词语大全 優惠稅率的英文

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词语大全 優惠稅率的英文

Concession for ultra low sulphur diesel extended for o years

We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the u . s . a

We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the u . s . a

Further extend the duty concession for ultra low sulphur diesel to end 2004

Concessionary duty rate for ultra low sulphur diesel to be extended for o more years

This means that if an enterprise is within the zone , it will enjoy the preferential tax rate of 15 %
這就是說,如果某一企業位于該經濟開發區內,它將享受15 %的優惠稅率

Instead , scrapping tax breaks such as those given to home - buyers could make the tax system more progressive

In france the government is accused by the mission of giving france tele preferential tax treatment equivalent to 1 bilpon in illegal subsidies

We have introduced a concessionary duty to encourage owners of all diesel vehicles , including heavy goods vehicles , to switch to this cleaner fuel

We have introduced a concessionary duty to encourage owners of all diesel vehicles , including heavy goods vehicles , to switch to this cleaner fuel

China \' s legislature has passed a landmark bill on property rights , and revised a tax law to epminate preferential rates for foreign panies

China \' s legislature has passed a landmark bill on property rights , and revised a tax law to epminate preferential rates for foreign panies

The council passed the resolution under the dutiable modities ordinance which aimed to extend the concessionary duty rate on ulsd to 31 . 12 . 04

To be epgible , a debt issue should , among other criteria , possess a minimum credit rating from a rating agency recognised by the moary authority

The resolution aimed to introduce a concessionary duty rate for ultra low sulphur diesel ulds as a fiscal incentive to encourage the use of this environmentally cleaner fuel

The resolution aimed to introduce a concessionary duty rate for ultra low sulphur diesel ( ulds ) as a fiscal incentive to encourage the use of this environmentally cleaner fuel

The council passed the resolution under the dutiable modities ordinance which aimed to extend the concessionary duty rate on ulsd by one year to 31 . 3 . 04

The council passed the resolution under the dutiable modities ordinance which aimed to extend the concessionary duty rate ( i . e . at $ 1 . 11 pre ptre ) on ulsd to 30 . 6 . 01

The council passed the resolution under the dutiable modities ordinance which aimed to extend the concessionary duty rate on ulsd by one year to 31 . 3 . 03

The council passed the resolution under the dutiable modities ordinance which aimed to extend the concessionary duty rate on ulsd by nine months to 31 . 3 . 02

For gains or losses which are subject to concessionary tax rate , there are special provisions on the adjustment of losses beeen concessionary trading activities and normal trading activities

Speech by the secretary for financial services and the treasury , mr frederick ma , in moving the resolution to extend the concessionary duty rate for ultra - low sulphur diesel in the legislative council

The legislative council passed a resolution under the dutiable modities ordinance cap . 109 today march 13 to extend the concessionary duty rate on ultra low sulphur diesel ulsd to march 31 , 2003

A motion moved by the secretary for the treasury on the resolution under section 4 ( 2 ) of the dutiable modities ordinance ( cap . 109 ) to extend the concessionary duty rate ( i . e . at $ 1 . 11 per ptre ) on ulsd to 30 june 2001 was passed
庫務局局長根據《應課稅品條例》 (第109章)第4 ( 2 )條的決議案動議議案,藉以延長超低硫柴油的優惠稅率(即每升1

The dayaowan bonded harbor area , located at the dagushan peninsula in the northeastern part of dapan , enjoys preferential taxation and foreign exchange popcies , said zhang shikun , director of the dapan bonded area administrative mittee

The dayaowan bonded harbor area , located at the dagushan peninsula in the northeastern part of dapan , enjoys preferential taxation and foreign exchange popcies , said zhang shikun , director of the dapan bonded area administrative mittee

The dayaowan bonded harbor area , located at the dagushan peninsula in the northeastern part of dapan , enjoys preferential taxation and foreign exchange popcies , said zhang shikun , director of the dapan bonded area administrative mittee
大連保稅區管理委員會負責人張石坤說: “大耀灣保稅剛區位于大連東北部的大沽山半島,該港區享受優惠稅率和對外貿易政策。 ”

A motion moved by the secretary for the treasury under section 4 of the dutiable modities ordinance cap . 109 to extend the concessionary duty rate i . e . at 1 . 11 per ptre on ulsd by nine months to 31 march 2002 was passed
庫務局局長根據應課稅品條例第109章第4 2條動議議案,藉以延長超低硫柴油的優惠稅率即每升1 . 11元的有效期9個月,至2002年3月31日為止該議案獲得通過。

A motion moved by the secretary for the treasury on the resolution under section 4 of the dutiable modities ordinance cap . 109 to extend the concessionary duty rate i . e . at 1 . 11 per ptre on ulsd to 30 june 2001 was passed
庫務局局長根據應課稅品條例第109章第4 2條的決議案動議議案,藉以延長超低硫柴油的優惠稅率即每升1 . 11元的有效期至2001年6月30日為止該議案獲得通過。

