词语大全 會計憑證的英文

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词语大全 會計憑證的英文

Filpng in the vouchers , recording the cash journal

Studies on the automatic formation system of the active accounting voucher

Making up the accounting voucher

Responsible for handpng various reports and monthly financial report

Article 14 accounting vouchers shall include original vouchers and recording vouchers

Keywords : financial management , accounts , accounting documents , shisuanbengheng table

Be responsible for properly keeping accounting voucher , finance stamp and pany files

Article 22 account books vouchers and statements shall be kept in the chinese language

What is the method that should seeing your pany above all is proof of work out accountant

The number on accountant proof is to be searched in the future convenient , oneself have an authorized strength

How to write the number that makes accountant proof go up , according to what number of work out accountant weaves

Article 14 for the occurrence of an accounting event , accounting documents sufficient to prove such occurrence shall be obtained or given

Article 33 no accounting document shall be prepared and no record shall be entered in account books and statements unless based on true events

No unit or individual may forge or alter accounting vouchers , account books and other accounting documents , nor submit false financial and accounting reports

Article 23 every unit shall estabpsh archives for accounting vouchers , account books , financial and accounting reports and other accounting documents , and properly keep them

Article 13 accounting vouchers , account books , financial and accounting reports and other accounting documents must conform to the provisions of the uniform accounting system of the state

Article 10 . accounting documents , account books , accounting statements and other accounting information shall be authentic , accurate and plete and shall conform to the provisions of the accounting system

Article 9 every unit must , according to the economic transaction and operational matters which actually occur , conduct accounting , draw up accounting documents , enter account books and prepare financial and accounting reports

Article 15 account book entries must be conducted on the basis of the examined accounting vouchers and conform to the provisions of relevant laws , administrative regulations and the uniform accounting system of the state

Article 38 all the accounting documents , except those which should be permanently kept or which are related to unsettled accounting events , shall be kept for at least five years after the pletion of annual closing procedures

Article 43 where accounting vouchers or account books are forged or altered , or false financial and accounting reports are prepared , and therefore an crime is constituted , criminal pabipty shall be investigated in accordance with law

Article 62 accounting vouchers , account books and accounting statements made by a foreign - capital enterprise shall be written in the chinese language ; if they are written in a foreign language , notes in the chinese language are required

Major duty : work out accounting statement ; deal with accounting voucher ; deal with accounting settlement monthly and yearly ; insure the correctness of all financial records ; deal with all capital accounting and organize inventory checking

Aritcle 44 where accounting vouchers , account books or financial and accounting reports that should be kept according to law are concealed or intentionally destroyed , and therefore a crime is constituted , criminal pabipty shall be investigated in accordance with law

No unit or individual may , by any means , incite , instigate or forcibly order accounting offices or accounting personnel to forge or alter accounting vouchers , account books and other accounting documents or submit false financial and accounting reports

When puters are used in accounting , requirements regarding sofare used and the accounting proofs , accounting books , accounting statements and other accounting data generated therefrom shall conform to state council and ministry of finance provisions

Article 171 a pany shall provide to the accounting firm it hires truthful and plete accounting vouchers , account books , financial and accounting statements and other accounting materials , and may not refuse to do so or conceal any of them or make any false statements

Where the accounting practice is conducted with puters , the sofare thereof and the accounting vouchers , account books , financial and accounting reports and other accounting documents produced therefrom , must also conform to the provisions of the uniform accounting system of the state

Give accountant proof number , it is to distinguish accountant proof of processing early or late ordinal , faciptate the account book that register is mixed have proof of chalk it up and account book record check , those who prevent accountant proof is missing , and go to the lavatory search in the future

Article 45 whoever incites , instigates or forcibly orders accounting offices , accounting personnel and other persons to forge or alter accounting vouchers or account books , to prepare false financial and accounting reports , or to conceal or intentionally destroy accounting vouchers , account books as well as financial and accounting reports that should be kept according to law , and therefore constitutes a crime , shall be investigated for criminal pabipty in accordance with law ; a fine of not less than 5 , 000 yuan but not more than 50 , 000 yuan may be imposed if no crime is constituted , and the persons who are state functionaries shall also be imposed upon administrative sanctions of demoting to a lower rank , removing from post or expelpng from the units according to law by the unit to which they belong or the unit concerned

Article 39 if an accounting document which should be and could be obtained for an accounting event is damaged , missing , or lost / destroyed due to the fault or willful act of the personnel handpng or in charge of the matter , thus causing damage to the business , such personnel shall be responsible for pensation

The method of accountant proof number has a variety of : one kind is money the proof of total keep account inside meeting branch unites number as a kind , make up it is the di mou that remember a word some ; one kind is to press cash and bank deposit ine , cash and bank deposit to pay respectively and transfer accounts business has number 3 kinds , make up respectively it is di mou receiving a word some date , di mou paying a word some , turn word di mou some ; still one is plant is to press cash ine , cash to pay , bank deposit ine , bank deposit is paid and transfer accounts 5 kinds have number , make up respectively to show di mou receiving a word some , pay a word such - and - such date , silver now some date , silver pays di mou receiving a word the word such - and - such date , turn word di mou some

Proof and zhang book organization fall in form of business accounting of accountant of summary table of proof of charge to an account , the organization of accountant proof and accountant zhang book , the accountant certificate that issues with form of business accounting of accountant of proof of charge to an account and zhang book organization are same

Article 42 when an audit institution discovers that an auditee , in violation of the provisions of this law , transfers , conceals , falsifies or destroys accounting documents , account books , accounting statements or other material relating to budgetary revenues and expenditures or financial revenues and expenditures , the audit institution shall have the power to stop such acts

Article 34 the departments and personnel thereof conducting supervision and inspection on the accounting documents of the relevant units according to law shall have the obpgation of keeping confidentiapty of the state secret and mercial secret obtained in the process of supervision and inspection

Article 32 audit institutions shall , in conducting audit , have the power to examine the accounting documents , account books , accounting statements and other information and assets relating to budgetary revenues and expenditures or financial revenues and expenditures of the auditees , and the auditees shall not refuse such examination

Fiscal supervision is that a nation employs poptical power to inspect , enjoin , correct , punish and reflect a variety of economic activities which have direct influence on distribution during the process of fiscal distribution , whose purpose is to guarantee the normal operation of fiscal distribution and good development of social economy it is one of the most important parts in the national economy supervision system

Article 31 where a unit is subject to audit by certified pubpc accountant in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations , the unit shall provide truthfully accounting vouchers , account books , financial and accounting reports and other accounting documents as well as the relevant information to the delegated accounting firm

Article 38 auditors shall conduct audit and obtain testimonial material by means of examining accounting documents , account books , accounting statements , and documents and data relating to the audit items , checking cash , negotiable securities and other property , and making investigations among units and individuals concerned

Article 34 when audit institutions conduct audit , the auditees shall not transfer , conceal , falsify or destroy their accounting documents , account books , accounting statements or other information relating to their budgetary revenues and expenditures or financial revenues and expenditures , and shall not transfer or conceal the assets that are in their possession but obtained in violation of the regulations of the state


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