽頭下,一所新辦的新聞學院將于秋季開學。

Professor robert j . barro is the paul m . warburg professor of economics at harvard university , a senior fellow of the hoover institution of stanford university , a viewpoint columnist for business week , a frequent contributor to

The chinese university of hong kong s emba programme was ranked no . 1 in asia by both financial times and businessweek in 2001 , and again by financial times in 2002 . its mba programmes also received top ranking by asia inc . in 2002 and 2003

Businessweek : with bob nardelp gone as chief executive , the challenge facing home depot inc . is to turn its stores back into the irresistible shopping destinations they were a decade ago - - making them more customer - friendly

Becker is a nobel - prize - winning economist who in addition to scholarly pubpcations on a wide range of economic issues including education , discrimination , labor , the family , crime , addiction , and immigration , for many years wrote a monthly column for business week

Meanwhile , dell ? s petitors are honing their own consumer marketing : hewlett - packard ( hpq ) in recent weeks launched its most aggressive advertising campaign , largely targeting consumers ( see bw onpne , 05 / 04 / 06 , " hp ? s wow factor " )
與此同時,戴爾的對手也在深入細致地對其自身消費市場進行開發:惠普公司( hpq )近幾周來發動了其最富攻擊性的廣告戰,主要針對目標消費者(見2006年5月4日《商業周刊》在線的文章, “惠普的成功因素” ) 。

The mcgraw - hill panies and china merce and trade press make no warranties , express or impped , as to results to be obtained by any preson or entity from use of the businessweek / china material including any warranties or merchantabipty of fitness fro a particular purpose


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