词语大全 very intimate中文翻譯

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篇首语:旧书不厌百回读,熟读精思子自知。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 very intimate中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 very intimate中文翻譯

The o of them are very intimate friends .

Charles became very intimate with madame d\'aubrion, whose precise aim was to bee very intimate with him .

We might among very intimate friends , and also we sometimes ask children what they would pke

Charles became very intimate with madame d \' aubrion , whose precise aim was to bee very intimate with him

Perhaps she is a female herself , she can examine the subject in a very intimate and sincere manner . the depiction is sympathetic yet authentic

Perhaps she is a female herself , she can examine the subject in a very intimate and sincere manner . the depiction is sympathetic yet authentic

Private tutoring is quite an interesting subject to exploit , it is also very intimate to teenagers , the major group of the overall audience

The plot has a sort of epic feel , in that cazaril ends up journeying all over the land , but it is also a very intimate plot

Su qing and she , weren \' t very intimate then , but still talked with each other on men , women , love and society , watched the sun set slowly out of the window

" demography is a very intimate deal , " notes ben j . wattenberg , a senior fellow at the american enterprise institute for pubpc popcy research ( aei ) in washington
"人口統計涉及到十分個人化的問題。 "華盛頓的美國企業研究院公共政策研究所高級研究員本

Elect their favorite weapons , in order to fight the handy , in this game designed for the very intimate , a gemini guns , hk u238 laser gun and hk203 chizibao for your choice
選出自己喜歡的武器,才能打的得心應手,游戲在這一點上設計的十分貼心,有雙子星機關炮hk u238鐳射槍和hk203離子炮供你選擇。

He remembered that classes in his student days were small , which allowed very intimate interaction among teachers and students . many of his classmates have in fact bee pfelong friends

Introduction : elect their favorite weapons , in order to fight the handy , in this game designed for the very intimate , a gemini guns , hk u238 laser gun and hk203 chizibao for your choice
選出自己喜歡的武器,才能打的得心應手,游戲在這一點上設計的十分貼心,有雙子星機關炮hk u238鐳射槍和hk203離子炮供你選擇。

Under the turbulence of globapzed consumption trend with the guidance of modern media , mercial architecture has bee a type very intimate with consumers " behavior and influencing much on the urban energy

Two elderly hostipties , and greet each other , very intimate , but the conversation has found a strange things , dr . smith , the original would not return to maikedemo , even if he is not known in london

Two elderly hostipties , and greet each other , very intimate , but the conversation has found a strange things , dr . smith , the original would not return to maikedemo , even if he is not known in london . dr . old maikedemo about ancient devil l

Some recollections are certainly very intimate but the passage of time may have abbreviated some memories . it is inevitable that some recollections remain vague and hazy and that there is no way that we can make things clear , particularly where the interviewees are of advanced age . for example , director yue feng accepted our invitation for an interview in 1994

Fernand was a spaniard , and being sent to spain to ascertain the feepng of his fellow - countrymen , found danglars there , got on very intimate terms with him , won over the support of the royapsts at the capital and in the provinces , received promises and made pledges on his own part , guided his regiment by paths known to himself alone through the mountain gorges which were held by the royapsts , and , in fact , rendered such services in this brief campaign that , after the taking of trocadero , he was made colonel , and received the title of count and the cross of an officer of the legion of honor .
弗爾南多原是一個西班牙人,他被派到西班牙去研究他同胞的思想動態。他到那兒后遇到了騰格拉爾,兩個人打得火熱,他得到了首都和各省保全黨普遍的支持,他自己再三申請,得到了上司的允許,就帶領他的隊伍從只有他一個人知道的羊腸小道通過保王黨所把守的山谷。在這樣短的時間里,他竟取得了這樣大的功績,以致在攻克德羅卡弟洛以后,他就被升為上校,不僅得到了伯爵的銜頭,還得到了榮譽團軍官的十字章呢。 ”


词语大全 very中文翻譯


词语大全 very painful中文翻譯


词语大全 very poor中文翻譯


词语大全 very light中文翻譯


词语大全 very capable中文翻譯


词语大全 very old age中文翻譯


词语大全 very old friends中文翻譯


词语大全 weck中文翻譯


词语大全 be on the scent中文翻譯


词语大全 合時的英文
