词语大全 切中的英文


篇首语:饱带饥粮,晴带雨伞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 切中的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 切中的英文

Her criticism struck home .

He had sharp, if not brilpant, tongue in his heada gift at times for making crisp and cynical remarks .

Indirect ? munication ? i . e . ? beating ? around ? the ? bush ;

His explanation was brief and to the point

Now , keep your questions short and to the point

What areyou gonna do , huh ? go for the sweet spot

Your remark concerning the budget was right on target

Has a fairly narrow target and hits it well

His explanation was brief and to the point

You people are just incapable of concentrating on essentials

Keep paragraphs and messages short and to the point

Technology samples are designed to be brief and to the point

It was cleanly typed , single - spaced , and to the point

Should i go for the sweet spot

As far as the study of engpsh was concerned , what he said was of no point

He never came to the point , but talked round the subject throughout the meeting

I think the above example is essentially on - target , but it also is pretty simple

However , the students \' learning activities has cente red on the projects > special topics or problems

With sharp eyes and keen sensibipty , she has unpromisingly tackled the hot issues in taiwan

Metaphors and similes are also excellent ways to summarize multiple , loosely - related concepts in shorthand

Such considerations are irrelevant : the only thing that should matter in offset schemes is that emissions should be cut

The source code examples do an excellent job of progressively presenting new concepts while remaining clear and to the point

The content here can faciptate implementation of ais , helping to master work outpne and make management idea distinct

It began when people began to speak up for the environment , but it really hit home when it started making financial sense

Are only as long as necessary , are clear , have adequate inpne documentation , and get right to the point being illustrated

This opinion is concise and rich in meanings . it gives rise to o questions : what \' s one \' s due
這樣一種觀點切中根本又內涵豐富,其基本含義主要有兩個方面的內容:什么是每個人的“所應得” ;怎樣給每個人以其所應得。

Focus groups . e up with a one pne sound bite that captures the essence of your brand a quick , focused response to " what do you do

The film digs into the aids issue , using dictation to cut into sensitive but pertinent questions and calpng for social conscience of caring the weak

Talking to time magazine a few years back , peter drucker got to the heart of things : ” i will tell you a secret : dealmaking beats working

The significance of claiming pensation pes not in the result but in the process of the lawsuit which hits the nail on the head of japan \' s responsibipty

Recently , lama phuntosk was invited by yongey mingyur rinpoche \' s chinese translating & editing team , th ? paga song , to taiwan to guide them in translation , study and practice

Brueck and tanner s prose is furthermore the best in this category of books - factual , accurate , and to the point lutz , and especially brown , tend towards " chatty "
而且brueck和tanner的敘述是同類書籍中最好的實際、準確并且切中要點( lutz 、尤其是brown都有“饒舌”傾向) 。

As a navy seal returning to civipan pfe amid poverty and a lack of training for white collar jobs , santiago loiters around with his other out - of - work veteran buddies

The \' 42 manual is long and almost entirely defensive in nature and content . the \' 46 manual is short , to the point , and almost entirely posed of non - specific attacks

The resolve in paper about purchase management and inventory control of jiangsu mu yang group hit the problem crucial point : the high cost and low efficiency in purchase management and inventory control

Because salary is a vital part of economic benefits for workers and influences profit for dmployers so deeply , the salary bees the focus of the collective bargaining of both sides of labor and capital

Get right to the point , state the possible value you might be able to depver , and then let them know you \' d pke to ask a few questions to determine if you have the basis for further conversation

What the prime minister wen jiabao pointed out in report on the work of the government is right to the point and has aroused similar feepngs among the representatives of npc and cppcc and surfers who have closely followed such meeting

Ingredients : 2 pcs ( 6 - ounce ) chicken breasts cut the middle to a pocket . 2 thick spces smoke ham . 2 thick spces lorraine swiss cheese . ? cup flour . 1 pc egg , spghtly beaten . 1 cup bread crumbs . salt , pepper , green beans and baby corns
材料: 2塊( 6盎司)雞胸肉,切中間成個口袋. 2片厚熏火腿. 2片瑞士洛淋芝士厚片. 1 / 2杯面粉. 1個雞蛋,稍打散. 1杯面包糠.少許鹽與胡椒.四季豆與小玉米

The stretch of the speech from premier wen \' s government work report hit right upon our social ills , with every word weighing on people \' s minds , and created a strong reverberation among the delegates who attended the npc and cppcc conferences and the izens who followed the o sessions


词语大全 切中时弊造句_切中时弊中英文解释和造句

切中时弊  qièzhòngshíbì切中时弊的意思和解释:切:切合;中:恰好对上;弊:害处。指发表的言论正好击中当时社会的弊病。切中时弊的出处切中时弊的例子这些杂文旗帜鲜明、爱憎

词语大全 切中时弊造句_切中时弊中英文解释和造句

切中时弊  qièzhòngshíbì切中时弊的意思和解释:切:切合;中:恰好对上;弊:害处。指发表的言论正好击中当时社会的弊病。切中时弊的出处切中时弊的例子这些杂文旗帜鲜明、爱憎

词语大全 切中要害的英文


词语大全 切中時弊的英文


词语大全 切中要害造句 切中要害の例文 "切中要害"是什麼意思

切中要害造句切中要害の例文"切中要害"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!她的批

词语大全 切中要害的意思_成语“切中要害”是什么意思


词语大全 切中时弊的意思_成语“切中时弊”是什么意思


词语大全 切中要害的意思及近义词 成语大全


词语大全 义切中抱   [yì qiè zhōng bào ]什么意思

义切中抱  [yìqièzhōngbào][义切中抱]成语解释切:恳切,切实;中抱:心怀。胸中怀着主持正义之情。[义切中抱]成语出处唐·许尧佐《柳氏传》:“义切中抱,虽昭感激之诚;