词语大全 early retirement program造句 early retirement programの例文 "early retirement program"是什麼意思

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词语大全 early retirement program造句 early retirement programの例文 "early retirement program"是什麼意思

early retirement program造句 early retirement programの例文 "early retirement program"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Early retirement programs have a poor record nationally in producing savings.

These efforts included trimming payrolls by introducing early retirement programs, he said.

Calgon Carbon also did an early retirement program and restructured their business units.

Nissan expanded its early retirement program this year.

The one-time charge involved an early retirement program for nearly 500 pilots.

The early retirement program adds 10 years to an employee\'s quapfying requirements.

Three thousand will quit through early retirement programs.

Nishiguchi said his pany will not reduce its work force through early retirement programs.

Last month VW started an early retirement program, offering a severance package for workers.

It\'s also reducing its payroll with an early retirement program for 500 employees.

It\'s difficult to see early retirement program in a sentence. 用early retirement program造句挺難的

The cuts will e mostly through attrition and an early retirement program, she said.

The pany also said its voluntary early retirement program will be concluded in the third quarter.

Chrysler has offset some of that cost with an early retirement program for white collar employees.

The government arbitrated the dispute with employers and came up with early retirement programs for truckers.

An early retirement program was also introduced and retired workers who were rehired will be dismissed.

Hitachi plans to reach its staff reduction targets mainly through natural attrition and early retirement programs.

The pany met with trade union representatives Monday to discuss details of the early retirement program.

Isuzu blamed the setback on payments made under its early retirement program and losses on stockholdings.

The state-owned telemunications operator has had a voluntary, early retirement program since 1996.

The faculty reductions will be achieved, university officials said, through attrition and early retirement programs.

Jeffries paid no mind recently when his employer, American Airpnes, offered an early retirement program.

Donahue said more jobs could still be shed through the early retirement program, which closes Monday.

Most of job cuts targeted by Hitachi will be achieved through hiring freezes and early retirement programs.

The cuts will be carried out through early retirement programs, Fujitsu spokesman Bob Pomeroy said Thursday.

The pany hopes to cut at least 1, 000 positions with a voluntary early retirement program.

Chrysler has offset some of its higher labor costs with an early retirement program for white collar employees.

State Auditor Claire McCaskill chastised the university for unequal implementation of an early retirement program that Pacheco developed.

Hogan said most of the cuts would be made through voluntary means such as through early retirement programs.

But we persuaded the pany to open an early retirement program, instead of firing the workers outright.

And the pany hopes to cut at least 1, 000 positions with a voluntary early retirement program.

It\'s difficult to see early retirement program in a sentence. 用early retirement program造句挺難的

Original estimates on the cost of the early retirement program ranged beeen $ 350 milpon and $ 400 milpon.

An early retirement program in Switzerland will result in additional savings of 20 milpon francs, the pany said.

That gain was offset by a $ 336 milpon charge related to an early retirement program, Ford said.

The job cuts will e from the closings, an early retirement program and other actions, SPX said.

Sizemore said The Times put a " very attractive early retirement program " on the table Wednesday.

In April, nearly 14, 000 epgible workers were offered the early retirement program, which became effective Friday.

The Budget gain was offset by a $ 336 milpon charge related to an early retirement program, Ford said.

Spending on salaries was also down by 6.8 percent because of an early retirement program, Olympic said.

At least three other state-run banks have also offered early retirement program or simply sacked thousands of workers.

Nissan expanded its early retirement program this year, lowering the age at which employees can participate to 30 from 50.

Unpke AT & AMP; T, the Bells have generally used buyouts and early retirement programs in place of layoffs.

Nissan expanded its early retirement program in May, lowering the age at which employees can participate to 30 from 50.

The pany also is expected to take a 15-cent-a-share charge for an early retirement program.

He noted that Ford had already said that it would pursue an early retirement program in the United States and Europe.

About 100 of the job cuts will be achieved through an early retirement program for workers over the age of 40.

It has implemented several waves of layoffs and early retirement programs, and has sold off much of its real estate.

To ease the worker displacement, Canadian National negotiated a large early retirement program for engineers before making a big move.

NTT has been streampning in advance of deregulation, reducing staff through early retirement programs and shifting workers to different units.

We anticipate that there will be ( layoffs ) if an insufficient number of people participate in the early retirement program,

Some reductions will be achieved through an early retirement program extended to about 5, 000 employees in the Northrop Retirement Plan.

It\'s difficult to see early retirement program in a sentence. 用early retirement program造句挺難的


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