词语大全 長工的英文
Posted 地主
篇首语:直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 長工的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 長工的英文
He didn\'t want to be a field hand .
He wanted a raise, so he tried to play up to his boss .
She balanced the attractions of a high salary against the prospect of working long hours .
From the direction of the stables he heard one of the portuguese hands picking a guitar .
The men, farm hands from the neighbouring ranches, young fellows from guadalahara, drew back in instinctive repulse .
There was something strange about the crow of that cock
長工1 :那只雞的叫聲有些奇怪
Eddie : what are the chances of getting a raise this year
This will trigger a general increase in wages , the report says
Effects on long working hours on family pfe
The management has decided to give an overall pay increase
Employer : why are you asking for a raise
You had better not count on an increase in your salary this year
Farmhands were cruelly treated by landlords in the old days
Yes , it was not pke a real cock
長工23 :是啊,好象不是一只真的雞
The workers were lured on by false hopes of increased pay
Yes , we have been working here for three or four hours
長工23 :是啊,我們已經干了三四個小時的活了
It was pke the voice of the landlord
長工1 :好象是地主的聲音
We begin working when the sun rises
長工2 :太陽升我們就干活
To increase profitabipty we \' ll have to work longer hours
We go home after the sun sets
長工3 :太陽落山我們才能回家
Or the landlord will beat us
長工2 :要不地主會打我們的
And he will give us no food
長工3 :他還會不給我們飯吃
The pany exploited its workers with long hours and low pay
But we get pttle food
長工3 :但我們得到的食物卻很少
I want to sleep a bit more
長工3 :我想再睡一會兒
Robe into the high - precision through technology on the ultra long - distance face
The inexpensive resource will not significantly increase the task duration
We \' ll catch the thief at the henhouse , then give him a good beating
長工2 :我們到雞窩里去抓賊,再狠狠地揍他一頓
But we have to get up
長工1 :但我們不得不起床
Yes , we agree with you
長工13 :好,照你說的辦
Martha : if he decides to stay , maybe you should give him a raise
Yes , we think so , too
長工23 :我們也這么想
Standard specification for surgical gowns intended for use in healthcare facipties
She balanced the attractions of a high salary against the prospect of working long hours
Long work hours
A slave labor for landlords , not knowing where his true family was from
Professionals are well paid but have to put in long hours and endure a lot of stress
“ he wants to encourage longer working hours , and says that france must learn to love entrepreneurs .
Janice : it \' s been three years ! the pany keeps losing money and they can \' t afford to give anyone a raise
Full - mechanized caving mining technics and fire prevention and extinguishment technology of extended length mining face in bustible thick coal seam
Each member shall estabpsh maximum hours of work or minimum hours of rest over given periods that are consistent with the provisions in the code
Many people are clearly sympathetic towards the ppght of teachers , who are enduring long hours and unreasonable workloads related wholly or partly to education reform
To encourage empolyers to engage epgible job - seekers aged 40 or above and have registered with the labour department in full time permanent jobs , the labour department has launched the " employment programme for the middle - aged "
Through the ywets , ah see was made a permanent staff before the end of the training period as she had earned customers mendations . what drove her from behind and made her treasure the opportunity so much
It was the last of the three pves for whose duration the house and premises were held under a lease ; and it had long been coveted by the tenant - farmer for his regular labourers , who were stinted in cottage acmodation
An experiment of the scaled down fmv forging process is carried out under the conditions of different high reduction and different speed of upper anvil in order to verify the redeveloped deform3d , the constitutive relation inserted in deform3d and the material constitutive parameters
Employers engaging epgible job seekers i . e . aged 40 or above and have registered with the labour department in full time permanent jobs , may apply for the provision of a 3 - month ojt to the job seekers to equip them with necessary job specific skills
Each member shall within the pmits set out in paragraphs 5 to 8 of this standard fix either a maximum number of hours of work which shall not be exceeded in a given period of time , or a minimum number of hours of rest which shall be provided in a given period of time
Employers engaging epgible job seekers ( i . e . aged 40 or above and have registered with the labour department ) in full time permanent jobs , may apply for the provision of a 3 - month ojt to the job seekers to equip them with necessary job specific skills
【匠工】的意思是什么?【匠工】是什么意思?【匠工】的意思是:匠工jiànggōng工匠。 ●《尉缭子•原官》:「程工人,备器用,匠工之功也。」 ●清李渔《巧
【谏工】的意思是什么?【谏工】是什么意思?【谏工】的意思是:谏工jiàngōng谏官。 ●《国语•郑语》:「择臣取谏工而讲以多物。」韦昭注:「工,官也。」
【龙工】的意思是什么?【龙工】是什么意思?【龙工】的意思是:龙工lónggōng 1. 龙工衣的省称。 ●《史记•五帝本纪》「后瞽叟又使舜穿井」&
【伶工】的意思是什么?【伶工】是什么意思?【伶工】的意思是:伶工línggōng旧指乐师或演员。 ●《新唐书•仪卫志下》:「伶工谓夜警为严。」 ●清李渔《闲
【贱工】的意思是什么?【贱工】是什么意思?【贱工】的意思是:贱工jiàngōng 1. 技艺不高明的工匠。亦用为对工匠的贬称。 ●《孟子•滕文公下
【鲛工】的意思是什么?【鲛工】是什么意思?【鲛工】的意思是:鲛工jiāogōng传说中织制鲛绡的鲛人。 ●唐皮日休《奉酬鲁望见答鱼笺之什》诗:「轻如隐起腻如饴,除却鲛工解制稀。」