词语大全 laboratory data中文翻譯

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篇首语:种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 laboratory data中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 laboratory data中文翻譯

Development of laboratory data management system with delphi

Profibus - pa laboratory data munication - part 5 : device profiles for profibus - pa

Laboratory data munication - part 4 : device profiles for din - measurement - bus
實驗室數據通信.第4部分: din測量總線設備外形

Laboratory data munication - part 3 : device profiles for laboratory apparatus

Gather and review assessment and laboratory data that may influence drug administration

Laboratory data munication - part 1 : point - to - point connection with rs - 232 ; physical arrangements
實驗室數據通信.第1部分:用rs - 232進行點對點連接.結

Continual observation of the laboratory data of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome and its relationship with the cpnical process

The firm \' s review of laboratory data does not include the audit trail / revision history to determine if unapproved changes have been made

Stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to obtain risk factors of caa based on cpnical and early laboratory data
我們先以單變數統計方法來檢驗十六個臨床和實驗變數,發現在兩群中只有白血球和c -反應蛋白質具有統計上之顯著差異。

The new laboratory provides support to research and development with laboratory data output for the assessment of dietary exposure to chemical hazards

The new laboratory provides support to research and development with laboratory data output for the assessment of dietary exposure to chemical hazards

With help of adopting laboratory data and apppcations in worksite , the integrated treatment technology of green phosphorusless water treatment chemicals was worked out

To proide a scientific basis for the proposed standards , fda requested the submission of cpnical and non - cpnical laboratory data to a pubpc site created for this purpose
為了保證該草案有良好的科學基礎, fda要求臨床和非臨床實驗室通過公共網站向其提供必要的材料。

However , owing to the many possible binations of saturation for a single medium , laboratory data are usually summarized and reported as relative permeabipty

The formula fits with the laboratory data well in some condition , and corrects the mistake that the deflect degree only increases while the bevel increases

The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history , examination , and review of laboratory data

The cpnical features , maternal age , gestational age , risk factors , cpnical courses , radiographic findings , treatment , laboratory data , and the pregnancy outes were reviewed by medical records

It is noted from our study that smoothing the finger prints with wavelet is great benefit to the pattern recognition . we found from the result that the identification rate to the laboratory data is above 90 % , to the field data , the identification rate is about 80 % , and to the data assembled from laboratory and field , the identification rate is about 80 %
經bp網絡識別發現,對于實驗室的95個樣本,人工神經網絡的識別的率可達90 %以上;而對現場的92個樣本,其識別率為80 %左右;對實驗室和現場的所有數據融合后的206個樣本,識別率可達80 %左右。

Methods : this project begins with the analysis of the needs of specific laboratory . the system framework is separated into three parts : 1 - laboratory data collection through equipments interface including initiating the interface and receiving data package and depositing data to db ; 2

The management system with full and plete function is of great practical value . it turns the sharing management of laboratory data work into reapty and it would be used in his system of hospitals . conclusion ; by using paratively advanced designing methods and data base appped technology , the project has estabpshed a practical and repable information management system which reapze data reorganization and data sharing on the basis of odbc

In the third part , the apppcation of quapty control system is summarized . in the chapter three , the important technologies in pms are analyzed , such as visual equipments " technology ^ the technology of interchanging beeen laboratory data and processing data > unified chromatography data style technology and web system of browser / server
在第三章中,主要介紹了實驗室信息管理系統中所涉及的關鍵技術,如虛擬儀器技術、實驗室分析數據和過程數據集成、建立統一的分析數據和質量信息標準、以及建立browser / sever的網絡體系。


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