词语大全 quartermaster corporal造句 quartermaster corporalの例文


篇首语:最关情,折尽梅花,难寄相思。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 quartermaster corporal造句 quartermaster corporalの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 quartermaster corporal造句 quartermaster corporalの例文

Squadron quartermaster corporal ( SQMC ) is the equivalent in the Household Cavalry ( in which it is an appointment of staff corporal ).

In the Household Cavalry, which does not use the term " sergeant ", the designation is replaced with quartermaster corporal ( QMC ), as in squadron quartermaster corporal and regimental quartermaster corporal.

In the Household Cavalry, which does not use the term " sergeant ", the designation is replaced with quartermaster corporal ( QMC ), as in squadron quartermaster corporal and regimental quartermaster corporal.

In the Household Cavalry, which does not use the term " sergeant ", the designation is replaced with quartermaster corporal ( QMC ), as in squadron quartermaster corporal and regimental quartermaster corporal.

It\'s difficult to find quartermaster corporal in a sentence. 用quartermaster corporal造句挺難的


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