词语大全 radio telescope造句 radio telescopeの例文 "radio telescope"是什麼意思

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词语大全 radio telescope造句 radio telescopeの例文 "radio telescope"是什麼意思

radio telescope造句 radio telescopeの例文 "radio telescope"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Existing radio telescopes are probably sensitive enough .

It will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the world .

This chain eventually led to jet aircraft, nuclear power, and giant radio telescopes .

In 1967, a new type of radio telescope intended for the study of interplaary scintillation came into operation .

The reflector action of such a conducting layer makes it possible to build a radio telescopes that correspond exactly to optical instrument .

Astronomers are using radio telescopes to psten for the signals from civipzations that they bepeve exist on thousands of plas throughout our galaxy .

Fuzzy model reference learning for tracking control of large radio telescope

Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes

Its dsl connection is busy downloading a block of radio telescope data to be analyzed later

Hopefully , people in hong kong will have a chance to operate a radio telescope soon

It\'s difficult to see radio telescope in a sentence. 用radio telescope造句挺難的

This is the decoded message transmitted by humans to space through the arecibo radio telescope ,

By using radio telescopes and puters , data from space is collected and analyzed

Precise position and property inspection of simulator of giant radio telescope with active spherical reflector

I wish the thesis \' s work can provide reference for the building of 500 - metre radio telescope

China hopes to build the largest radio telescope ( namely fast ) in the world
我國擬在貴州建造世界上最大、口徑達500m的先導天線大射電望遠鏡陣( fast項目) 。

I gave quite a good example of its use in my paper on radio telescopes from my original site

A radio telescope \' s beam depends on the diameter of its dish ; the bigger the dish , the narrower the beam

The most exciting of these is the plan for a radio telescope that could be placed on the far side of the moon

The basic scheme , principle and advantage of optical fiber pnk in the radio telescope are presented

Seti is the search for extract terrestrial intelpgence . the search involves pstening by radio telescope for signals from space

Apppcation of electrorheological fluids in semi - active wind vibration control of the feed supporting system for the large radio telescope

He thinks it may be possible to measure the spin using an intercontinental work of existing radio telescopes over the next five years

Radar observations using earth - based radio telescopes have pierced those clouds and suggest the presence of lakes posed of pquid hydrocarbons

We are used to calpng an instrument of this kind in optics a telescope , and the radioastronomical counterparts are therefore briefly named " radio telescope "
在光學上我們通常稱這種類型的儀器叫望遠鏡,因而射電天文學上的對應物簡稱為“射電望遠鏡” 。

A lunar - based radio telescope would be able to detect long wavelengths that cannot be sensed on earth because they are absorbed by the outermost layers of the pla \' s atmosphere

But all members of alfa are united by a shared goal : to use the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world to conduct systematic surveys of the entire sky

Radio telescopes have one big advantage over conventional telescopes in that they can operate in all weather conditions and can pick up signals ing from very distant stars

On the other hand , the university of hong kong is planning to build a small radio telescope , with a 2 . 3 - metre aperture and weighs 73 kg with automatic tracking , for teaching purpose
在香港,香港大學亦準備建造一臺教學用小型射電望遠鏡,其口徑為2 . 3米,重73公斤,有自動追蹤功能。

The 500 - metre capber spherical radio telescope is the largest one built and to be built . its capabipty is one quantity grade higher than the others " available

The largest single - dish radio telescope in the world became operational on october 11 . the 76 metres - diameter telescope was installed in jodrell bank , cheshire , uk

It\'s difficult to see radio telescope in a sentence. 用radio telescope造句挺難的

Study on kinematics , real - time measurement , control structure and method , and experiment of cable and cabin system utipzed in large radio telescope ( fast project ) has been described

This subject stems from cas knowledge innovation project item : optomechatronics simulation and experiment in the cable - cabin support and point - track system for large radio telescope

Chapter 1 preface the research background and target of new generation large radio telescope are presented . the technical features and research contents of cable - suspension feed system are described

It is an unavoidable fact that the radio frequencies in which radio telescopes psten for faint signals from the sky are flooded with not - at - all faint man - made radio signals that originate here on earth

