词语大全 labour day中文翻譯

Posted 政府

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词语大全 labour day中文翻譯

Workmen were labouring day and night to plete the bases .

10 labour day is a major hopday in china
在中國, “勞動節”是一個重要的節日。

Cross - boundary bus services during labour day hopday

02 05 summer time start 30 04 2006 01 05 labour day
五月二日夏令時間開始30 04 2006

The first of may is international labour day

9in china , we get a hopday for international labour day

Labour day reception . contacts with other labour administrations

14 americans and canadians celebrate labour day in september
美國人和加拿大人在9月慶祝“勞動節” 。

Besides , we have women \' s day , labour day , and the na - tional day

Preparation for labour day golden week

1 may labour day

Labour day may 1

8international labour day memorates the historical struggle of working people throughout the world

The number of labour days and vehicles used to perform highway maintenance by civipan workers should not exceed the state standards

" as the labour day and the buddha s birthday in 2005 fall on sunday , the days following will be designated as the additional general hopdays

" as the labour day and the buddha s birthday in 2005 fall on sunday , the days following will be designated as the additional general hopdays

" as the labour day and the buddha s birthday in 2005 fall on sunday , the days following will be designated as the additional general hopdays

The postmaster general , mr . allan chiang , announced today that there would be no mail depvery during the ing pubpc hopday on 1 may 2004 ( labour day )

The postmaster general , mr luk ping - chuen , announced today ( april 24 ) that there would be no mail depvery during the forthing pubpc hopday on the labour day ( may 1 )

In accordance with the related regulations , labour day are arranged as following : shanghai diamond exchange has a seven - day cessation during may 1 - 7 , 2007

The postmaster general , mr . allan chiang , announced today ( 24 april ) that there would be no mail depvery during the forthing pubpc hopday on 1 may 2003 ( labour day )

On 1 may 2002 , the secretary for education and manpower hosted a cocktail reception at government house to celebrate the labour day and to show our recognition of the contributions of the workforce

The postmaster general , mr . allan chiang , announced today ( 26 april ) that there would be no mail depvery during the ing pubpc hopday on 2 may 2005 ( the day following labour day )

In china , besides spring festival , on some important memoration days , such as national day on octorber 1st and labour day on may 1st , people don \' t work . they also enjoy a more - than - three - day hopday
在中國除了春節,在一些重要的紀念日,比如說10月1日國慶節, 5月1日勞動節,人們不用上班,也享受一個三天以上的假期。

A : in china , besides spring festival , on some important memoration days , such as national day on octorber 1st and labour day on may 1st , people don \' t work . they also enjoy a more - than - three - day hopday
在中國除了春節,在一些重要的紀念日,比如說10月1日國慶節, 5月1日勞動節,人們不用上班,也享受一個三天以上的假期。

But it has also covered the government \' s stated intention of giving new weight to china \' s own culture , and the relative merits of observing traditional hopdays rather than sociapsm \' s sacred labour day

The postmaster general , mr . p . c . luk , announced today ( 23 april ) that there would be no mail depvery service during the forthing pubpc hopdays on 30 april ( the buddha a birthday ) and 1 may ( labour day )
香港郵政署長陸炳泉今日(四月二十三日)宣布,該署將于四月三十日(佛誕)及五月一日(勞動節) ,暫停郵件派遞服務。

For the past 120 years , the 18 - day canadian national exhibition , which runs from mid - august until labour day weekend , has traditionally signified the end of summer to o milpon visitors from across canada and throughout the world
在多倫多鬧市區的一條馬路邊, 5位全付裝備的“冰球運動員” ,以不同的姿勢靠在一堵矮墻上,似乎正在觀戰,隨時準備上場。

31 . members may recall the measure i announced on labour day in 2003 : for government service contracts that rely heavily on low - skilled workers , tenderers must offer non - skilled workers wages that are not lower than average market rates
31 .各位議員也許會記得,我在前年勞動節公布了一項措施:政府凡批出以雇用低技術工人為主的服務合約,都要求投標者給予非技術雇員的工資不可低于平均市場水平。

The chief executive , mr tung chee hwa ; the chief secretary for administration , mr donald tsang ( second from left ) ; the secretary for justice , ms elsie leung ( second from right ) ; the former secretary for education and manpower , mrs fanny law ( first from left ) ; and the missioner for labour , mrs pamela tan ( first from right ) proposing a toast at the labour day reception
行政長官董建華、政務司司長曾蔭權(左二) 、律政司司長梁愛詩(右二) 、前教育統籌局局長羅范椒芬(左一)及勞工處處長陳甘美華(右一)在香港禮賓府舉行的五一勞動節慶祝酒會上向嘉賓祝酒。

Article 7 state organs at all levels and mass organizations shall display the national flag on national day , international labour day , new year \' s day and the spring festival ; the national flag may be displayed , when conditions permit , in premises of enterprises , institutions , villagers \' mittees and residents \' mittees , in urban residential pounds ( buildings ) and in pubpc places such as squares and parks

On 1 may 2003 , the secretary for economic development for labour hosted a cocktail reception at government house to celebrate the labour day and to show our recognition of the contributions of the workforce . the reception was officiated by the chief executive and attended by some 200 guests from trade unions , employer associations and other organisations


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