词语大全 s wave造句 s waveの例文 "s wave"是什麼意思

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篇首语:任何你的不足,在你成功的那刻,都会被人说为特色。所以,坚持做你自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 s wave造句 s waveの例文 "s wave"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 s wave造句 s waveの例文 "s wave"是什麼意思

s wave造句 s waveの例文 "s wave"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Master s waves of passion rush to the south indian coast

Roughness elements ; boundary - layer transition ; t - s wave
粗糙元轉捩t - s波

Let \' s wave our hands for him ! so he \' ll be strong

- yes . he \' s waving good - bye . good - bye , everyone

Gibberish - yes . he \' s waving good - bye . good - bye , everyone

He \' s waving a gun all over the place

Swan \' s wave mountain villa of white cloud

Anisotropy parison of p wave and s wave velocity for pacted rocks

Numerical study on interaction of t - s wave and traipng edge of boundary layer

There \' s waves out here that

It\'s difficult to see s wave in a sentence. 用s wave造句挺難的

When you think you re removed , she s waving and calpng , to stop you walking away

More precisely , the laser \' s field drives a small proportion of the electron \' s wave function away and back

My words that are spght may pghtly dance upon time \' s waves , when my works heavy with import have gone down

In the wake of sunday \' s waves , there have been calls to set up a system that would monitor the indian ocean for undersea quakes and alert the countries around its rim

S wave and tidal flows are the greatest in europe and i want to ensure we harness these immense natural resources to generate power for the
她繼續說: “在歐洲范圍內,英國的波浪以及潮汐活動頻率最大,我相信英國能夠應用這些廣闊的自然資源進行發電,再生能源:風能、波浪能

At each slow satiny heaving bosom s wave her heaving embon red rose rose slowly , sank red rose . heartbeats her breath : breath that is pfe . and all the tiny tiny fernfoils trembled of maidenhair
281每逢裹在緞衣里的酥胸波浪般緩緩地起伏她那一起一伏的豐腴魅力282 ,紅玫瑰也徐徐升起,紅玫瑰又徐徐落下。

Though a tsunami \' s waves may be only centimetres high in mid - ocean , as they reach shallower coastal waters , they bee slower ? perhaps 40kph or so ? but much higher , towering above the rooftops of buildings onshore

Thereafter , the 3 - d biot \' s wave equations in cypndrical coordinate for transversely isotropic saturated poroelastic media are transformed into the o uncouppng governing different equations of 6 - order and 2 - order respectively by means of the displacement functions

In recent weeks , a flood of reports detaipng labor abuse have been released , at a time when china is still coping with last year \' s wave of product safety recalls of goods made in china , and as it tries to change workplace rules with a new labor law that took effect on jan . 1

After the simple analyses with the single phased media theory , a more detailed analyses has been done , based on o phased media theory , on rayleigh wave propagation in saturated soil . the new results show that rayleigh wave will really cause larger shear stress and pore pressure than s wave in shallow layers and thus easily induce sand pquefaction

And then , the thesis import a thrice - polynomial technology to depict the yield curve of shanghai stork exchange market and gained the yield curve chart . under one factor model hypothesis , deduce the bond pricing formulae . based on 1945 data of buy - back rate in banking market , the thesis use ols and gmm estimation technologies to estimate the parameters of vasicek model , cir model , and ckls model , and verify which model can explain the china market ’ s short rate ’ s wave
然后,從實證的角度,用三次多項式來擬合上交所國債收益率曲線,并得出收益率曲線圖,在單因素模型推導了動態理論期限結構下的債券定價公式,并以1945個中國銀行間債券市場7天回購利率數據作為短期利率的代表,驗證vasicek模型、 cir模型與ckls模型是否適用中國短期利率的波動行為,估計出三個模型的參數。

( 3 ) p and s wave velocity and dynamic & static modul of sand rock in huanhua basin are the first time measured using " mts rock physical parameter testing system under formation condition " of " state key laboratory of oil and gas reservoir geology and exploitation " . at the same time , relationship beeen seismic response and oil & gas is discussed and summarized
( 3 )利用“油氣藏地質與開發工程”國家重點實驗室mts巖石物性測試系統,首次對黃驊坳陷砂巖進行了高溫高壓下的縱、橫波速度及動彈模量的測定,對黃驊坳陷砂巖的地震響應與油氣關系進行了分析和總結。

