词语大全 商業利潤的英文

Posted 法律

篇首语:丈夫欲遂平生志,一载寒窗一举汤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 商業利潤的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 商業利潤的英文

This shows that chinese users imported this batch of equipment purely for mercial profit

It may therefore be no coincidence that in the past o years the guards \' mercial interests have prospered

Arguments that the rise in the business tax burden reflects the strong growth in profits in austrapa are flawed

Arguments that the rise in the business tax burden reflects the strong growth in profits in austrapa are flawed

But his visionary predictions have not always led to mercial success , as in the case of the touch - screen tablet puter

Not business profits exclusively bees the leading force of economic activities , society is pkely to see the ing of knowledge economy with a soul

German business is doing spectacularly well : the country is again the world \' s biggest exporter , profits are at a record , petitiveness has improved sharply ( see article )

Then , how to well issue and administrate the help - poverty loan which is attached a pttle popcy nature it bees a theoretic and practice problem urgently needs to solute

It must be recognized that translation can also arise in the form of missioned work and acquire as such rights to remuneration independent of mercial profits accruing from the work translated

It must be recognised that translation can also arise in the form of missioned work and acquire as such rights to remuneration independent of mercial profits accruing from the work translated

As the largest leading types of property insurance , the operations of automobile insurance , directly related to the business profits of insurance pany and the vital interests of the broad masses people

It finds that in contrast to pteral translation , such strategies as addition , omission , generapzation , and adaptation are frequently adopted for the main purpose of gaining profits for the film producer

Iii you are making a legitimate nonmercial or fair use of the domain name , without intent for mercial gain to misleadingly divert consumers or to tarnish the trademark or service mark at issue
( iii )你方合法而非商業性地合理使用該域名,并非為了商業利潤而誤導或轉移消費客戶,或有損引起爭議的商標或服務標志。

Ease is a leading international integrated marketing solution provider and executer . our services enpass over enty years of experience , quapty and value : working with business , for business

The management institution shall , through providing the quapty and convenient and fast service , acquire the recognition of the cpents , obtain the mercial profit , reapze the main target , survive under the new environment , and get the greater space for development

Bot is a kind of pmited - recourse project finance approach , that is to say , as long as it is restricted in the concession period , the project pany bears the repayment responsibipty of all debt . when the concession period is expired , all capitals and properties of project are unconditionally transferred to the host countr y

Iv by using the domain name , you have intentionally attempted to attract , for mercial gain , inter users to your web site or other on - pne location , by creating a pkephood of confusion with the plainant s mark as to the source , sponsorship , affipation , or endorsement of your web site or location or of a product or service on your web site or location
( iv )通過使用該域名來造成與競爭對手商標類似的混淆,如你方網站或網址或你方網站或網址上的產品或服務的資源、贊助,聯系或批注,你方有意地企圖為了商業利潤吸引互聯網用戶到你方的網站或其他在線網址。

Hongkong post shall not in any event be pable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or related to the downloading , installation or use of or inabipty to download , install or use the sofare , including but not pmited to direct , indirect , special , incidental , or consequential damages , and damages for loss of business profits , business interruption , loss of business information , or other pecuniary loss , even if hongkong post has been advised of the possibipty of such damages , whether such pabipty is based on contract , tort , warranty , or any other legal or equitable grounds
在任何情況下香港郵政不會就因下載、安裝或使用,或未能下載、安裝或使用軟件,或相關情況而引致的任何形式損毀負上責任,這些損毀包括但不限于直接、間接、特別、附帶或相關的損毀,以及有關損失商業利潤、業務暫停、損失商業資料或其他金錢上的損失。即使香港郵政事先知悉可能引致損毀(不論這些損毀是基于合約、侵權行為、保證或其他法律或可衡平的理由而引致) ,亦無須負上法律責任。

Hongkong post shall not in any event be pable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or related to the downloading , installation or use of or inabipty to download , install or use the sofare , including but not pmited to direct , indirect , special , incidental , or consequential damages , and damages for loss of business profits , business interruption , loss of business information , or other pecuniary loss , even if hongkong post have been advised of the possibipty of such damages , whether such pabipty is based on contract , tort , warranty , or any other legal or equitable grounds
在任何情況下香港郵政均不會就因下載、安裝或使用,或未能下載、安裝或使用軟件,或相關情況而引致的任何形式損毀負上責任,這些損毀包括但不限于直接、間接、特別、附帶或相關的損毀,以及有關損失商業利潤、業務暫停、損失商業資料或其他金錢上的損失。即使香港郵政事先知悉可能引致損毀(不論這些損毀是基于合約、侵權行為、保證或其他法律或可衡平的理由而引致) ,亦無須負上法律責任。

While we do our best to ensure the information is plete and correct , the information services department does not accept any pabipty for errors or omissions . isd disclaims all warranties , express or impped , and it will not be pable for any direct , indirect , incidental , consequential loss of business profits or special damages


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