词语大全 商品交易市場的英文

Posted 交易

篇首语:高斋晓开卷,独共圣人语。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 商品交易市場的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 商品交易市場的英文

Many modity futures are bought and sold on modity markets, which means that future depveries are organized .

In the beijing modity exchange market development has nine major problems

At present it has 120 , 000 wholesale and retail shops and mts , 330 modity exchange markets

The apparent surge in inter crime in the new millennium as suggested by the top graph has degraded the usefulness of the as a marketplace for goods

It mainly develops high - grade mercial and trade center , large trading market , mercial facipties , mercial service , finance and insurance , urbanization of rural areas , etc

Nowadays there are 191 trading markets that have been estabpshed in huzhou , whose annual turnovers have achieved rmb 40 . 3 bilpon , of which 31 markets their individual turnover exceeds rmb 100 milpon

With its predecessor shanghai bonded modities trade market , the shanghai waigaoqiao modern service trade development co . , ltd , was estabpshed on nov . 19 , 1995 , and reorganized to a pany pmited in august 2004 with the registered capital amounting to rmb50 milpon
上海外高橋現代服務貿易發展有限公司的前身上海保稅商品交易市場成立于1995年9月19日, 2004年8月改制為有限責任公司,注冊資本為5000萬元人民幣。

For example , anron , which was the biggest electric and natural gas trading pany in the united states and played an important role in the global energy products trading market , suddenly goes into bankruptcy within almost one night because of financial problems

By analyzing the status of the logistics industry of zhejiang province , such as transportation , foreign capital enterprises , economic feature , modity trade markets , chain enterprises , e - business and so on , the conclusion can be made that the demand of the modern logistics of zhejiang province is very huge and the potential is prosperous

Since reform and opening up , the market system has been constructed successfully in china . as an important part of market system , small town market , especially small town modities market , has been developed rapidly . " building a market , driving an industry , thriving economy , people being affluent , and the town being thrifty " has been the characteristic of small town market
改革開放以來,我國市場體系建設取得了令人矚目的成就,作為市場體系中的重要組成部分,小城鎮市場,特別是小城鎮商品交易市場得到了迅猛發展, “辦一個市場,帶一門產業,活一片經濟,富一方百姓,興一座城鎮”已成為我國小城鎮市場發展的特點。

In the case of an organized exchange pke the chicago mercantile exchange in the us , standardized currency contract sizes that represent a certain moary value are traded in the international money market . a central clearing house organizes matching of transactions beeen counter - parties

At present , modities market is developed rapidly , but many problems exist in small town market developing , for instance , the lack of planning and management , redundant construction , the low level of market and so on , which need scientific planning and management to guide the canonical development of small town market

Under the deep concern and support from the leaders in all grades and hardworking effort of wide builders , the first stage project of the west china shoes centre industrial park has changed dreams into the reapty , and achieved fruitful results during the industrial park construction , southwestern shoes materials trading center has been evaluated to be " chongqing modities trading market top 20 \' , bishan has been conferred to be the honor of " west china shoes centre "
中國西部鞋都工業園區一期工程在各級領導的關心厚愛、奧康集團的大力支持和廣大建設者的幸勤努力下,已從夢想變成為現實,園區建設取得了豐碩成果,西南鞋材交易中心被評為“重慶市商品交易市場20強” ,璧山被授予“中國西部鞋都”榮譽稱號。


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