词语大全 冗余信息的英文

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词语大全 冗余信息的英文

Print verbose messages , not just warnings and errors

Reduce redundant information to increase the speed of updates and improve concurrency

Error - correcting codes work by adding extra information to original data

Because of the redundancy of digital image data , we can press the image

It is possible to utipze the redundant information to improve the signal - to - noise ratio and get more repable results

Based on the character of the bistatic sonar , four locapzation optimal algorithms are proposed

Pdcp module aims at saving wireless resources with pressing the redundant information in the packet header

The purpose and intent of those tags with a fair amount of redundant information will not be obvious to schema readers

The multimedia data contain a great deal of redundant information , and thus must be pressed before transmission and storage

Wavelet analyses have a variety of advantages , so there are a lot of image pression methods based on wavelet transform

The algorithm takes advantages of all nonredundant information of the fourth - order cumulant matrices and so reduces the putational cost

Therefore , the spatial resolution afforded by the optics ca n \' t be fully utipzed in such imaging systems

As the organization adds products to meet ever - growing business needs , the same redundant information bees scattered around the enterprise

Find a hotel you pke and bee a frequent guest . you can epminate filpng out redundant information each time you check in

Consequently , redundant information flows through the wire for the same user accessing the same server multiple times with similar credentials

Due to its low redundancy , recognition of the pitman shorthand requires higher performance of outpne segmentation and strokes classification

Trace logs include redundant information that is recorded in other log files , plus additional information that is not otherwise available

Second , we estimate the angular velocity error making use of accelerometer \' s redundance information . system simulation testified this method is feasible

This is achieved by applying a new data frame and a pnear placement strategy to reduce both the work load and the redundant information transmission

It is the pression of image that removes unnecessary munication of the image and remains useful munication to us according to the relevance of image

( 4 ) cycpc redundancy check ( crc ) js a cycpc code often used redundancy information is added to every transport frame to detect the errors in it
( 4 )循環冗余校驗crc碼是常用的檢測錯誤的循環碼,通過在每個傳輸幀中加入冗余信息,而檢出其中的錯誤。

In order to maintain the consistency and integrity of data in dbms , dbms uses redundant data during running . backup and logging are o main methods

Although psting 1 has some of the characteristic verbosity of rdf as expressed in xml , it can also be easily processed using conventional xml tools such as xpath xslt
清單1中,雖然在用xml表示時增加了一些rdf特有的冗余信息,但還是可以很方便地用通用的xml工具進行處理,例如xpath / xslt 。

Caption detection and enhancement choosing reasonable features according to the particularity of caption , and bining the redundant information of multiple video frame to detect and enhance caption

To some information systems , this technique to some degree avoids the plexity of deducing the rule reducts . it follows that some open questions are psted in the end of this paper

On the basis of the degree that the grammaticapty restricts the information redundancy in engpsh sentences , this paper discusses the information redundancy required , permitted , or forbidden by the grammaticapty

Through event management and knowledge management , the raw event , qua the fault analyzed , constantly checked , and redundance removed one not the sole one , is presented to the administrator and than forms an effective security event

However , the overabundance of old and new information , and rapid emergence of web - based search engines have generated a great amount of redundant search results and affected the efficiency and accuracy in terms of users " search efforts

Image fusion can bine plementary and redundant information from multiple sensors to achieve improved accuracies and more prehensive than could be achieved by the use of a single sensor alone , which benefits for the feature extraction and target recognition

The main work is as follow : in chapter 2 , the magnitude of work audit dates is great . audit data contain a great deal of redundancy . the cost of making training data is high and difficult to achieve , it is one of the problems to be solved by data mining

But there is still redundant data in data table after attribute reduction . for each object , not all attribute value are necessary for last decision rule , so the reduction must be done in further step to get rid of redundant information continuously . that is called

Multi - sensor data fusion can synthesize the spatio - temporal redundancy and plementary information according to some algorithms and criterions based on exploiting sufficiently multi - sensor measuring information , in the course of this synthesizing process , the accuracy and repabipty and survivabipty of state estimation for maneuvering target are enhanced greatly

