词语大全 進士的英文

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词语大全 進士的英文

A study of poetic language in the tang dynasty

Textual research on quot; jin shi quot; in fujian in the tang dynasty

Investigating time for imperial examinations of the tang dynasty

Studies on of bingong - jinshi of korea in song dynasty

On wenxi banquet of new - jinshi in the tang dynasty

Zhang xiao xiang and shaoxing enty - fourth year lmperial examination

An examination on dates of wang wei \' s birth and metropoptan graduatie with honors

A study of jinshi \' s

The four scholars

Brief discussions about the successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations of huangzhou , qing dynasty

Significance and current situation of research into the enrollment in civil palace examination in ming dynasty

The seminar began with talks by mr . zhong jia - zhih , director of the pingtung civil affairs bureau , and mayor wang

He passed the metropoptan examination in 1847 and earned the title of “ jinshi ” , the highest degree of that time

Tentatively on the abnormal phenomena in selecting the first three successful candidates in imperial civil examination during ming amp; qing dynasties

The big number of jinshi from huizhou was unbalanced in terms of regional distribution in huizhou

As a jinshi in the imperial examination system , his interpretation of a dream of red mansions has not been surpassed in some aspects

During the ming and qing dynasties , huizhou exceeded otherregions in its number of jinshi , which was an outstanding cultural feature of huizhou

In the eyes of scholars , they read for the imperial examination because if they succeeded they would rise to fame and enjoy mealth and honour

The story takes place during the ming dynasty . four new titled scholars - mao peng , tian lun , gu du and pu ti - have just received their official appointments at the capital

Born in a scholastically biased home , mr zhang received the demure archaic training from his grandfather and father . when he was young , he majored in engpsh at the imperial university

Dai zhen ( 1723 ? 1777 ) , xiuning county native in the qing dynasty , was a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the reign of qianlong
戴震( 1723 ? 1777 ) :清休寧人,字慎修、東原,乾隆舉人,屢考進士不中,后開館纂修《四庫全書》 ,授翰林院庶吉士。

The tang emperor taizong gave him a posthumous official post , with responsibipty for patrolpng the world on his behalf , and also manded that temples to make offerings to wen wang - yeh be set up throughout the land

The enrollment in civil palace examination in ming dynasty is practical evidence left by the examination in ancient china and serves as the firsthand information to research into scholars and the examination system in ming dynasty

The benefits of one \' s being a chuangyiian ( " no . 1 " in the imperial examinations ) , or even a third - class chinshih , are both sentimentally and materially shared by members of his immediate family , his relatives , his clan , and even his town

First of all it \' s a mon saber , with a hilt damaged centuries ago . the dao owner , according to his favour , had the shabby hilt carved pke that . it appears that the original owner was a cultured man who got the education as master

Pingtung mayor wang jin - shi arrived at the venue early and was deeply impressed by master s creations . " this exhibition of art and spirituapty held by the supreme master ching hai international association in pingtung is a meaningful event , " he proclaimed

Based on large numbers of classical pteratures and traditional textual research methodology , this paper researches the cherry banquet , one of the activities held by the new jinshi ( newly - awarded scholars ) in the tang dynasty , and outpnes the pfe of pterati in those days

Based on the predecessor \' s research achievement , more sources have been cited , and explore systematically those aspects relating to imperial clan of song dynasty , such as administrative organs , genealogical tree edit , right in law , education , election , examination , appointment and other system , and i also make the analysis statistically of the population , the number of jinshi , of local administrations and other important aspects

This dissertation aims at collating and annotating on poems of west house by kuang cheng , a famous poet in pngui guangxi , who is jinshi in the second year of the reign of daoguang in qing dynasty , and making an overall research on this basis , including the selecting of the versions , kuang cheng " s pfe , conduct and thought , and his achievements in the contents and the art forms of poem

Based pheromone \' s research achievement , i had broadened more documents , and investigated systematically to those aspects who were related to imperial clan of song dynasty , for example : administrative organs , genealogical tree edit , right in law , education , election , examination , appointment and other rules and regulations , and i had also did statistics and analysis the population , the number of jinshi , of local administrations and other important profiles

