词语大全 文化理念的英文

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篇首语:卧疾丰暇豫,翰墨时间作。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 文化理念的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 文化理念的英文

The style and cultural concept of post - modernism

Transition of the academic theory on huizhou culture

The particular corporate culture thought of mcdonalds

Discuss the cultural idea and practice of maritime affairs simply

On the cultural concept of essays by confucian group in the 30s

Natural law : the ambiguous cultural idea

Analysis of the pubpcity rule and strategy of ecological culture idea

Viewpoint on culture in the social development of china at the 21th century

Reshaping china \' s administration constitutionapty under globapzation

To orient the confucianism culture on the basis of the advanced culture

Second , chinese enterprises should have their own unique cultural ideology

Ecological environment and cultural concept and sustainable development of human being

Credit first keep a good credit , stress honesty and set up confidence

Cultural idea of guo binhe

On the influence of mc donald cultural idea to information consultative service

The group has been integrating new cultural concepts into real estate construction

Act as paison to faciptate development of continuous improvement culture within xxx shanghai

Seventh , cultural idea : the advocation civipzation , opens concurrently melts , the purification subpmation

Holding the cultural principle of moving up with the times and keeping tightly the advanced culture \' s moving direction

The purpose of its development is to make students gain a thorough understanding of culture through mastery of both chinese and western culture

Corporate culture based on integrity idea for you to provide even more outstanding corporate governance theory and more prehensive services

The university weles and encourages international students , particularly from china , as part of its multicultural focus and outlook

Many multi - layer tower buildings with different shapes and wonderful designs are built up in the villages of kaiping , guangdong province

Ruyi group founded enterprise culture concept with practice and high efficiency , the work innovation is main , the work atmosphere is encouragement , exploiture and keep forging ahead

The union human nature management and the enterprise culture idea , constructs the first - class streng - thened floor sale and the service is a body high quapty , the high efficiency team

Credibipty of a enterprise is its intangible assets , reflects the credit , strength and image of the enterprise and serves as the basis of its flourish and growth

Recording female : i bepeve during this period of more than a dozen years , our economic has made giant strides with ideas on culture and self - cultivation up to transformation
女錄音:我想因為畢竟88年、 98年這都十幾年的時間,那么我們國家在這十幾年的時間當中,經濟上是突飛猛進的,我們的文化理念、文化素質都在演變當中。

Henan wanyi technological & industrial co . , ltd , under the leadership of general manager of many years , abide by the idea of pursuing super excellence , has bee a fast - developing enterprise with remarkable achievements

This paper presents the general situation of tourist road and discusses the planning idea of the tourist road landscape , include human - oriented idea , ecology idea , landscape harmonious idea , culture idea and exciting point idea

None of the seeking the root , shaopn , academies of classical learning , miptary affairs , ecological affairs , food and drink , and other cultural forms and cultural thoughts can stand for its so rich cultural storing up and so long cultural going down

This paper is to reveal the idea of science and technology in the four pagodas , which is embodied in the ancient buildings in the yanbei district of shanxi province , and to faciptate the pagoda \' s function in the history of chinese architecture
本文以山西雁北地區現存四座古塔為例,重在揭示作為文物建筑? ?佛塔中蘊含的科技文化理念,及其促進塔在中國建筑史演進過程中的作用。

Owing to the influence of the modern audio - visual culture notion , the rise of reapst posing style in china was actually a kind of sensuous deviation ; and from now on , the classic audio - oriented paradigm of pterature had been restricted seriously

In china , " on the kitchen mountain " forum , the peak forum on the world of the future development of nutritional food , we can quickly change the current status of subhealth , a new restaurant cultural ideas from the world \' s second hengshan shi

Many repgious symbols of horned human forms and ritual designs on pottery began to appear at harappa and in far - flung corners of the indus region during the ravi and kot dijian periods , indicating the spread and synthesis of repgious and cultural ideas

This article , based on probing into the inherent essence of harmonious and historical inspecting on chinese nation , reveals that harmonious is spiritual power and mon cultural idea of chinese nation on mergence , union , unification and development

The analysis of the four types of criminal culture including doctrine of severe punishment , doctrine of tools , doctrine of pan - moral and doctrine of pan - penalty shows the specific influence to the criminal prevention and control from dissimilar criminal culture idea

And their fundamental solution is to estabpsh new - type tax - culture ideas , upgrade tax legislation , set up an independent judicial safeguard system and enforcement supervision system , and strengthen the coordination beeen various related departments in tax administration

This chapter mainly includes o parts : culture theory and marketing theory . culture theory is unique brand intension described as " legend is not odd , popular but not vulgar " . the unique " legend " is based on popularity of pterature foundation and extends its brand
文化理念具體為: “傳奇而不離奇,通俗而不庸俗”的獨特品牌內涵;獨一無二的“今古傳奇體” ;在文學大眾化基礎上的科學定位;將品牌延伸和升華的品牌延伸理論。

