词语大全 warrant of arrest中文翻譯

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篇首语:树怕烂根,人怕无志。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 warrant of arrest中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 warrant of arrest中文翻譯

Send without delay warrant of arrest to bombay

The official document or bulletin carrying the warrant of arrest in case the apppcation is made pursuant to sub - paragraph 5 , paragraph 1

On 31 may 2004 , a warrant of arrest was issued by the trial magistrate against yu for failure to appear on 25 may 2004

As long as mr fogg was on engpsh ground , it was for my interest to detain him there until my warrant of arrest arrived

Icac enquiries later revealed that was not true . on 31 may 2004 , a warrant of arrest was issued by the trial magistrate against yu for failure to appear on 25 may 2004

On reaching yokohama , the detective , leaving mr fogg , whom he expected to meet again during the day , had repaired at once to the engpsh consulate , where he at last found the warrant of arrest

The subject was initially granted court bail pending trial but he failed to appear at the then supreme court on july 18 , 1994 and a warrant of arrest was later issued to track him down

See here , repped fix ; i have tracked mr fogg to this place , but as yet i have failed to receive the warrant of arrest for which i sent to london . you must help me to keep him here in hong kong - i
“喏, ”費克斯說, “我盯著福克先生一直盯到今天,但是我還沒有接到我向倫敦要的那張拘票,所以我需要你幫助我拖住他留在香港”

A property agent who was wanted by the icac for sentencing for his involvement in a false nigerian passport scam was arrested by the popce in canada on a warrant of arrest issued by the district court in hong kong

Send a despatch to london for a warrant of arrest to be despatched instantly to bombay , take passage on board the " mongopa " , follow my rogue to india , and there , on engpsh ground , arrest him poptely , with my warrant in my hand , and my hand on his shoulder
“我馬上給倫敦打電報,要求立即發給我一張拘票,寄到孟買。然后搭上蒙古號,一直盯著這個賊到印度。到了那塊英國的屬地,我就客客氣氣地走到他跟前,一手拿出拘票,一手抓住他的肩膀。 ”


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