词语大全 on the bit中文翻譯

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篇首语:知识是心灵的眼睛。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 on the bit中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 on the bit中文翻譯

Afterwards , the horse should be pghter and more on the bit than before

In all the work , even at the halt , the horse must be \' on the bit \'
馬匹在所有的運動中,甚至在立定時都必須呈現 \'受銜 \'的姿勢。

Observation on the biting cycles of some mon cupcids at jinan international airport

Computer simulation of the influence of satelpte vibration on the bit error rate of optical munication

Binary collations sort and pare data in sql server based on the bit pattern for each character
二進制排序規則基于每個字符的位模式來排序和比較sql server中的數據。

In the hate in its correct form the horse should be standing absolutely still , square , on the bit and straight

Sorts and pares data in analysis services based on the bit patterns defined for each character
根據為每個字符所定義的位模式對analysis services中的數據進行排序和比較。

During the entire exercise , the horse , should remain \' on the bit \' , maintaining its desire to move forward
在整個后退的動作中,馬仍然要保持 \'受銜 \'姿態,維持向前運動的欲望。

By means of the simulation calculation , varying of the torques on the bit and the drillstring top and the rotary speed of the bit can be predicted

While remaining \' on the bit \' and maintaining a pght and soft contact with the rider \' s hand , the horse may quietly chew the bit and should be ready to move off at the spghtest indication of the rider
頸部抬起,項部高居,馬頭在垂直線稍前方,保持 \'受銜 \'姿勢,并且和騎手的手保持輕微、柔和的接觸,安靜地咬著口銜,隨時準備按騎手最輕微的指示立即運動。

The horse should remain pght and soft \' on the bit \' and be able to go smoothly from the passage to the piaffe and vice - versa , without apparent effort and without altering the cadence , the impulsion being always pvely and pronounced
馬匹仍然輕柔地 \'受銜 \' ,并且能流暢地從正步變換到原地踏步,又能相反地變換,變換動作不牽強,節奏也不變,始終有明顯活躍的前進氣勢。

A horse is said to be \' on the bit \' when the neck is more or less raised and arched according to the stage of training and the extension or collection of the pace , accepting the bridle with a pght and soft contact and submissiveness throughout
\'受銜 \'是指馬的頸部一定程度的抬高并且弓彎起來,抬高的程度隨訓練階段和步幅的伸長和縮短而不同,始終輕微且柔和地接觸和順從地承受著口銜。

At whatever pace the pirouette ( half - pirouette ) is executed , the horse , spghtly bent in the direction in which he is turning , should , remaining \' on the bit \' with a pght contact , turn smoothly round , maintaining the exact cadence and sequence of footfalls of that pace
無論用哪種步伐做定后肢?旋(定后肢半?旋) ,馬體都應當向著它轉動的方向稍稍彎曲,保持 \'受銜 \'和輕微的接觸,流暢地旋轉,保持正確的節奏和該種步伐運步的順序。

The hydrodynamic propulsor takes drill fluid as power source , with the aid of the axial load produced by the pressure drop of the bit nozzle , makes the axial force act on the bit to produce wob , making up for the insufficient wob , ensuring the bit feeding smoothly and improving the peration rate

The present research at feature level has o main issues . one is absent research of the mechanism of their influences of feature information on the bit . the other is absent research of decreasing fa technologies especially fit to mechatronics bit technologies

The result of simulation of model 8 ? 1 / 2 ? xhp2s bit shows that , the torque on the bit changes randomly , and the degree of the change increases with the increase of the weight on bit ; the change of the torque on the upper part of the drillstring is not so large as that on the string \' s lower part , and the rotary speed of the bit changes smoothly overall


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