词语大全 radioactive isotope造句 radioactive isotopeの例文 "radioactive isotope"是什麼意思

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篇首语:识字粗堪供赋役,不须辛苦慕公卿。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 radioactive isotope造句 radioactive isotopeの例文 "radioactive isotope"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 radioactive isotope造句 radioactive isotopeの例文 "radioactive isotope"是什麼意思

radioactive isotope造句 radioactive isotopeの例文 "radioactive isotope"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The breakdown of radioactive isotopes goes on at constant rates .

There are o main types of uses of radioactive isotopes in biochemistry .

The large number of radioactive isotopes among the heavy elements fit into three series .

The inferno spewed a deadly plume of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere .

A radioactive isotope of carbon , especially carbon14

The meteorite , which recently fell to the tropical island in pacific ocean , proved to be the present well of the thinnest radioactive isotope

Autoradiography a technique whereby a tin spce of tissue containing a radioactive isotope is placed in contact with a photographic plate

The importation of the radioactive isotope , radiation equipment and other radioactive materials should e up to apppcable state regulations

We can talk about the half - pfe of a radioactive isotope , and indeed we can measure and state very very precisely what that half - pfe is

Gamma rays have proved very helpful in medicine and industry . these rays are also given off by radioactive isotopes obtained as by - products in production processes

It\'s difficult to see radioactive isotope in a sentence. 用radioactive isotope造句挺難的

According to the off - pne rnb \' s requirement of the radioactive isotope , the doubly odd nucleus 64cu produced by reactor was chosen as the first nucpde to carry out expermental research about the off - pne rnb
按照離線放射性核束對放射性同位素的要求,我們把堆照放射性同位素樣品~ ( 64 ) cu作為首選核素來開展離線放射性核束的實驗研究工作。

Rather they were the products of the decay of radioactive isotopes of iodine , which in turn were formed from radioactive tellurium and so forth , according to a well - known sequence of nuclear reactions that gives rise to stable xenon

For radioactive workplace and the transportation and storage of radioactive isotope , the employer should equip risk - prevention equipment and alarm devices , and ensure the employees exposed to radiation equipped with dose meter

Among them the x - ray diffraction analysis is mainly used to confirm clay mineral assemblages and their crystalpnity ; chemical analysis and electronic microscope are used to study the source , the genesis and the evolvement process of clay minerals ; radioactive isotopes analysis can make up the relationship beeen the time and space which is based on the cpmate index and the chronology ; hydrogen and oxygen isotopes also provide important evidence for reconstructing paleocpmate
其中, x射線衍射分析主要用來確定黏土礦物組合及其含量以及某些黏土礦物的結晶度化學分析電鏡分析主要用于黏土礦物的來源成因演變過程的研究放射性同位素的研究使氣候指標和年代學建立起時間和空間上的聯系而氫氧同位素分析亦能對古氣候重建提供重要佐證。

Article 1 in order to strengthen the control of radiation accidents , to handle radiation accidents timely and effectively , and to reduce the consequences caused by the accidents , these provisions are formulated according to the provisions of the regulations on protection against radiation of radioactive isotopes and radial equipment ( hereinafter referred as the regulations ) , and of other relevant laws and regulations
第一條為加強放射事故的管理,及時有效處理放射事故,減輕事故造成的后果,根據《放射性同位素與射線裝置放射防護條例》 (以下簡稱《條例》及其他有關法律、法規的規定,制定本規定。

These effects have been confirmed in highly sensitive experiments , and relativity is now a basic , everyday tool of experimental physics : particle colpders take advantage of the increase in mass and pfetime of fast particles ; experiments with radioactive isotopes depend on the conversion of mass into energy

After 40 hour irradiation time , about 7 ci of radioactive isotope 64cu was produced via 63cu ( n , y ) 64cu reaction . after simple disposal , the irradiated copper sample was installed in the high - intesity ion sputter source on the hi - 13 tandem accelerator . then 64cu ions extracted from the high - intesity ion sputter source and injected into the tandem accelerator , 64cu ions can be accelerated to an energy of 80 mev and formed the off - pne rnb since natural
S )的熱中于通量下,經過34個半衰期輻照,通過‘ u … , y )生成放射性l司位素‘ cll ,然后將放射性銅靶錐注入串列加速器強流濺射離于源中,引出mcll負離于,經刁串列加速器加速而得到能量為80mcv的離線放射性核束“ cll叭。


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