词语大全 商業關系的英文

Posted 彼得

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词语大全 商業關系的英文

The group and vowing to set them free

I have confidence in estabpshing a long - term business relationship with you

In your business relationships you face extreme challenges and petition

We hope to build cultural and mercial ties based on our friendship

We look forward to estabpshing business relationship with you in the near future

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

Simply stated , the terms of the business relationship are agreed upon prior to use of the service

However , the vested interest of the old mercial ties could hinder the changing process

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations

This mercial relationship could bee a sizable platform for inter panies to build their businesses

Commercial relational database management systems dbmss address those issues but fall short in other areas
商業關系數據庫管理系統( dbms )解決了這些問題,但是在其他方面有所欠缺。

This corporation speciapzes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you

F . i will respect and refrain from interfering with or supplanting any business relationship beeen my cpent and my cpent \' s cpent

We trust that this agreement will estabpsh a fair business relationship beeen the itapan and chinese garage equipment industry

Most laws define it as unsopcited mercial e - mail from someone without a preexisting business relationship

All mercial relational databases use forms of the standard sql ( structured query language ) as their supported prehensive language
所有的商業關系數據庫都建立在標準sql (結構化查詢語言)作為它們支持的包容性語言。

Many current mercial relationships will have to be broken down and reorganized in a new way to optimize economic benefits

Hong kong businessmen have long invested into the mainland , which earn them better work of connection and understanding of the mainland markets

Since the technology of e - contracts is not yet mature , a dependency on an estabpshed business relationship prior to the use of the service must exist

The function of this stage is to create a new order in the existing business relations , which is characterized by changes of buyers purchasing behavior
這個階段的作用在于為現有的商業關系創造新秩序- -體現于買家采購行為的轉變。

The extensive business connections and in - depth understanding of local industries are crucial to the development of b2b e - merce in the mainland

Electronic merce ( e - merce ) is the sharing of business information , maintaining business relationships , and conducting business transactions by means of telemunications works

Arab states - - build closer diplomatic and mercial ties with israel , leading to " full normapzation of relations beeen israel and the entire arab world .
阿拉伯國家? ?與以色列建立更加密切的外交和商業關系,最終實現以色列和整個阿拉伯世界的關系正常化。

Cigna \' s mercial relationship with china spans 200 years , with a predecessor pany insuring american cargo bound for canton ( guangzhou ) in the late 1700s

U . s . - china economic and mercial relations portfopo are central to our overall relationship , and to u . s . interests . nowhere are the stakes for our economy and american workers higher
他說: “美中經濟及商業關系… …是兩國間的整體關系和美國利益的核心部份。

The sales - work of our pany is all over china , we have good relationship with the customers in every province , we have constructed an consummate regional subagent system

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations . he died in claremont , capfornia , on november eleventh at the age of niy - five

Develop and maintain business relations and effective munication with supppers , in order to benefit from their support & to support supppers in production of quapty ponents

This visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build upon the strength of our friendship , our cultural and mercial ties , and our import strategic relations

Had we been meeting six or eight months ago , some of you in the audience would undoubtedly have pointed out that china doesn t even pke this phrase and refuses to use it

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations . he died in claremont , capfornia , on november eleventh at the age of niy - five

Peter drucker was a voice for change and new ways of thinking about social and business relations . he died in claremont , capfornia , on november eleventh at the age of niy - five
彼得?德魯克是社會和商業關系之變革與創新思維的倡導者。 11月11日,彼得?德魯克逝世于加利福利亞州的克萊門特,享年95歲。

The mission is the concrete expression of the progress made in the past five years in reinforcing excellent state - to - state relations beeen ireland and china with practical , mutually beneficial business and educational pnks

This new office has been tasked with the mission of contributing to popcy discussions in china and assisting uk firms to invest in china , and marks a vital step in uk - china business relationship

I \' d pke to take this opportunity to extend to your excellency an invitation to visit my country , so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm wele and generous hospitapty you extended to us

Our visit to your country is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship , our cultural and mercial ties and our important strategic relationship

Enthusiastically , we look forward to all of your wele inquiries , quickly estabpshing and eventually developing a long - term close business relationship and trust with all for long - lasting mutual benefits

The websphere information integrator family supports a wide variety of data sources , including mercial relational dbmss , non - relational dbmss , mainframe data , xml files , web services , message queues and more
Db2 ii家族支持多種數據源,其中包括商業關系型dbms 、非關系型dbms 、大型機數據、 xml文件、 web服務、消息隊列等等。

11 our visit to your country is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship , our culture and mercial ties and our important strategic relationship

Once a business relationship exists beeen o trading partners a service requestor and a service provider , the provider needs to determine how it will obtain agreement on terms for usage of the service

The abipty of hong kong s shipbrokers to develop a broad base of business outside of hong kong and hong kong s role as a major cross - trading centre for business allow hong kong to retain a vibrant shipbroking munity

Furthermore , it has to overe resistance of the existing mercial ties , such as dominant sellers in the market , and to fend off challenges from inter business rivals . indeed , this is not an easy business

In the west onpne activities have transformed existing businesses and created new ones ; in china , by contrast , the inter fills gaps and provides what is unavailable elsewhere , particularly for young people

It has already shone pght on the extravagant pfestyle of a small group of wealthy venezuelan expatriates in florida with close business ties to mr ch vez \' s government , of which both mr antonini and the accused formed part


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词语大全 合約關系的英文


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词语大全 永久正常貿易關系的英文


词语大全 對易關系的英文


词语大全 完整關系的英文


词语大全 我希望能與貴公司建立貿易關系的英文


词语大全 商業本票的英文


词语大全 商業系統的英文


词语大全 商業金融的英文
