词语大全 x y中文翻譯

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篇首语:一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 x y中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 x y中文翻譯

We can construct many functions by assuming x = y
我們可通過假設x y組成許多函數。

W x y z zddp zinc dialkyl dithiophosphates

Asa - 04 4 axis x - x y - y
Asa - 04 4軸可編程傾斜報警傳感器

Specification of dose extimation for skin injuries from x y ray and neutron

An automatic plotter controlled by puter . its precision is higher than the precision of x - y plotter
一種由計算機控制的比x y繪圖儀精度高的自動繪圖機。

< uk > if we multiply this expression by another factor of ( x y ) we will obtain a term of the type in o ways . < / uk >
< uk >如果我們用另一個因式( x y )來乘此展開式,形如的項可由兩種方法得到。 < / uk >

A partnership business known as x y the partnership was carried on by pany x and pany y as partners in equal shares
X公司與y公司一起經營一家名為x y該合業務的合業務,兩家公司以合人身分各持一半股份。

17 he y j , wang s , du x y . efficient top - k query processing in pure peer - to - peer work . journal of sofare , 2005 , 16 : 540 - 552

1 , the arrow next control around 2 , y enable aircraft by clockwise or counterclockwise to 3 . cache and the use of the space bar while firing bullets 4 , only three pves
箭頭控制上下左右x y使飛行器按順時針或逆時針轉向-和空格鍵同時使用發射子彈只有三條命。

The results indicate that the vibration of the pipepne on direction of x y z is reduced effectively , and the eccentricity vibration of the pole electricity is also reduced effectively
計算結果表明,這一方法是能有效地降低管系x , y , z方向的振動,能夠很有效地降低閥桿電機的偏心振動。

In proc . ieee info , 20th annual joint conference of ieee puter and munications societies alaska , apr . 22 - 26 , 2001 , pp . 1380 - 1387 . 2 p x y , wan p j , frieder o . coverage in wireless ad hoc sensor works

2 . the influence of different axis pnear acceleration on coriops illusion to observe the effect of different axis ( x x y axis ) pnear acceleration on coriops illusion on gl - 2000 a

For example , the expression y could either be interpreted as a cast expression a cast of y to type x or as an additive expression bined with a parenthesized expression , which putes the value x y
例如,表達式( x ) y既可以解釋為強制轉換表達式(從類型y到類型x的強制轉換) ,也可以解釋為結合了帶括號的表達式的相加表達式(計算xy的值) 。

20 wang s , gao y , chen t y , zhang k l . study of o - layer trust model in service grid based on behavior . puter apppcations , 2005 , 25 : 1974 - 1977 . 21 qin b , wang s , du x y . materiapzed view maintenance in peer data management systems
提出一種可擴展的分布式數據結構pnk ,以支持大規模p2p系統的搜索,提出一種高效率的分層的top - k查詢方法,另外,在信任管理更新管理節點間知識共享等方面都做了創新的工作。

If you put extraneous code y into your benchmark , you re now measuring the performance of x y , introducing noise into your measurement of x , and worse , the presence of y changes how the jit will optimize x . writing a good microbenchmark means finding that elusive balance beeen not enough filler and dataflow dependency to prevent the piler from optimizing away your entire program , and so much filler that what you re trying to measure gets lost in the noise
如果在基準中加入無關的代碼y ,那么現在度量的就是x + y的性能,更糟糕的是,由于y的存在,現在jit優化x的方式又發生了變化。如果沒有足夠的額外填充物和數據流依賴,編譯器可能會將整個程序優化至無形,但是如果填充物太多,那么真正需要度量的東西又會迷失在噪音當中,因此要編寫一個良好的微基準,就意味著要抓住二者之間微妙的平衡。

We prove that m has property ( p ) if and only if ( 11 ) let m be as in ( 10 ) then m and every weakly closed subspace including m have proverty ( p ) if and only if for any t b ( h , there exist x , y h . such that ( 12 ) let a be a pletely distributive subspace lattice algebra acting on a hilbert space , then the rank one subalgebra of a is dense in a if and only if , the weak closures of the first and the second preannihilators of a in the space of all trace class operators are reflexive
一弱閉算子空間,稱州具有性質( p ) ,如果州中秩一算子生成的子空間在期中a一弱稠密.我們證得:川具有性質( p ) ,等價于州: = t丁扭) : tx任[州上習, z任火 . ( ll )設川如( l0 )所述,則川以及包含川的每個a一弱閉子空間都具有性質( p ) ,當且僅當,對任意t任側喲,都存在x , ,任火使得t一x y

The problem for solving equation f ( x ) = 0 , where f : d c x y is nonpnear operation , is very important in view of theoretics and practice . not only professional numerical researchers devote themselves to it , but also many engineers and mathematicians study it according to their own demands and interest . some are the spokesmen among them , whose work reflects the features of the mathematics in their times

A block design is a triple d = ( x , b , i ) , where x is a finite set ( the point set ) of order v , b is the block set and / is the incidence relation beeen x and b . for the given block design d , if all the blocks from x , which have the same type of the blocks in b , can be partitioned into some bi , such that each ( x , bi , i ) is a block design with the same parameters and the same type as d , then ( x , bi , i ) i is called as large set of d - design of order v . on the other side , let | x | = v , | y | = v + 1 , and x y , if all the blocks of the same type from y can be partitioned into some bx , such that each ( y x , bx , i is a block design of order v for any element x y with the same parameters and the same type as d , then ( y x , bx , i ) x is called an overlarge set of d - design of order v . in this thesis , we discuss the existence problem about some types of large sets and overlarge sets
一個區組設計是由兩個有限集合x , b及它們之間的關聯關系i組成的,記為d = ( x , b , i ) ,其中x為v元集, b為區組集,對于指定的設計d ,若x上與d相應的全部構形可分拆為若干個b _ i ,使得每個( x , b _ i , i )皆為一個與d同參數同類型設計,則稱這些b _ i構成一個v階d -設計的大集。若v元集x是v + 1元集y的一個子集,而y上與d相應的全部指定構形可分拆為若干個b _ x ,使得每個b _ x恰是y x 上的一個與d同參數同類型的設計(其中x y ) ,則稱這些b _ x構成一個v階d -設計的超大集。本文中討論了一些區組設計的大集及超大集。

The next move around the keyboard , x y key key accelerated the slowdown ; get off the blank game description : control of the game in your guest parking and the location of parking say , in the fastest time within a car parked in the corresponding position , and get off , and the guests go out to the car in the corresponding position to use the car ran the fastest rate guests around , the task is pleted
鍵盤上下左右移動, x鍵加速z鍵減速空格下車游戲簡介:控制游戲中的你在客人停車并說出停車位置的時候,在最快的時間內把車子停泊在相應的位置上,并下車,并且在客人出門要車時在相應位置上把車子以最快的速度駛至客人身邊,任務就完成了!

Introduction : the next move around the keyboard , x y key key accelerated the slowdown ; get off the blank game description : control of the game in your guest parking and the location of parking say , in the fastest time within a car parked in the corresponding position , and get off , and the guests go out to the car in the corresponding position to use the car ran the fastest rate guests around , the task is pleted
攻略:鍵盤上下左右移動, x鍵加速z鍵減速空格下車游戲簡介:控制游戲中的你在客人停車并說出停車位置的時候,在最快的時間內把車子停泊在相應的位置上,并下車,并且在客人出門要車時在相應位置上把車子以最快的速度駛至客人身邊,任務就完成了!


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