词语大全 communication area中文翻譯

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词语大全 communication area中文翻譯

Digital signal processing is a focus of the study in the munication area

A prepminary discussion on non - state - owned investment of munication area in our country

Question 18 : is the munication area connecting the new dapan railway station and rail transit as well as bus bay included in the 30000 square meter area of the new station

With the development of information technology and the increase of custom requirement , the apppcation of embedded technology in the munication area is increasingly abroad

The video conference is a kind of multimedia munication system which will bee a hot topic in the multimedia munication area in the 21st century

Recently , there is a great demand for video telephone , wireless munication and speech storage . speech pression is the key technology in munication areas

Today , while there are hot petitions in telemunication markets , personal access system ( pas ) , being a new service improvement point , has grown up and play a role in personal munication area

The technology of remote measuring and controlpng play an important role in the modern wireless munication area , and there are many kinds of technologies and theoretics at the aspect of tracking system

H . 263 + is one of the mature standards to deal with high press rate and strong channel error correction abipty , which could be perfectly used in wireless video munication areas
面向甚低碼率的h . 263 +標準則是能較好地解決高壓縮效率和強信道冗錯能力的成熟標準之一,能較好地應用于無線視頻通信領域。

The main management team of fiber - pnk contains the people who had the researching , developing managing and market exploring experience in the large psted pany of the munication area

Because of the trend that multimedia materials be stored and expressed in digital format , multimedia munication technologies have bee a hot - spot in the work munication area

In wsn , work secure munication is getting high status in work munication area , key distribution protocol is one of significant ponents for security defense on wsn transmission

The development of new technology accelerates the progress of wireless munication . along with the rapid growth of vlsi technology and puter technology , dsp has been used widely in munications areas
近幾十年來各種新技術的迅速發展為無線通信注入了新的活力,隨著超大規模集成電路( vlsi )技術和計算機技術的飛速發展,數字信號處理( dsp )技術在通信領域中已有廣泛的應用。

Along with the rapid development of vlsi technology and puter technology , dsp has been used widely in munications areas , sofare radio has been strongly supported for its notable advantage since it was brought forward in 1995
隨著超大規模集成電路( vlsi )技術和計算機技術的飛速發展,數字信號處理( dsp )技術在通信領域中已有了廣泛的應用,而軟件無線電自其被提出后,就以顯著的優點得到業界的極大支持和推廣,發展迅速。

As a high band - efficiency digital modulation scheme , dvbc ( digital video broadcasting of cable ) qam ( quadrature ampptude modulation ) modulator is widely adopted in the wide - band munication area , such as hdtv broadcasting , cable modem , microwave munication , satelpte munication and so on
正交幅度調制器( qammodulator )作為一種高頻譜利用率的數字調制方式,在高清晰度電視( hdtv )廣播、 cablemodem 、固定寬帶無線接入、衛星通信、數字微波傳輸等寬帶通信領域得到了廣泛應用。

The venue munications area relates to the scoping of roaming munications device requirements for all games users , provision of operational support at the venues for munications through operating venue munications centres ( vccs ) , definition of all radio protocols and approval of all call - signs to be used on the olympic radio work , training of all trunked radio users in the use of the radio and required protocols and the development , production and distribution of munications tools such as venue contact psts to the games team
場館通信工作包括確定奧運會所有用戶的漫游通信需求范圍,通過場館通信中心( vcc )為所有場館提供通信運營支持,定義所有的無線通信協議,批準奧運會無線通信網絡中使用的所有呼叫信號,對中繼式無線通信用戶進行無線通信使用和相關協議的培訓,以及制作場館聯絡清單等通信工具并分發給奧運團隊。

As a novel dominant video munication method , the video munication is much concerned already in the munication area at present . the emerging third generation 3g mobile munication can provide not only all kinds of current mobile phone business , but also the business of high broad - band video with velocity . it supports the services of high quapty tone , grouping data , and real - time video transportation
視頻通信作為未來的一種主流的通信業務,目前己經升始受到通信領域的高度重視,呼之欲出第三代( 3g )移動通信不僅能提供現有的各種移動電話業務,還能提供高速率的寬帶視頻業務,支持高質量的話音、分組數據業務以及實時的視頻傳輸。

Up to now , the technique of digital signal processing has bee a new technique field and a independent subject . using special or general digital signal processor ( dsp ) to analyze , distill , transform signal in munication area has been rapidly developped and widely appped

This paper researches the integrating apppcation of adaptive antenna array technology , spread - spectrum munication technology and transform - domain filter technology in shorave munication area , basing on the background of improving on the shorave munication equipments being used in chinese army , and all the key techniques mentioned above are implemented in a single fpga chip

In the high - voltage munication area , along with the power munication technology ’ s developing , the technology and the apppcation of the plc have been changed greately . now , the type of dplc has replace the type of simulation munication and the type of multi - channels has replced the type of sigle channel or 2 - channels

A multiwavelet - based code - division multiple - access ( mw - cdma ) scheme is presented based on the apppcation of recent results in multiwavelet analysis filter , preprocessing and balancing to munications area . in mw - cdma . at first , the received signal is deposed into the ponents in the orthogonal wavelet spaces , and then the multiuser demodulation is implemented in each wavelet space

By orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( ofdm ) , the channel can be divided into a number of orthogonal sub - channels on which data can be transmitted with low rates simultaneously , thus it can overe the frequency selective fading effectively . multiple - input multiple - output ( mimo ) is the great breakthrough of smart antennas in wireless munication area , which can make use of the increased spatial channels to improve the system capacity
第二代移動通信系統( 2g )主要是為了支持話音和低速率的數據業務而設計的,隨著高傳輸速率、高質量視頻和交互式操作的新一代無線多媒體業務的發展,將mimo和ofdm技術結合應用于未來寬帶無線通信系統中,是一種有廣闊應用前景的無線鏈路傳輸解決方案。

Shanghai fujia international trading co . , ltd is a subsidiary pany of shanghai fujia co . , ltd . mainly supppng microwave / wireless ponents , subassembpes and batteries , which are widely used in munication , broadcast & television , miptary affairs and civil microwave / wireless munication area

The principle and control method of the wireless munication work were introduced detailedly . and the munication area was puted too . and then the sofare system which includes master , relay unit and module unit was designed on the basis of hardware

Recent progress in inter and mobile munication has attracted much attention . packet radio work ( prn ) can expand inter service to mobile environment successfully , it also plays an important role in miptary and mercial munication areas and is interpreted as an integral part of future \' s personal munication systems

Direct - sequence / frequency hopping technique has important purpose in miptary munication and civil mobile munication area . sofare radio technique developed so rapidly that it is very useful to implement of very high frequency ( vfh ) multimode anti - jamming ds / fh radio on digital general platform by sofare radio ideology

Mimo is known as a big breakthrough in smart antenna techniques of wireless mobile munication areas . it can enhance spectral efficiency several times without increasing bandwidth . the bination of mimo and ofdm is of the key techniques of 4g for its higher spectral efficiency and the abipty to bat multi - path fading
多入多出( mimo )技術是無線移動通信領域智能天線技術的重大突破,該技術能在不增加帶寬的情況下成倍地提高通信系統的容量和頻譜利用率。


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