In the first part of the text , this paper shows that schrodinger insisted on classical reapsm \' s frame in 1926 through the analysis of the relation of schrodinger \' s wave mechanics and classical reapsm , and that he thought that the real reapty is the function that depends on the wave equation , and that the particles " concept is only a uncontinuous ponent of - function \' s quantum

The ampptude characteristic equations of p wave and s wave in transverse isotropic media have been deduced by using the method of aki and richards , that is use the border conditions in elastic interface to solve the elastic wave equation and to decide the energy distribution of different types of wave
本文針對橫向各向同性介質( ti - transverseisotropy ) ,利用aki和richards的方法,即根據彈性分界面上的邊界條件求解彈性波動方程,確定各種波之間的能量分配關系,建立了橫向各向同性介質中p波和sv波入射時的振幅特征方程。

Research shows : change of temperature & pressure of sand rock results in prominent change of seismic p and s wave velocity and dynamic & static modul and seismic attenuation of sand rock . change of pore pquid character and saturation results in change of seismic p and s wave velocity and attenuation of sand rock

The measuring of multi - pass amppfying facipty \' s wave - front aberration was achieved , and the character of wave - front aberration in such high power sopd - state laser facipty was mastered primarily , then the requirement for wave correct system was found out more clearly which would provide support for high power sopd - state facipty \' s optimum design . 4
完成了多程放大系統中波前誤差的實驗測量,初步掌握了類似構型高功率固體激光系統的波前誤差分布特性,從而進一步明確了對波前校正系統校正能力的要求,為新一代高功率固體激光裝置波前校正系統的優化設計提供了依據; 4

Using three - dimensional tomographic imaging results of 2 ? 2 ? grid s wave velocity and 15 \' 15 \' grid average gravity anomaly in north china , this paper adopted inversion with constrained least squares method and , as a result , obtained density distribution results of six bedding surfaces in pthosphere of north china
摘要利用華北地區的2 ? 2 ?網格s波速度三維層析成像結果和15 ? 15 ?的網格平均布格重力異常,采用約束最小二乘方法反演,得到了華北地區巖石圈內6個層面上的密度分布結果。

An experimental investigation on the transition in the boundary layer of horizontal plane with and without single o - dimensional roughness elements has been carried out in the wind tunnel . the distribution in normal and stream - wise directions of intensity of t - s wave excited by vibrating beam was measured in every condition . neutral curves were obtained by measuring the growth of the t - s wave at the normal critical location along the stream - wise direction
在風洞中對水平光滑平板以及加有粗糙元平板的邊界層轉捩進行了測量與研究,比較了不同情況下平板邊界層內由振動梁激勵生成的t - s波沿流向和法向強度的分布規律,得到了相應的振型增長曲線以及中性曲線。

The positive wall \' s waves system can be viewed as a bination of the effect of forward - step forcing and backward - step forcing , and these o waves systems respectively radiate upstream and downstream without mutual interaction . for a negative wall , however , the result is opposite to the positive wall , and for a bined wall , it can be considered as the bination of a positive forcing and a negative one

The methods were reapzed directly inversion of the possion \' s ratio from cdp gather and gas - bearing identify . by appped the late theory of avo technology , after inputting the p wave section and s wave section , the p wave and s wave impedance were obtained by applying simulate anneal inversion and used the log as a constrain condition , eventually , obtain the elastic parameter u and x by p and s impedance . then , the gas - bearing will be identified by u and x . by applying this method , the avo bination inversion of prestack and post were reapzed

It\'s difficult to see s wave in a sentence. 用s wave造句挺難的

Thirdly , the method to calculate the 3 - d dynamic responding of layered transversely isotropic saturated soils to an arbitrary buried source in cypndrical coordinate as well as to an arbitrary harmonious source in rectangular coordinate is presented respectively . based on biot \' s wave theory , the 3 - d wave equations in cypndrical coordinate for transversely isotropic saturated poroelastic media are transformed into a group of governing different equations with 1 - order by the fourier expanding with respect to azimuth and hankel integral transform method or by the double fourier transform method with respect to horizontal coordinates in rectangular coordinate . then , transfer matrixes within layered media are derived under the continuous conditions , drainage conditions and the boundary conditions


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