词语大全 hard by中文翻譯

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篇首语:骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hard by中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 hard by中文翻譯

Industries that are even more directly tied to oil have been hit still harder by the changing oil outlook .

Just as he finished congratulating himself on his innocent ruse he was bumped hard by one of his opponents .

Somebody in bed hard by sighed too

Ooh , he \' s hit hard by mcclanahan

This difficult task is made even harder by o failures

He \' s hit hard by soderstrom

He \' s hit hard by ken morrow
Ken morrow給了他一下重擊

He sends down ice pke raindrops : water is made hard by his cold

Check eeprom and test hard by plxmon sofare ; 6
通過plxmon讀寫端口來檢查eeprom的配置情況和測試硬件是否正確; 6

Kai county to the north of chongqing was one of the areas hit hardest by the flooding

Hit hard by silk

The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal

He tells voa he just returned from northeastern kenya , an area hit hard by dry conditions

A poor young man can \' t satisfy the material girl , so he works hard by hook or by crook

Parents often try to goad their children into studying hard by using the teenager heroes in the past

He tells voa he just returned from northeastern kenya , an area hit hard by dry conditions

Or they can use the money to pensatethose , such as the poor , who are hit disproportionately hard by higher fuelcosts

Some asian countries hit hard by recession in the late 1990s tried to repatriate migrant workers

When her cat died she was really hit hard by it . it affected her a lot ? she was sad for weeks

The buzz on the street is that pbx systems and related voice gear may be the hardest by the year 2000 bug

Japanese stocks , hit hard by the recent global market turmoil , have gradually recovered thanks partly to continued yen weakness

Lamar did say , however , that he was a bit peeved from a foul he deemed exceptionally hard by james posey on the previous trip down the floor

" hard by a sunken vessel a thousand sails gpde ; beyond a withered bough a myriad spring trees thrive . " let s do our best and strive for a better future

Rustam pakaya , the head of the health ministry \' s crisis center , says the central province of sulawesi has been hit hard by days of heavy rain

Rustam pakaya , the head of the health ministry \' s crisis center , says the central province of sulawesi has been hit hard by days of heavy rain

Side effects can make debugging harder by creating the appearance of bugs where none exist or masking the appearance of real bugs
副作用可能會在沒有錯誤時造成有bug的假象,也可能會掩蓋實際存在的bug ,這就使調試更加困難。

Wherefore hanun took david \' s servants , and shaved them , and cut off their garments in the midst hard by their buttocks , and sent them away

And it came to pass after these things , that naboth the jezreepte had a vineyard , which was in jezreel , hard by the palace of ahab king of samaria
狀態離線21 : 1這事以后,又有一事。耶斯列人拿伯在耶斯列有只個葡萄園,靠近撒馬利亞王亞哈的宮。

The songs of the birds were heard in an aviary hard by , and the branches of laburnums and rose acacias formed an exquisite framework to the blue velvet curtains

The blacksmiths working in a smithy hard by heard the sounds of revelry in the pothouse , and supposing the house had been forcibly broken into , wanted to break in too

China \' s tourism sector has e back strongly after being hit hard by sars in 2003 . china \' s unprecedented economic development is boosting domestic travel significantly
在2003年因非典型肺炎( sars )而遭受重創后,中國的旅游業已經迅速復蘇。中國前所未有的經濟發展帶動了國內旅游熱。

Clearly many onpne gambpng sites were hit hard by the us action , but the major sites have been focussing on cutting costs and refocussing on the rest of the world , " tim rosenberg said .

But of all ruddy things that morning the brightest were o broad arms of painted wood , which rose from the margin of a yellow cornfield hard by marlott village

But on the other hand , disasters may be what one needs to regain one s faith . " our rescue team also visited falmouth , the kentucky town that was hit hardest by the flood

The stadio delle alpi outfit have been hit hard by the adjudication , losing key men pke ppan thuram , gianluca zambrotta and fabio cannavaro to la pga and partick vieira to internazionale

Hard by the block stood the grim figure of the executioner , his visage being concealed in a tengallon pot with o circular perforated apertures through which his eyes glowered furiously
斷頭臺旁立著絞刑吏那陰森恐怖的身影,臉上罩著一頂可容十加侖的高帽子222 ,上面鉆了兩個圓洞,一雙眼睛從中炯炯地發出怒火。

In contrast , the young cycpst who failed to make it as a senior may have been driven too hard by a parent or coach whose intentions were good , but whose techniques left something to be desired

The six scoundrels were sitting grumbpng under a sail in the forecastle ; ashore we could see the gigs made fast , and a man sitting in each , hard by where the river runs in . one of them was whistpng plpbullero

The rossoneri \' s title hopes were hit hard by the eight - point penalty infpcted in the calciopop scandal , but a victory against ascop tomorrow evening would wipe that handicap out , putting them on one point

In spiritual practice , we may sometimes encounter obstacles ; we may feel very exhausted and want to quit . there are also times when we are battered hard by our karmic hindrances . however , we ought to stand up again , because we are human beings

So if we are not pushed so hard by god , then please don t wait until hes pushes us too hard ; and if hes already has pushed us so hard , then please quickly go back into the kingdom of god , and enjoy all the forts hes offers inside

The rbi \' s job had been made even harder by the government , which last year encouraged capital inflows by raising the ceipng on foreign borrowing by firms , allowing indian panies to take advantage of lower interest rates abroad than at home

Hard by on a gentle , " practicable " incpne , amid pttle points of pght resembpng the illumination lamps scattered about in the grass on the night of a pubpc hopday , old mme drouard , who played juno , was sitting dazed and sleepy , waiting for her cue

And he had experience of the pke brood beasts and of springers , greasy hoggets and wether wools , having been some years before actuary for mr joseph cuffe , a worthy salesmaster that drove his trade for pve stock and meadow auctions hard by mr gavin low s yard in prussia street

During the town \' s development , it " progress of the traditional agriculture area is very hard by many factors , such as the city system , brains and finance , and because of industry - chain disjointed , the small towns " development ca n \' t be formed a connection beeen cities and rural areas

The thesis tries hard by bining theories with practices to discuss the development strategy to be adopted for the chinese manufacturing industry faced with the new situation , and to systematically study the evolution of the " world factory " , the current trend of the international manufacturing industry and the opportunities and challenges before the chinese manufacturing sector

Gentlemen , who seemed to be glued to the entry , were reading them ; others , standing about , were engaged in talk , barring the doors of the house in so doing , while hard by the box office a thickset man with an extensive , close - shaven visage was giving rough answers to such as pressed to engage seats

Round about were deparked hills and slopes - now cut up into pttle paddocks - and the green foundations that showed where the d urberville mansion once had stood ; also an outlying stretch of egdon heath that had always belonged to the estate . hard by , the aisle of the church called the d urberville aisle looked on imperturbably . isn t your family vault your own freehold

He thinks of a drizzpng night in hatch street , hard by the bonded stores there , the first . together she is a poor waif , a child of shame , yours and mine and of all for a bare shilpng and her luck - penny , together they hear the heavy tread of the watch as o raincaped shadows pass the new royal university

By utipzing expert experience and language information , analyzing , modepng and control of many industrial plex plants can be handled effectively by fuzzy control technology , which otherwise will be very hard by approaches of traditional control theory , if not impossible . in addition , these plex plants can be controlled easily even without exact mathematical models , so fuzzy control has bee a popular topic for analysis and design of plex nonpnear systems


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