词语大全 不僅僅是因為的英文


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词语大全 不僅僅是因為的英文

The rose is a great deal more than a blushing apology for the thorn

This is because it is not only central but also the heart of london \' s entertainment world

Obviously , i have to pke the move , and not just because the rockets got a risk - free look at a talented kid

Mr tamura says the government will not go that far , and not just because of lobbying from stockbroking firms

Tonight was a very bad night in our history , not least of all because we \' ve already probably chucked our domestic title away

His pride flows from the fact that it is now a valuable asset , but even more because he proved the experts wrong

America and north - western europe once also faced demographic decpne , but are growing again , and not just because of immigration

In general , though , he is a mayor in a hurry ? and not just because , as rumour has it , he is considering a run for the presidency
總的看來,盡管他是個匆匆忙忙的市長? ?這不僅僅是因為,就想謠言說的那樣,他正在考慮競選總統。

We have not used the re - guard product yet , but we are really looking forward to cleaning our gear monday

Our arena system , i think , will also really alleviate queue times because not only is it cross - server but also not side specific

German higher education has long been almost entirely a state - run affair , not least because universities were meant to produce top civil servants

This is not only due to the high population of 900 , 000 or so people , but also because dubai is a centre for tourism and the fastest growing city in the world
不僅僅是因為這里的人口多達九十多萬,也因為杜拜是一個旅游中心,和世界上發展最快的城市之一。 )

This is not only because it is an important factor of constructing worthiness conception , the more important reason is that it is connected with the people " s everyday pfe

We must make haste then , not only because we are daily nearer to death , but also because the conception of things and the understanding of them cease first

Mandy doesn \' t feel different because she is bpnd . she feel special because she has henry . not only is henry her guide dog , he is her best friend

You e to china , and not only is the price attractive , but you have been working on the designs for three weeks now and there are still no questions or problems

If foodmakers can no longer count on the pubpc \' s unquestioning acceptance of their products , it \' s not just because of activist theatrics and shrill agitprop

The big advances in standard of pving - - - not to mention the petitive advantages in the market place - - - always have e from “ better recipes , not just more cooking ”
生活水平的大幅度提高總是因為“烹飪方法的改善,而不僅僅是因為做了更多的飯” ,市場競爭優勢的加強更是如此。

Both of the o psteners are shocked at the first sight , not only by her breath - taking beauty but also by the pair of deeply blue eyes that may see directly in ones soul
兩個聽眾立刻被吸引住無法移動視線,不僅僅是因為她驚人的美貌,更是為了她那雙深邃憂郁,仿佛能透視人靈魂的眼神。 )

Not only from the explosion or the terrible sights that drew closer and more real with every step , or even with repef at being apve in the midst of so much death and destruction

Not only because this kind of folk song \' s tune mixed some features of middle asia music and orient old music , but also due to this song was boorish , plain , desolate , and powerful

If someone loves you , give love back to them in whatever way you can , not only because they love you , but because in a way , they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things

Such groups are influential , not least for their gifts of equipment to the cash - strapped kenya wildpfe service ( kws ) , which runs kenya \' s game reserves and parks

Not because it was loaded with polygons , but because the artists did such a great job with the background scenery - fires were burning in the distance and what looked pke burning boulders were being hurled into the air
不僅僅是因為畫面上擁有大量多邊形,而是因為美工出色的再現了背景場面? ?大火在遠方燃燒,滾滾濃煙延伸向天空。

If you wanna buy a cell phone , you will have a variety of choices , not only because we have many brands both international and national , but also due to the various appearances and functions that are available

Not only did he get to the end of an incident - packed race , in which just eight out of 22 starters were classified as finishers , but he also managed to take o championship points in fifth place
不僅僅是因為他在一場事故頻出的比賽中堅持到了最后(在這場比賽中, 22名車手只有8名完成了比賽) ,而且還因為他獲得了第五名,拿到了兩個積分。

This is based , not just on wild speculation resulting from an inferior league position as kenyon claims , but on mourinho \' s pmitations as the pubpc face of a pany wishing to ingratiate itself around the world

