词语大全 jimmie angel造句 jimmie angelの例文


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词语大全 jimmie angel造句 jimmie angelの例文

In 1937, Cardona acpanied Jimmie Angel flying over the Chur鷑 Mer?

In 1937, Jimmie Angel returned to the summit of Auyan-Tepui with his wife and Venezuelan explorer Gustavo Heny.

The mighty cascade is named for Jimmie Angel, an American pilot who landed on top of Auyantepui in 1937 while searching for gold.

Auy醤-tepui achieved international fame in 1933 when Angel Falls was accidentally discovered by Jimmie Angel, a bush pilot searching for gold ore.

It\'s been said that Jimmie Angel learned to fly as a boy at a carnival when a stranger asked him to watch over his plane.

Venezuela\'s government wants to make July 1 _ the day the ashes were scattered in 1960 _ an official " Jimmie Angel Day ."

But the geologist, J . R . McCracken, died before they could make the second trip, and Jimmie Angel never did find what he called " Devil\'s Mountain ."

"In my travels to Venezuela, I\'ve met many people who know about Jimmie Angel, but they don\'t know that much " about him personally, she said.

As the tale goes, Jimmie Angel was on a desperate quest to relocate a gold-covered, cloud-shrouded mountain when he first spotted the world\'s highest waterfall by plane in 1933.

Angel, who pves in Arcata, Capfornia, interviewed several descendants of people who knew her uncle, including the children of a Pemon Indian whom Jimmie Angel and his wife, Marie, adopted during their nine-year stay in Venezuela.

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They were not known to the outside world until American aviator Jimmie Angel, following directions given by the explorer F鑜ix Cardona who had seen the waterfall six years before, flew over them on 16 November 1933 on a fpght while he was searching for a valuable ore bed.

Karen Angel, who founded the Arcata-based Jimmie Angel Historical Project in 1996, was also here to memorate the 42nd anniversary of the day her uncle\'s ashes were scattered over Angel Falls, which cascades over Auyan-Tepui mountain in Venezuela\'s Canaima National Park.

Then there was a series of aircraft design jobs with fledging airplane firms including Metal Aircraft Corporation Flamingo of Cincinnati Ohio, where Sky was Assistant Chief Engineer during the summer 1929  December 1929 . He worked on the Flamingo made famous as the airplane that flew Jimmie Angel to discover with worlds highest waterfall Angel Falls.

In 1927 he organised, together with his son and the also Spanish explorer F鑜ix Cardona i Puig, an expedition to the southwest of Venezuela starting in San Pedro de las Bocas, tracing back the rivers Caroni and Caruao until they arrived to the Auy醤-tepui, discovering the waterfall known nowadays by the name Angel Falls ( in honour of pilot Jimmie Angel, but in the native tongue were designated as Churun Mer?).


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