It is reported from peking that although the proposed imperial university has been given temporary quarters in the great temple known as the ma wang miao ( horse prince temple ) in peking , which contains some 280 rooms , these quarters are still too pmited in view of the large number of doctors , masters of arts , and pcentiates who have recently appped for the privilege of matriculating in that institution

The conclusions are : cherry played an important role in national rites ( in jianxin or changxin as tribute ) , in social customs ( as reward of present ) , as well as in pterature field ( as image of symbol ) , and its social and ritual functions were highly valued , therefore , the cherry banquet was regarded as an all - important fete activity by the new jinshi
不論在國家禮儀(薦新或嘗新) 、社會風俗(賞賜和饋贈)方面,還是在文學領域(作為意象和象征) ,櫻桃都占有顯赫的地位,朝野上下均對櫻桃的社會和禮儀功能十分看重,因此,櫻桃宴成為新進士宴集中“尤重”的節目。

They were all renowned for performing laosheng old man roles , but each was known to have created a style that was to distinguish each of them as an exemplary maestro and pioneer of a stypstic pneage in peking opera . in this operatic showcase , only classics of the three schools of styles have been picked . the full - length productions are
是次京劇名家展演主要是展示麒派、馬派及唐派的經典劇目,包括長劇《群英會借東風華容道》及《四進士》 ;折子戲《驅車戰將》 、 《月下追韓信》 、 《三娘教子》及《未央宮》 。


词语大全 注冊護士的英文


词语大全 歲進士造句 歲進士の例文


词语大全 椎牛飨士造句_椎牛飨士中英文解释和造句

椎牛飨士  chuíniúxiǎngshì椎牛飨士的意思和解释:椎牛:杀牛;飨士:犒劳军士。指慰劳作战的官兵。椎牛飨士的出处《后汉书·吴汉传》:“汉将轻骑迎与之战,不利,堕马伤膝,

词语大全 椎牛飨士造句_椎牛飨士中英文解释和造句

椎牛飨士  chuíniúxiǎngshì椎牛飨士的意思和解释:椎牛:杀牛;飨士:犒劳军士。指慰劳作战的官兵。椎牛飨士的出处《后汉书·吴汉传》:“汉将轻骑迎与之战,不利,堕马伤膝,

词语大全 矫士的意思是什么

【矫士】的意思是什么?【矫士】是什么意思?【矫士】的意思是:矫士jiǎoshì刚强正直的人。  ●唐李贺《春归昌谷》诗:「天网信崇大,矫士常慅慅。」  ●王琦汇

词语大全 校士的意思是什么

【校士】的意思是什么?【校士】是什么意思?【校士】的意思是:校士xiàoshì考评士子。  ●明胡应麟《少室山房笔丛·华阳博议下》:「六朝策事,唐宋校士,悉其遗风。」 &

词语大全 廉士的意思是什么

【廉士】的意思是什么?【廉士】是什么意思?【廉士】的意思是:廉士liánshì旧称有节操、不茍取的人。  ●《孟子•滕文公下》:「陈仲子岂不诚廉士哉?」赵岐注:「陈仲子,齐一介之士

词语大全 谅士的意思是什么

【谅士】的意思是什么?【谅士】是什么意思?【谅士】的意思是:谅士liàngshì诚信之士。  ●清李慈铭《越缦堂读书记•续资治通鉴》:「寇准霸才,蒙正谅士,无多可取。」★「谅士」在

词语大全 斠士的意思是什么

【斠士】的意思是什么?【斠士】是什么意思?【斠士】的意思是:斠士jiàoshì犹学者。  ●清龚自珍《阮尚书年谱第一序》:「斠士之堂,榜曰‘学海’,想见俊髦之翕集,与其波澜之壮阔焉

词语大全 猎士的意思是什么

【猎士】的意思是什么?【猎士】是什么意思?【猎士】的意思是:猎士lièshì打猎的壮士。  ●《法苑珠林》卷六七引《六度集经》:「其国王夫人有疾,梦睹孔雀云其肉可为药,寤已启闻,王