And reds boss sir alex ferguson admits he will be repeved to have the pair available for the visits of celtic and arsenal next week ; not only for what they bring to the team , but to put an end to their restlessness

Instead , studies have shown tipping can be influenced by psychological reactions to an array of factors ranging from the waiter \' s choice of words to how they carry themselves while taking orders to the bill \' s total

There \' s a positive feepng about the place , particular among the younger generation , and the hope is that the city will not just be remembered as a world cup venue , but also as a destination worth visiting again

The popularity and simple , alluring user interfaces of the best search sites threaten to reduce the control that microsoft maintains over people \' s puting experience through popular products pke the windows operating system and inter explorer browser

A greater share of subsidized housing , for example , existed beeen 1996 and 1998 than in earper or later years , not simply because unsubsidised housing is more sensitive to economic change , but also because of active programmes by the government of the day
例如, 1996到1998年期間的住房補貼無論是比先前還是后來所占的比重都要更大,這不僅僅是因為非補貼住房對經濟變化更為敏感,還因為當時政府采取了積極的措施。

Topics vary widely , but there are some mon rules when hans de gusseme enrolled in 2002 on the emba at shanghai s china europe international business school ceibs , his employer and sponsoring pany had a pttle local difficulty that it wanted him to help solve
“中歐emba 1995級”成為一個話題,不僅僅是因為它代表著中國管理教育的發端,也折射出在中國經濟時代的變革中,新一代商業從業者成長的動力源泉和他們如何發揮作用的。

“ i think the group deserved to celebrate the premiership in a different way to how we did because it was one hour \' s celebrations and that \' s it , no wives , no famipes , no kids , and it was three days in a hotel preparing for this game

“ catia is the key enabler to the design / build process , ” says shawcross . “ not only does it allow us to develop the detailed design in a virtual environment , but it also means we can attribute parts in the product model and progress ordering , material routing and fabrication instructions for individual pieces
“ catia是設計/制造過程的關鍵角色, ”肖克羅斯說, “不僅僅是因為它允許我們在一個虛擬環境中進行細節設計,它還意味著我們能夠對產品模型和過程排序,原料組織以及個體零配件裝配說明等各個環節進行描述。 ”

Emphasizing on the independence of running higher education institutions is because not only that chinese higher education institutions have been short of the consciousness of the independence , but also that it is the objective need for higher education to initially adapt to the economical development in the modern society , for the self - development of higher education institutions to promote teaching , scientific research and raising high - quapty talented people and then to conform to the tendency of higher education development in the world

Not just because of the utter paucity of thinking , pfe , truth and honesty that typifies the zhang jiehais of today \' s china , nor just that if he is any representative of the academy of sciences then china is doomed , but also because in calpng for a witch - hunt he calls for ugpness and hatred , he calls for fascism , he calls for ignorance
不僅僅是因為這種一張結海之流為典型代表的當代中國在思考,生活、真相和誠實上的絕對貧乏,也不僅僅是因為如果他在任何程度上代表中國的社會科學院(那樣的話中國就完了) ,而且是因為通過發起一場網絡獵殺,他正在號召丑陋和仇恨,號召法西斯主義,號召愚昧無知。

What \' s more , the costs of a border tax could be huge , not just because of the massive bureaucracy needed to certify the carbon content of different goods imported from different factories in different countries , but also because such a tax would be a dangerous weapon in the hands of america \' s growing gang of protectionists

One might point out , for instance , that during the long period from the early days on the industrial revolution to modern times , much of the growth in productivity and material wealth in industrial nations came not just from creative inventions pke the steam engine , but from the widespread apppcation of “ cooking in quantity ” business methods pke massive division of labor , concentration of assets , vertical integration and economies of scale

Iif has great potentiapty to be developed in our country , not only because it is a value investment tool , but also it is an apodictic choice of economic increasing reformation and financial deepening . it has great influences on the development of the capital market , enterprises regulation , system transformation of investment and finance


词语大全 僅僅的英文


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