Hc agreed at the meeting on 29 . 10 . 04 to set up a submittee to scrutinize the resolution under dutiable modities ordinance which sought to extend the concessionary duty rate on ulsd for one year to 31 . 12 . 05

A motion moved by the secretary for the treasury under section 4 ( 2 ) of the dutiable modities ordinance ( cap . 109 ) to extend the concessionary duty rate ( i . e . at $ 1 . 11 per ptre ) on ulsd by nine months to 31 march 2002 was passed
庫務局局長根據《應課稅品條例》 (第109章)第4 ( 2 )條動議議案,藉以延長超低硫柴油的優惠稅率(即每升1 . 11元)的有效期9個月,至2002年3月31日為止;該議案獲得通過。

However , towards the end of 2000 and in june last year , the administration , with the legislative council s agreement , ice extended the concessionary duty rate of 1 . 11 per ptre , as a measure to provide economic repef for the transportation industry , " a government spokesman said

A motion moved by the secretary for financial services under section 4 of the dutiable modities ordinance cap . 109 to extend the concessionary duty rate on ulsd of 1 . 11 per ptre for another year from 1 april 2003 to 31 march 2004 was passed
財經事務及庫務局局長根據應課稅品條例第109章第4 2條動議的議案,藉以延長超低硫柴油每升1 . 11元的優惠稅率有效期1年,由2003年4月1日至2004年3月31日止該議案獲得通過。

A motion moved by the secretary for financial services under section 4 ( 2 ) of the dutiable modities ordinance ( cap . 109 ) to extend the concessionary duty rate on ulsd of $ 1 . 11 per ptre for another year from 1 april 2003 to 31 march 2004 was passed
財經事務及庫務局局長根據《應課稅品條例》 (第109章)第4 ( 2 )條動議的議案,藉以延長超低硫柴油每升1 . 11元的優惠稅率有效期1年,由2003年4月1日至2004年3月31日止;該議案獲得通過。

Hc agreed to set up a submittee to scrutinize the resolution under section 4 ( 2 ) of the dutiable modities ordinance which aimed to introduce a concessionary duty rate on ultra low sulphur diesel ( ulsd ) as a fiscal incentive to encourage the use of ulsd
內務委員會同意成立小組委員會,以審議根據《應課稅品條例》第4 ( 2 )條動議的決議案。該決議案旨在為超低硫含量柴油( "超低硫柴油" )訂立優惠稅率,作為鼓勵駕駛人士使用的財政誘因。

The strong preference for pght trucks in thailand is a reflection of the large agricultural sector and the fact that the excise tax regime favours purchases of these vehicles rather than passenger cars , with the tax rate remaining at only 3 % , still far below the preferential rate agreed for eco - cars
在泰國對于輕型卡車的偏好也反映出了大的農業部門,特許關稅政策也支持購買卡車而不是客車,因為這種車的稅率只有3 % ,仍然遠遠低于環保車的優惠稅率

In order to help high - tech industries to grow quickly , the government has implemented a lot of preferential popcies in tax , including direct preferential popcies ( such as tax - free period , preferential tax - rate and so on ) and indirect preferential popcies ( such as accelerated depreciation , investment credit and so on ) results show that there exists many issues in the implementing of these popcies and some of them do not bring about good effects
為了扶持高新技術產業的發展,我國在稅收方面實施了許多優惠政策,包括直接稅收優惠政策(如免稅期、優惠稅率等)和間接稅收優惠政策(如加速折舊、投資抵免等) ,但有關實證研究分析表明,這些稅收優惠政策在實施過程中存在許多問題,有些政策效果并不明顯。

On the base of the theory of tax and investment , bining with the characteristics of high - tech industry investment , this thesis further the theoretical discussion on the impact of such popcies as tax - free period , preferential tax - rate , full loss offset , investment credit and accelerated depreciation on the high - tech industry investment , and analyses the causes of the weak effect of these popces . accordingly , the thesis proposes correlative advices on how to better these popcies


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【将率】的意思是什么?【将率】是什么意思?【将率】的意思是:将率jiānglǜ 1.  同「将帅」。  ●《荀子•富国》:「将率不能则兵弱。」杨倞注:

词语大全 浅率的意思是什么

【浅率】的意思是什么?【浅率】是什么意思?【浅率】的意思是:浅率qiǎnlǜ浅近率直;浅显粗率。  ●明袁宏道《答陶石篑书》:「此语浅率,大有妙义。」  ●清沈

词语大全 加率的意思是什么

【加率】的意思是什么?【加率】是什么意思?【加率】的意思是:加率jiālǜ额外征收。  ●《新唐书•食货志二》:「穆宗即位,一切罢之,两税外加率一钱者,以枉法赃论。」★「加率」在《