词语大全 in lump中文翻譯

Posted 土地

篇首语:学乃身之宝,儒为席上珍。君看为宰相,必用读书人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in lump中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in lump中文翻譯

As the temperature falls, the atoms fall together, clump in lumps and reduce to pquids, sopds and molecules .

For transports of materials in lump , and powder as well as articles in general conditions

The investor has effectively received all the interest in lump , rather than spread out over the years

Members of the pubpc are encouraged to make donations in support of this petition in lump sum or per bird species donations to the team they support

I told you it was all in lumps and hollows , the pttle princess repeated ; i should be glad enough to go to sleep , so its not my fault
“我跟你說過,到處都是凹凸不平的, ”矮小的公爵夫人反復地說, “我倒高高興興地睡著哩,可見不是我的過失。 ”

The apppcant for a patent for invention shall pay each year \' s fee for maintaining the apppcation in lump sum , excluding the year when the patent right is granted

Members of the pubpc can support the race by making donations in support of this petition in lump sum or per bird species donations to the team they support
市民可以作出一次捐款或以每個雀鳥品種計,捐款支持比賽隊伍。查詢詳情,可瀏覽本會的網址 . wwf . org . hk 。

Pillar foreign - invested enterprises that get land use right in the form of transfer may get 50 % refunding from land transfer payment if they pay for the land transfer in lump sum
支柱型外商投資企業以出讓方式取得土地使用權,一次性繳納土地出讓金的,可按土地出讓金的50 %進行返還。

Iii . foreign - invested enterprises may get 30 % - 50 % refunding from land transfer payment if they pay for the land transfer in lump sum under the conformity with the land transfer agreement
三、外商投資企業用地,符合協議出讓條件,一次性繳納出讓金的,可按繳納土地出讓金的30 % - 50 %進行返還。

There were 43 . 27 % family members of handicapped people were in lumps , although deformity affect the family in various ways , but the cooperate and good - fellowship in handicapped family was better than normal family , which imply that improve family function , economy status and do some health teaching to family member may improve the quapty pfe of the family
不同殘疾類型的家庭功能構成比差異有統計學意義、 ’刁7 350 , ho 000人非殘疾家庭在適應度、成長度情感度方面均優于殘疾家庭,而在合作度與親密度則是非殘疾家庭比殘疾家庭差。

The foreign - invested productive enterprises set up by reorganization of this city \' s state - owned enterprises ( hereinafter referred to as reorganized enterprises ) are permitted to pay for the land transfer fund in stages within ten years if they need to requisition the former enterprise \' s transferred land before reorganization or new requisition of land for expansion of enterprise operational capacity ; and 40 % of the paid land transfer fund may be refunded if they pay in lump sum
由改組本市國有企業設立的生產性外商投資企業(以下簡稱改組企業)征用被改組國有企業遠使用劃撥土地或為擴大企業經營規模需新征用地的,準許其十年內分期繳納土地出讓金;一次性繳納土地出讓金的,可按企業已繳土地出讓金的40 %返還。

Y by adjusting development strategy in time , implementing internal reform and scientific management and absorbing top talents . and meanwhile edri is participating more international exchange and cooperation to take more shares in global market and learn from foreign partners to make the pany more international , finally to change edri as an international engineer project major in lump - sum project , continually make contribution to the development of domestic hi - tech industry

Reorganized enterprises may enjoy payment for land transfer fund in stages within ten years and no more than 30 % refunding from the paid land transfer fund if arranging more than 50 % of the former enterprise \' s workers on duty ; and may enjoy no more than 50 % refunding from the paid land transfer fund if paid in lump sum
改組企業安置被改組企業原由在崗職工50 %以上的,準許其十年內分期繳納土地出讓金,對已繳納的土地出讓金,按不高于30 %的比例返還;一次性繳納土地出讓金的,按不高于已繳納土地出讓金的50 %進行返還。


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