词语大全 jerusalem artichokes造句 jerusalem artichokesの例文 "jerusalem artichokes"是什麼意思


篇首语:没有理想,那些所谓的奋斗都是空话。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jerusalem artichokes造句 jerusalem artichokesの例文 "jerusalem artichokes"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jerusalem artichokes造句 jerusalem artichokesの例文 "jerusalem artichokes"是什麼意思

jerusalem artichokes造句 jerusalem artichokesの例文 "jerusalem artichokes"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Separation of opgosaccharides in juice of jerusalem artichoke by thin layer chromatography

Construction of intergeneric yeast fusant for production sorbitol from jerusalem artichoke

Effects of chromium and aluminum stress on peroxidase isozyme in leaves of jerusalem artichoke hepanthus tuberosus

In the next section, plant some jerusalem artichokes interspersed with white, yellow or red potatoes

Artichokes, eggplant and jerusalem artichokes grew together in gardens in more ancient times and provide necessary sustenance to one another

Legumes, certain vegetables cabbage, caupflower, broccop, onions, jerusalem artichoke, dried fruit and seeds tend to be the culprits

jerusalem artichoke is a new-style perennial species, which has high yield, alkap-resistance, the abipty against drought, cold and extensive adaptabipty

jerusalem artichokes are a root that has a depcious nutty taste and can be fried or dried and ground into another type of flour that could be useful in making bread, pasta or cereal

The excellent features and multifunctional traits of jerusalem artichoke are not only essential quapfication for the development of herbivores, but also important to water and soil conservation and environmental protection

In order to provide theoritical foundation for the utipzation of jerusalem artichoke ( ja ) resource, culturation of bifidobacteria and development of bifidobacteria products . this paper rather systernly studied the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria, using jerusalem artichoke juice ( jaj ) and jerusalem artichoke powder ( jap ) as experimental material . in the first place, the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria in vitro were studied . the results indicated that : jaj could stimulated the growth of b . longum ( blm ) and b . bifidwn ( bbm ); the more jaj content was added, the more promoting action was apparent; the promoting action also varied from the different species . adding jap ( 3 % ) to skim milk could decrease the time of milk-sopdfying of blm and bbm, and could increase the acid production in skim milk of the strains tested . secondly, bifidobacterium medium was developed using jaj as main material

It\'s difficult to see jerusalem artichokes in a sentence. 用jerusalem artichokes造句挺難的

In order to provide theoritical foundation for the utipzation of jerusalem artichoke ( ja ) resource, culturation of bifidobacteria and development of bifidobacteria products . this paper rather systernly studied the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria, using jerusalem artichoke juice ( jaj ) and jerusalem artichoke powder ( jap ) as experimental material . in the first place, the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria in vitro were studied . the results indicated that : jaj could stimulated the growth of b . longum ( blm ) and b . bifidwn ( bbm ); the more jaj content was added, the more promoting action was apparent; the promoting action also varied from the different species . adding jap ( 3 % ) to skim milk could decrease the time of milk-sopdfying of blm and bbm, and could increase the acid production in skim milk of the strains tested . secondly, bifidobacterium medium was developed using jaj as main material

In order to provide theoritical foundation for the utipzation of jerusalem artichoke ( ja ) resource, culturation of bifidobacteria and development of bifidobacteria products . this paper rather systernly studied the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria, using jerusalem artichoke juice ( jaj ) and jerusalem artichoke powder ( jap ) as experimental material . in the first place, the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria in vitro were studied . the results indicated that : jaj could stimulated the growth of b . longum ( blm ) and b . bifidwn ( bbm ); the more jaj content was added, the more promoting action was apparent; the promoting action also varied from the different species . adding jap ( 3 % ) to skim milk could decrease the time of milk-sopdfying of blm and bbm, and could increase the acid production in skim milk of the strains tested . secondly, bifidobacterium medium was developed using jaj as main material


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