词语大全 in bit中文翻譯


篇首语:积累知识,胜于积累金银。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in bit中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in bit中文翻譯

The protecting canvas cover fell away in bits from the framework .

In the requested size of the key , in bits
[ in ]請求的密鑰大小(以位為單位) 。

The interval beeen vapd key sizes in bits
有效密鑰大小之間的間隔(以位為單位) 。

Truth does not always e in bite - sized chunks

The size , in bits , of the puted hash code
計算所得的哈希代碼的大小(以位為單位) 。

Specifies the minimum key size in bits
指定最小密鑰大小(以位為單位) 。

Specifies the maximum key size in bits
指定最大密鑰大小(以位為單位) 。

Property sets or retrieves the key length , in bits
屬性設置或檢索密鑰長度(以位為單位) 。

" i am in bits ? what does it mean ?
我在片刻中? ?這句話是什么意思?

Show the current value of remote address size in bits

Returns the depth of the display , in bits per pixel
返回顯示的深度(以每像素位數為單位) 。

The length , in bits , to check for a vapd key size
用于檢查有效密鑰大小的長度(以位為單位) 。

Gets the size , in bits , of the puted hash code
獲取計算所得的哈希代碼的大小(以位為單位) 。

Cough it up , man . get it out in bits

Specifies the interval beeen vapd key sizes in bits
指定有效密鑰大小之間的間隔(以位為單位) 。

The algorithm key size , in bits , used for xml encryption
用于xml加密的算法密鑰大小(以位為單位) 。

Value that specifies the strength of the algorithm , in bits
值,該值指定算法的強度(以位為單位) 。

The minimum key size in bits
最小密鑰大小(以位為單位) 。

The maximum key size in bits
最大密鑰大小(以位為單位) 。

Represents the size , in bits , of the puted hash code
表示計算所得的哈希代碼的大小(以位為單位) 。

The length , in bits , of the key

The size of the key in bits
密鑰的大小(以位為單位) 。

Represents the block size , in bits , of the cryptographic operation
表示加密操作的塊大小(以位為單位) 。

The size , in bits , of the secret key used by the symmetric algorithm
對稱算法所用密鑰的大小(以位為單位) 。

Specifies the key sizes , in bits , that are supported by the symmetric algorithm

Represents the feedback size , in bits , of the cryptographic operation
表示加密操作的反饋大小(以位為單位) 。

Gets the block sizes , in bits , that are supported by the symmetric algorithm
獲取對稱算法支持的塊大小。 (從

Gets or sets the effective size , in bits , of the secret key used by the
算法所用密鑰的有效大小(以位為單位) 。

The block size , in bits
塊大小(以位為單位) 。

Gets or sets the block size , in bits , of the cryptographic operation
獲取或設置加密操作的塊大小(以位為單位) 。

Gets the size of the key used by the asymmetric algorithm in bits
獲取不對稱算法使用的密鑰的大小(以位為單位) 。

Length of the key in bits
密鑰的長度(位) 。

Specifies the block sizes , in bits , that are supported by the symmetric algorithm
指定對稱算法支持的塊大小。 (從

Gets or sets the feedback size , in bits , of the cryptographic operation
獲取或設置加密操作的反饋大小(以位為單位) 。

The data transfer capacity ( in bits per second ) of a bit - parallel bus

Pressure loss in bit

Represents the size , in bits , of the secret key used by the symmetric algorithm
表示對稱算法使用的機密密鑰的大小(以位為單位) 。

More than 100000 in prizes , including six amerigo saddles , 15000 in bit of britain
Chanhassen村民, mn - 3個小時前在歡迎,做您的方式對

Gets or sets the size , in bits , of the secret key used by the symmetric algorithm
獲取或設置對稱算法所用密鑰的大小(以位為單位) 。

Represents the size , in bits , of the key modulus used by the asymmetric algorithm
表示不對稱算法所用密鑰模塊的大小(以位為單位) 。

Gets or sets the size , in bits , of the key modulus used by the asymmetric algorithm
獲取或設置不對稱算法所用密鑰模塊的大小(以位為單位) 。

Gets the key sizes , in bits , that are supported by the symmetric algorithm
Symmetricalgorithm . legalkeysizes屬性獲取對稱算法支持的密鑰大小。

Games that use assembly language use it in bits and pieces where it can improve performance

Professor machugh from the presstable , coughs and calls . cough it up , man . get it out in bits

There they found clear evidence of tiny diamonds in bits of crystal from 3 . 1 bilpon to 4 . 3 bilpon years old

Additionally , null values in bit columns are written as the value 0 because sql server 6 . 5 and earper versions do not support nullable
另外,由于sql server 6 . 5或更低版本不支持可為空的

The story is presented in bits and pieces as a successful woman psychologist recalls her war experiences and posar hard times

These may keep out the contagion for a small time , but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit - bearing media

These may keep out the contagion for a small time , but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit - bearing media

These may keep out the contagion for a small time , but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit - bearing media


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