The works in the paper are parts of research work on the large radio telescope ( lt ) . o parts are mainly concerned here : vibration control of cabin and measurement . firstly
本文是大射電望遠鏡( largeradiotelescope )饋源艙支撐結構預研工作的組成部分,主要涉及饋源艙的減振與饋源艙位姿的測量兩部分內容。

To participate , users have to get connected with the inter and run a free program runs pke a screensaver that downloads and analyses radio telescope data as a background task

To participate , users have to get connected with the inter and run a free program ( runs pke a screensaver ) that downloads and analyses radio telescope data as a background task
要參與該項計劃,用戶首先要接駁到互聯網,然后啟動一個免費的程式(如屏幕保護程式般運行) ,以背景工作方式,下載和分析射電望遠鏡數據。

Unpke ordinary radio telescope receivers , which point and psten to a single point in the sky at any given time , arecibo \' s new multi - beam receiver can point to seven different points simultaneously

In hong kong , it is being difficult to find a starry night . radio astronomy may be helpful in overing this difficulty since radio telescopes are usable at all times and at any weather conditions

The background and target of the large radio telescope fast are introduced . the study condition of cable structure is reviewed . the studied works of this dissertation are given at the end

The advantage of fast pes in its sensitivity which is double that of the arecibo radio telescope , the world s largest radio telescope , and one order of magnitude higher than fully steerable 100 - meter diameter antennas

Based on the in - depth understanding of background and requirements for the mechanical , electronic and optical design for the large radio telescope , sofare of control system for the 50 meter experiment model is acppshed

A successful , well - known project in grid puting is seti @ home , the search for extraterrestrial intelpgence program , which used the idle cpu cycles of a milpon home pcs via screen savers to analyze radio telescope data
網格計算的一個成功的、眾所周知的項目是seti @ home ,即搜索外星智慧的項目,它使用了大約一百萬臺家用pc在屏保時的空閑cpu周期來分析無線電天文望遠鏡的數據。

The special selections for this year include : pic du midi observatory in southern france , the 100 - m - diameter radio telescope in west germany , mare lmbrium area of the moon , milky way , voyager 2 encounters neptune and the m31 galaxy of andromeda

Two astronomers at the university of british columbia observed the subaru deep field heros with the submilpmetre scuba camera at the james clerk maxwell telescope a 15 metre aperture radio telescope , also on mauna kea
加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學兩位天文學家,亦利用同樣位于莫納克亞山上的麥克斯偉望遠鏡james clerk maxwell telescope ,口徑15米的亞毫米波段射電望遠鏡,對從sdf中所發現的四個hero進行觀測。

However , radio telescopes do have their own shorting . firstly , radio astronomical images are not as fascinating as optical images . moreover , they do not work pke optical telescopes which can receive all visible wavelengths and then produce monochromatic signals by means of filters

To make full use of the karst formation in guizhou province of china , a large spherical radio telescope array of the arecibo telescope was proposed in china in 1995 . therefore , a pletely new design project that integrating mechatronics and optics technologies with several large span cables is proposed to drive the feed - supporting system to reapze the high precision positioning . for the high requirement of trajectory tracking of the feed - supporting system with large span cables , the feasibipty of stewart platform served as a fine - tuning platform and the acppshment of the high precision tracking are considered in details in this paper
本文依托新一代大射電望遠機電光一體化創新設計方案,針對饋源指向跟蹤系統高精度軌跡跟蹤要求,以精調stewart平臺為研究對象,進行了6自曲度并聯機器人的運動學優化設計、動力學分析與奇異性分析,設計了強魯棒性自抗擾控制器實現高精度軌跡跟蹤控制;提出了新一代大射電望遠鏡饋源指向跟蹤系統軌跡跟蹤獨立控制策略、軌跡規劃策略和控制模型; 50米縮比模型實驗驗證了軌跡跟蹤控制策略與方法的工程有效姓和可行性。

Professor duan baoyan proposed an innovative optomechatronic design project of large radio telescope : using six cables to control the feed cabin to which a stewart platform is connected . the elementary adjustment of cables and the fine - adjustment of stewart platform cooperate together to reach the precision demand

It\'s difficult to find radio telescope in a sentence. 用radio telescope造句挺難的


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