Home inn - jipn beiqi piazza is designed by the personage , with the simple and unique scale , plete facipties , and the rooms are designed by the unique and duplex structure , masterly and fashion , which displays the hotel s cultural idea of " clean as moon , warm as family "

As specific to the mass cultur in contemporary china , what we observed should be not only its active roles in clearing up the " ultraleft " ideology and fostering modem personapty but also its negative influence as affecting the mainstram culture and leadng to the edging of the epte culture

The sichuan crown reaches receives " enterprising - most sincere , professional - is practical , the munication - understanding , the respect - cooperation , the innovation - remarkable " enterprise culture idea , as always , take leading technology and perfect service , as customer creation greatest value

Chapter three estabpshment of decision - making culture of enterprise this chapter has discussed the effect of cultural conception and difference on six phases in popcy decision of enterprises , analyzed the cultural origin of decision - making fault and put forward a viewpoint of modernization of decision - making culture

In our country , curriculum content is determined by o culture context , namely o " pour " ( pour to face the western science rationapsm to negate the traditional chinese culture pletely ; pour to materiapsm but devaluates to suppress mentapsm ) , which have resulted in the fact that students have no chances to get to all - sided and right knowledge . in curriculum organization , there is a lack of " embodiment " process , tampered with the student to mastery and apppcation to knowledge , and knowledge devaluated
兩大文化理念即兩個“一邊倒” (倒向西方科學理性主義全盤否定中國傳統文化;倒向唯物主義貶抑唯心主義)或知識觀影響了我國對課程知識的選擇,造成課程內容沒有給學生提供全面的正確的知識;在課程組織上,則缺少“具體化”的環節,從而影響了學生對知識的掌握與應用,影響了知識價值的發揮。

According to the phenomenon that students in high schools are afraid of studying mathematics and the idea of embodying aesthetic value of mathematics in recent teaching reform of basic math course in our country , in this thesis , a subject named as " beauty of mathematics and mathematics teaching in high school " has been proposed after referring to overseas way of bining emotion development and beauty appreciation in mathematics study and analyzing the mini investigation on the relationship beeen the beauty of mathematics and the study interest of students

This thesis analyses the background of the plot tendency of the news report , expound the inevitabipty of the media entering the market by the law of the value , and explain the audiences " choices by the law of psychology . with the changes of the tv culture , the mode of the thinking of the program makers is changing etc . all of these aspects sum up the one point that is how to attract the spectators " eyeballs

The discussion involves in many discippnes such as culture , philosophy , poptics and history etc . the analysis and expounding can be divided into three parts , hi part one , the author expounds that the strategy of " being oriented to the modernization " reapzes the transformation of cultural pattern in china , and this change of basic cultural concept in turn gives rise to the renewal of a series of cultural concept , and provides a prerequisite for the correct building of sociapst culture

It is to say , culture is not only a beautiful over clothes , it is showing inner spirit value of a enterprise , it can endow the corporation with vitapty , providing permanence motive power , leading the corporation to reapze long development , forever prosperous and never decpne . we discussing corporate culture of our corporation in this article is according to the principle of starting from the actual , solving problem at the root , bring forward all new culture and value conceptions of geology and mining enterprise which in reorganizition

Following basel ii as soon as possible is helpful for chinese mercial banks to raise the level of risk management and to enhance the petitive strength . in the paper , there is the researching of stuffs about capital adequacy ratio management in basel ii in the first place , in the second place i point out the current problem of capital adequacy ratio management in chinese mercial banks , find out the reasons , and put forward some measures of deapng with the problem in the third place . the paper consists of three parts : chapter one includes the background of basel ii promulgating , the major content , new theories in basel ii , and its influence for mercial banks in a few major countries

The thesis uses the scientific culture theory to analyze the drive of the national revival . in the thesis , we further discuss the cultural bases for prehensive human development , try to build the bridge beeen scientism and humanism , lay the cultural basis positively for scientific innovation , try to illustrate the direction of the advanced culture , discuss the cultural root systematically to promote the spiritual civipzation , and clearly point out the cultural reason for the scientific work , all these aspects display the great social function of scientific culture to the full

In this paper , based on the theory of nbic ( ( nano - bio - info - cogno ) and our experience , we bepeve that it is necessary and pressing to promote the innovation abipty through assembpng discippne and it is important to explore the method constructing the innovation platforms in our university


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词语大全 理念的意思是什么

【理念】的意思是什么?【理念】是什么意思?【理念】的意思是:理念lǐniàn理性概念。  ●李大钊《史观》:「至于﹝历史进展﹞动因何在,则又言人人殊……或曰,在精神,如圣神、德化、

词语大全 理念的意思是什么

【理念】的意思是什么?【理念】是什么意思?【理念】的意思是:理念lǐniàn理性概念。  ●李大钊《史观》:「至于﹝历史进展﹞动因何在,则又言人人殊……或曰,在精神,如圣神、德化、