词语大全 brine shrimp中文翻譯

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篇首语:真正有光的人,压的时间越久,深度越深,绽放的光芒才可以灿烂.本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 brine shrimp中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 brine shrimp中文翻譯

Method of inspection of brine shrimp eggs forimport and export

Brine shrimp flakes

Standard practice for using brine shrimp nauppi as food for test animals in aquatic toxicology

From the p1 to p5 phases of this stage , the brine shrimp s larvae and zooplankton such as copepoda should be used as feed

The hatching enzyme from brine shrimp , artemia shrimp , is a pivotal protease which help the encysted embryo escape from its hatching membrane when hatching
鹵蟲孵化酶( he )是由鹵蟲早期胚胎特異性分泌的、在孵化過程中起關鍵作用的一種蛋白酶。

Feed , fish meal , plant protein powder , fish oil , brine shrimp , biology binzhou huachang biological feed co . , ltd was founded in 1992 , the registered capital of 900 , 000 yuan

Brine shrimp artemia , a source of food to be used in the initial feeding of the young fin fish and crustaceans , is uniquely responsible for the growth of aquaculture

The he was strongly inhibited by sbti and apmsf , and very sensitive to pmsf , lbti , and tlck , while not sensitive to chymostatin , bestatin , leupeptin , tpck , pepstatin , nem and iam . all these results imply that brine shrimp he was most probably a trypsin - type serine protease . the he could be strongly inhibited by edta in a dose - dependent manner , and 50 mmol / l edta exhibited more than 56 . 5 % inhibition
對孵化酶純化樣品進行生化性質和酶性質分析發現,鹵蟲孵化酶的最適反應溫度約為40 ,最適ph為8 . 5左右;該孵化酶對p - apmsf 、 sbti極為敏感,對pmsf 、 lbti和tlck也非常敏感,但對chymostatin 、 leupeptin 、 pepstatin 、 bestatin 、 tpck 、 nem和iam不敏感,表明該酶極可能是一種屬于胰蛋白酶類型的絲氨酸蛋白酶。

The distribution of the brine shrimp hgcs varies greatly from the species studied till now . one hour after hatching , neither the dorsal - anterior area nor the other dorsal area remained positive immunoreactivity signal . and 2 hours after hatching , there was no typical hgcs in the body of the brine shrimp and the remained hatching enzymes may participate in digesting the left vitelpn in the nauppus
鹵蟲hgc最初出現至孵化前1h時均為全身性分布,從孵出到孵出后2h ,頭鹵蟲孵化酶的生物化學性質及孵化腺細胞的免疫組織化學研究部的孵化酶顆粒已經減少,而變為非全身性分布,到孵出后sh ,孵化酶顆粒已基本消失殆盡。

After molting three times , the zoea enter the mysis stage during which they begin to look more pke adult shrimp and swim in a characteristic fashion with head and tail pointed downwards at right angles and occasionally performing a sudden retrograde jumping action . this is known as the inversion state , the fry being suspended upside - down in the upper middle region of the pond water . this is , therefore , also called the " inverted suspension phase "
眼幼蟲脫第三次即進入糠蝦期幼蟲期mysis stage ,此期之體形已略成蝦之狀態,且具特有之游泳姿態,即頭部及尾部均向下,成一直角彎曲而時作向后跳躍游動,又因成倒立狀態,懸浮于水中的中上層,又叫倒吊期,此期幼蟲對外界的環境因素,如水溫鹽分等變化,比前兩期來得更具適應力,主要餌料為豐年蝦brine shrimp的幼蟲,但其他大小略同的動物性浮游生物,如橈腳類copepoda輪蟲類rotifera均可。

The main feed at this time consists of brine shrimp larvae , oyster eggs and diatoms spirupne , skeletonema costatum . however other zooplankton such as copepoda and rotifera can also be used . during the mysis stage the bodies of the fry bee larger and so are able to ingest the nauppi of the brine shrimp along with spirupna and

The brine shrimp he was prepared and purified by 67 % ammonium sulfate precipitation , deae - sepharose fast flow ion - exchange chromatography , and sephacryl column gel - filtration , and its biochemical and enzymological properties were identified in this study . it was found that the deduced molecular weight of he in sds - page is about 98 . 5 kda , and its proteolytic activity was optimized at ph of 7 . 5 - 8 . 5 and at temperature of 40 , respectively
我們利用67硫酸銨沉淀、 deae - sepharosefastflow陰離子交換柱層析和sephacryl凝膠過濾柱層析,并以酪蛋白為其蛋白酶水解活性的檢測底物、以卵膜為其卵殼裂解活性的特異性底物,從鹵蟲胚胎孵化液中分離純化出了鹵蟲的孵化酶分子,其在sds - page電泳中的分子量約為98 . 5kda 。


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词语大全 蛯什么意思

蛯拼音lǎo 部首虫笔画12五笔JFTX[蛯]基本解释1.同“虾”。2.日本地名用字。3.日本姓氏用字。[蛯]百科解释蛯是日本地名用字。更多→蛯[蛯]英文翻译shrimp