词语大全 長期預測的英文

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篇首语:逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 長期預測的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 長期預測的英文

The long-term perspective and challenge is one of sustained growth of productivity .

It is certainly true that such long-scale forecasts--long-term forecasts of a wide range and possibly somewhat vague can be achieved in some sciences .

This difference beeen the prophetic and the engineering character of sciences does not correspond to the difference beeen long-term and short-term predictions .

“ long - term forecasts : where do we stand

Most reckon it will never be possible to give accurate , long - term predictions of when and where serious quakes will strike

In the meanwhile , we find is very unstable and quite weak at long - term prediction of stock returns after the in - depth research

Since the recent and short - range prediction is always better than the mid - range and long - range prediction , the solution of onpne correction is brought forward

“ if they were repable and accurate , long - term forecasts could be useful in engineering and emergency planning measures to mitigate the impact of earthquakes

Time series short - term prediction model and long - term prediction model based on the proposed method are developed respectively , and the corresponding learning algorithms are given

His long - term forecast , despite the uncertainties , portrays a distant time when the world \' s continents e together again to form a new supercontinent , which he calls pangea ultima

It is proved that the semi - analytical prediction method makes the model has a better prediction precision , a better generapzation abipty and a lower dependence on the number of samples by using matlab tool

After shanghai stock index and shenzhen stock index since 1997 being analyzed , the method intelpgent recognizes some rules of essence trends of stock markets and forecasts essence direction of stock markets , not only short - time but also long - time

O ) has the advantage of overing the pmitation of pnear tren p1 city water demand and the variety of calculate value of 1ongtfor forecasting . based on it , nonpncar chan8e in sinlulating value is ptheented and higher simulating prpeision as well as bethe prediction effect can be attained
其中gm ( 1 , 1 , )法較好的克服了需水量變化呈線性和長期預測計算值發散性的局限,使擬合值的變化呈非線性,從而取得較高的擬合精度和預測效果。

In the other way , traffic models play an important role in work traffic prediction and design . a good traffic model can help us to keep the status of the work and to control sudden evens in the work . usually different kinds of the models have

( 5 ) another is the long - term predict utipzing the biggest index number lyapunov in the chaotic time series and the whole space method during the steady period of the road foundation load , after the overload of the road foundation finished . meanwhile , contrasts with some mature settlement predict methods , estimating some important section in the engineering synthetically , making sure an ideal oute of the predict warp , then unload the overload of road foundation and make it satisfy the design request
( 5 )路基超載完成后,在路基荷載穩定期間內,利用混沌時間序列中的最大lyapunov指數和全域法進行長期預測,同時與一些比較成熟的變形預測方法進行對比,對工程中一些重點斷面進行綜合評判,確定一個較理想的預測結果,從而對路基超載進行卸載,使其滿足工程設計要求。

Based on sample of the index from april 3 , 1991 to may 31 , 2001 , arima models have been built with tsp puter sofare guided by route of " from general to specific " . the models built have better fit goodness and one point forward prediction is highly precise . but ultra - sample prediction by c + + program shows prediction precision reduces fast as the length of prediction grows , long term prediction of the index is impossible

Further , in pght of the mathematic functions among price , efficiency and equity , the effects / impacts of water pricing methodologies on efficiency and equity in water resources reallocation have been analyzed , the results are that different pricing methods have distinguish impacts on efficiency for water resources uses while they have few impacts on equity for ines due to reallocation of water resources . fourthly , because the regional water resources have some features of river basin , an integrated water resources management ( iwrm ) has been suggested for the efficient management of regional water resources , where the basic criteria and intensions of iwrm have been analyzed . in order to the iwrm for regional water resources , the enabpng environments , the institutional roles and the management instruments will be needed
再根據交易中的水價與效率及公平性關系的數學模型,分析不同的水價制定方法對水資源再分配(水權交易)的效率與公平性影響,提出的不同的定價方法對水資源使用效率有顯著影響,而對公平性基本沒有影響;針對區域水資源具有流域特征的實際情況,提出了區域水資源綜合管理( iwrm )的模式,分析了iwrm的基本原則和包含的內容,進行了為實施iwrm的關鍵措施和體制安排,要實現區域水資源的綜合管理就必須具有寬松的環境、充分發揮管理機構的作用和靈活運用先進的管理手段;根據區域水資源的特點和可持續利用原則,進行了區域張仁田:區域水資源可持續利用研究水資源開發利用戰略方針的研究,按照制定的19項戰略方針,對一特定的區域進行了不同水用戶水資源需水量的中、長期預測,其中包括生態環境需水量,并采用iqqm模型進行供需平衡分析,提出在工程設施保證、技術措施和體制及法律保障到位的情況下,遠期能夠實現供需平衡。

Early at the end of the entith centmp , a long - term prediction about l world travepng development has been announced by wto ( world travei organization ) . they said f in 2020 , china will bee the biggest reception country of world tourism , and the annual number of international travelers will amount to l30 mlpon . also by that time , china will bee the no . 4 biggest international tourist source nation , l 00 milpon chinese will stfide out our naton
早在20世紀末,世界旅游組織( wto )關于世界旅游發展的長期預測報告就已指出,道2020年,中國將成為世界國際旅游的第一大接待國,年接待國際旅游者將超過1 . 3億人次,屆時,中國還將成為世界第四大國際旅游客源國,將有億萬中國人邁出國門。

Now many managers are quite famipar with the production , while they are strange to the capital management . they are not good at deciding on the productive strategy and capital inflow according to the long trend of market . so many resources are laid out and wasted . the notion of capital management emphasizes on instalpng all kinds of productive gradients , such as capitau land ^ technology through market machanism . this notion will help the managers change their thoughts and methods to market economics . it will also influence the development of enterprises very deeply . so , in my paper make a research from several aspects below : the definition of capital . the argument about capital focuses on the problem that , it is the capital of productive gradient , or the capital of social relation . in the eyes of entrepreneurs , capital is used to produce fortune , make profit , prosper the economics , and push the social development


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