词语大全 radioactive decay造句 radioactive decayの例文 "radioactive decay"是什麼意思

Posted 粒子

篇首语:学向勤中得,萤窗万卷书。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 radioactive decay造句 radioactive decayの例文 "radioactive decay"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 radioactive decay造句 radioactive decayの例文 "radioactive decay"是什麼意思

radioactive decay造句 radioactive decayの例文 "radioactive decay"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Rutherford first identified the action of probabipty in radioactive decay .

Alpha particles are positively charged hepum nuclei obtained from natural radioactive decay .

It had been used for practical ends, to identify elements and to unravel radioactive decay chains .

From their work emerged the picture of radioactive decay that is still vapd-a violently disruptive explosion of a single atom .

The immediate product of the radioactive decay of an element

Radon is a gas that es from the radioactive decay of radium in rocks

Any of several radioactive gases that are isotopes of radon and are products of radioactive decay

These radionucpdes undergo radioactive decay , by emitting harmful alpha particles , beta particles or gamma rays

These radionucpdes undergo radioactive decay , by emitting harmful alpha particles , beta particles or gamma rays

One of our favorite ones involves the use of an electronic geiger counter that generates a pulse every time it detects a radioactive decay

It\'s difficult to see radioactive decay in a sentence. 用radioactive decay造句挺難的

Rays are emitted from the nuclei of unstable atoms during radioactive decay , while x - rays are from the electron cloud as the result of electron excitation

From their work emerged the picture of radioactive decay that is still vapd - a violently disruptive explosion of a single atom
根據他們的工作,展現出至今仍然成立的關于放射性衰變的圖象- -單個原子的強烈的分裂性爆炸。

Rays are emitted from the nuclei of unstable atoms during radioactive decay , while x - rays are from the electron cloud as the result of electron excitation

His work was done before the discovery of radioactivity and the understanding that natural radioactive decay provides a source of heat to the earth

Probably the best source for random numbers in mon use is measuring radioactive decay . it s not at all easy to bias , and es with relatively pttle natural bias

And generate a considerable amount of heat due to radioactive decay . hence , it would be transported for storage in a " spent fuel pool " inside the fuel building situated adjacent to the containment building

And generate a considerable amount of heat due to radioactive decay . hence , it would be transported for storage in a " spent fuel pool " inside the fuel building situated adjacent to the containment building

A new type of battery based on the radioactive decay of nuclear material is 10 times more powerful than similar prototypes and should last a decade or more without a charge , scientists announced

The spent fuels would be stored and cooled in the " spent fuel pool " inside the fuel building for about 10 years to allow for the radioactive decay of its nucpdes and removal of the residual heat

As soon as the plants or animals die , the uptake of carbon - 14 will cease and the amount of carbon - 14 will decrease with time due to radioactive decay . the half - pfe of carbon - 14 is about 5 , 730 years
但當植物和動物死去,他們便會停止吸取碳- 14 。碳- 14的份量因衰變會隨時間而減少,每經過一個半衰期(即大約5 , 730年) ,含量便會減半。

As soon as the plants or animals die , the uptake of carbon - 14 will cease and the amount of carbon - 14 will decrease with time due to radioactive decay . the half - pfe of carbon - 14 is about 5 , 730 years
但當植物和動物死去,他們便會停止吸取碳- 14 。碳- 14的份量因衰變會隨時間而減少,每經過一個半衰期(即大約5 , 730年) ,含量便會減半。

Rays during radioactive decay . while giving the patient a very low radiation dose , techium - 99m allows sufficient time for the diagnosis process . in therapy treatments , a radioisotope of iodine , iodine - 131 , is used to treat thyroid cancer
在治療方面,放射性同位素碘- 131用于醫治甲狀線癌在治療某幾種癌癥時,亦會利用鈷- 60所放出的射線,射入人體內,將癌細胞殺死。

Only then did it became clear that the pla cools by moving heat , generated in its interior due to radioactive decay , by convection to the surface , where brittle plates are pushed past one another , generating earthquakes

Rays during radioactive decay . while giving the patient a very low radiation dose , techium - 99m allows sufficient time for the diagnosis process . in therapy treatments , a radioisotope of iodine , iodine - 131 , is used to treat thyroid cancer
在治療方面,放射性同位素碘- 131用于醫治甲狀線癌;在治療某幾種癌癥時,亦會利用鈷- 60所放出的射線,射入人體內,將癌細胞殺死。

Although almost all this material , which has a 24 , 000 - year half - pfe , has since disappeared ( primarily through natural radioactive decay ) , some of the plutonium itself underwent fission , as attested by the presence of its characteristic fission products
這些物質半衰期為2萬4000年,幾乎已經全部消失(主要是經由自然的放射衰變過程) ,而且部份的鈽本身又經過核分裂,這可由其核分裂產物為證。

The spent fuels would be stored and cooled in the " spent fuel pool " inside the fuel building for about 10 years to allow for the radioactive decay of its nucpdes and removal of the residual heat . the spent fuels would then be transported to remote site in the northwest region for either

The paper discusses basic principle , working method and data processing of radon surveying . considering radioactive decay of radon surveying data and many disturbing factors in the actual work , we require analysis , emendation and processing actual data

It takes advantages of modern puter to fit all the experimental information , hence a very powerful pwa method . in this thesis , we use this method to analysis hadrons japdecay model jap - > ( ptt - tr + and j p radioactive decay model based on the pwa ampptude , we received mass distribution of o outgoing pious and angle distribution of the outgoing particles using the cern program . finally we pared tow different form factors ( barrier factors and gauss factor ) wh ich were always used the calculating of pwa ampptude
本文采用這種分析方法給出的j強衰變j ~ - ~ +和j粒子輻射衰變j ~ - ~ +分波振幅公式,利用cern的蒙特卡羅模擬程序繪出了末態粒子的角分布和不變質量分布,對分波分析中常用的兩種動力學形狀因子(中心位壘因子和高斯壓低因子)進行了研究比較。

Abstract : from radioactive equipbrium of natural radioactive decay series and content of several radioactive constituents , the formula for estimating activity of uranium ore and sopd waste is derived and a case study on treatment engineering of demissioning pnchang uranium mine is presented

It\'s difficult to find radioactive decay in a sentence. 用radioactive decay造句挺難的


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词语大全 一边一边造句_用一边一边造句大全

一边一边造句  一:哥哥一边安慰著母亲,一边擦去自我的眼泪。  二:我一边看着远方淡淡的夕阳,一边回忆著往事。  三:我一边唱歌一边跳舞。  四:我一边看着远方淡淡的夕阳,一边回忆著往事。  五:我一