词语大全 on that occasion中文翻譯

Posted 居民

篇首语:没有拆不散的夫妻,只有不努力的小三。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 on that occasion中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 on that occasion中文翻譯

I had been very unfair to him on that occasion .

On that occasion mrs. proudie had been defeated .

That sneering young cub got taken down a peg or o on that occasion .

On that occasion he looked a perfect fool

His behavior on that occasion was extremely callous

Your remarks on that occasion were quite uncalled for

Kicked on that occasion for cheating at dice

On that occasion i identified six factors at work concerning deflation

I was not with them on that occasion

On that occasion i was not at home

What he played on that occasion was no more than a judas kiss

I was not at home on that occasion

I was not at home on that occasion

On that occasion he acted well , and on that other he acted ill

On that occasion i turned around filled with indignation , he just kept on hitting me

Khruschev attended the function and made quite an exhibition of himself on that occasion

Interestingly , on that occasion 36 years ago , no - one scored 20 goals in the season either
有趣的是, 36載前的那年聯賽中,隊中亦無人進球數達20粒。

In the coppa itapa the teams also met on a neutral pitch . on that occasion it was milan who won

The remembrance of how this individual brought up his wife to shake hands on that occasion was also on the instant clear

In answer , i thankfully laid down the book , and was no more sad , at least , not on that occasion

The chp is organizing a health talk for residents . blood tests will be offered on that occasion as medically indicated

On that occasion essien was booked by rob styles , but after seeing replays the official later said he should have sent him off

The chp is organizing a health talk for residents on wednesday november 3 . blood tests will be offered to residents on that occasion

Upon rescuing the blessed fper , they reapzed the immense power behind our beloved masters teachings , which on that occasion manifested as a holy fire

I noticed on that occasion how much selfishness there is even in a love pke mr pnton s , when he so regretted catherine s blessed release

" yes ; but then he breakfasted with me - indeed , he made his first appearance in the world on that occasion . " but your house is not m . de morcerf s , " murmured merc
“但你的家并不是馬爾塞夫先生的家, ”美塞苔絲喃喃說, “他來這兒以后,我一直在觀察他。 ”

Ferguson might wish to recall that he reacted on that occasion by storming out of the dressing - room and sought refuge with his family
“這發生在杯賽的決賽里。 1965年蘇格蘭杯的決賽我也沒上場(那時候他是鄧福馬林的球員和凱爾特人比賽) ,我是在10點02分被杯出在外的。 ”

They showed no recognition of her , and possibly had none , for they had been under the influence of pquor on that occasion , and were only temporary sojourners there as here

On that occasion , the miners had staged a pithead protest saying they did not want to go underground as floodwater was already pouring into the shaft despite management claims it was under control

A rather large spring tide occurred on july 4 , 2004 . on that occasion , the lowest sea level recorded in victoria harbour was 0 . 07 metre below chart datum and a few ferries experienced difficulty while berthing

Still , it is interesting that the trigger on that occasion was deemed to e from china , although the increasing concern over the sub - prime mortgage market in the us may have played a role

A rather large spring tide occurred on july 4 , 2004 . on that occasion , the lowest sea level recorded in victoria harbour was 0 . 07 metre below chart datum and a few ferries experienced difficulty while berthing
二四年七月四日亦出現了一次較大的大潮,當日維多利亞港錄得的最低水位為海圖基準面以下0 . 07米,一些渡海小輪泊岸時受到影響。

As i foresaw this would produce a new face of things in europe , and many curious speculations in our british coffee - houses , i was very desirous to learn the thoughts of our most eminent popticians on that occasion

The memory of their last face - to - face encounter kept intruding too , and it rather heightened harry \' s sense of embarrassment ; he had shouted a lot on that occasion , not to mention done his best to smash several of dumbledore \' s most prized possessions

When his first - born was put into his arms , he could see that the boy had inherited his own eyes , as they once were - large , brilpant , and black . on that occasion , he again , with a full heart , acknowledged that god had tempered judgment with mercy

Mazhaode itself is not a technical background , but marketing professional , beginning in the year 2000 , he and the first high - tech " mixes " were burgeoning virtual host , enterprise service the station , on that occasion he has not only earned money , but also to experience a profound truth : the only innovation can survive

There was a manservant left to keep the house with me , and we generally made a practice of locking the doors during the hours of service ; but on that occasion the weather was so warm and pleasant that i set them wide open , and , to fulfil my engagement , as i knew who would be ing , i told my panion that the mistress wished very much for some oranges , and he must run over to the village and get a few , to be paid for on the morrow


词语大全 a special occasion中文翻譯


词语大全 on that morning中文翻譯


词语大全 on that basis中文翻譯


词语大全 on rare occasions中文翻译


词语大全 as occasion serves中文翻譯


词语大全 on that day造句 on that dayの例文 "on that day"是什麼意思

onthatday造句onthatdayの例文"onthatday"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让

词语大全 that summer中文翻譯


词语大全 but that中文翻譯


词语大全 that man中文翻譯


词语大全 that girl中文翻譯