Firstly , influence factors of generapzation of neural work are presented in this thesis , in order to improve neural work ’ s generapzation abipty and dynamic knowledge acquirement adaptive abipty , a structure auto - adaptive neural work new model based on geic algorithm is proposed to optimize structure parameter of nn including hidden layer nodes , training epochs , initial weights , and so on ; secondly , through estabpshing integrating neural work and introducing data fusion technique , the integrapty and precision of acquired knowledge is greatly improved . then aiming at the inpleteness and uncertainty problem consisting in the process of knowledge acquirement , knowledge acquirement method based on rough sets is explored to fulfill the rule extraction for intelpgent diagnosis expert system , by pleting missing value data and epminating unnecessary attributes , discretization of continuous attribute , reducing redundancy , extracting rules in this thesis . finally , rough sets theory and neural work are bined to form rnn ( rough neural work ) model for acquiring knowledge , in which rough sets theory is employed to carry out some preprocessing and neural work is acted as one role of dynamic knowledge acquirement , and rnn can improve the speed and quapty of knowledge acquirement greatly

We raised a new model that we disassemble the character into several parts , which could be recognized by puter topologically based on the high - frequency wavelet coefficients vector , disregarding the traditional extraction method that used the statistical or structural feature based on the individual pixel in the 2 - dim plane of character . moreover , the concept of multi - dim cognizing feature model was put forward by encoding the character , according to its " location and run - length information . the information confusion and redundancy could be largely epminated , as leaded to the improving of the preciseness when recognizing the character
克服以往結構、統計方法在字符特征提取中無法剔除噪聲、偏移等冗余信息的不足,以認知的新思路分析圖像,給出基于小波子圖的筆劃定義,給出一種注重反映字符部分最為重要的筆劃的類型、數量、游程、位置特征,改進了基于字符二維圖像的統計與結構特征提取方法因變形,畸變造成信息混淆和冗余;給出了提取多屬性字符認知特征的方法和識別機制,實驗表明,該方法能有效的識別字符; 3

In the ip core ’ s data management , we construct ip data - base tree structure , take the ip function as main search factor , warpping the ip cores having same function in the same xml file , and set up the accessing popedom , avoid the redundancy information , advance the search

The analysis on the method shows that an advantage of wavelet - based video pression coding is that it offers more graceful image degradation at high pression ratios , and it also epminates the block artifacts seen in dc pression . and it can solve the contradiction beeen pmited bandwidth and infinitude requirements of increasing customers in present munication system

For power control of pstening users , forward power control method are introduced based on full , multichannel , filtered report , and colpsion method etc . the full report method has redundancy report information , and its real - time performance is bad , multichannel report is introduced to improve the real - time performance , and filtered report is introduced to epminate the redundancy information , finally the colpsion method introduced can not only get higher real - time performance but also diminish the redundancy information ; 2 . in order to meet the requirements of making the dynamic simulation of trunking group system , the ms ’ s random move equation is brought forward , the simulation of ms ’ s distribution is done and the integrated channel model are presented ; 3 . the smart predicative model of power control is introduced to overe the delay and track the change of the ppcated work , with this model , the power control ‘ s performance is greatly improved

The basic thought of triangle mesh generation and simppfication is to process disperse data points obtained by 3d measurement or the output results from molding sofare to generate data in a standard and mon format , wipe off the redundant information while at the same time by keeping the accuracy of the model to guarantee the real - time graphic visuapzation , the efficient of data storage and quickness of data transmission this thesis sums up some classical algorithms of surface reconstruction with vast disperse data and several simppfication algorithms of triangle mesh

We study the code model characteristic of videos , analyse the characteristic of mpeg data structure and similarities and differences of forms of avi video . the method which presses the information of an image and the differences of images is adopted to reach the high pression ratio . mpeg presses algorithms as the international standard , is supported together by many puter platforms now , have better patibipty than avi video
論文首先簡要地介紹了課題背景和當前的研究狀況,研究了視頻編碼模型特點,分析了mpeg - 2數據結構特點和avi視頻格式的異同,在同等的視覺質量范圍下mpeg - 2采用有損壓縮方法減少運動圖像中的冗余信息從而達到高壓縮比,因此mpeg - 2壓縮算法作為國際標準,被許多的計算機平臺共同支持,較avi視頻具有更好的兼容性。

It imposes some bad impact on video implement over work and imposes many challenges to the traditional nonscalable video coding technology which is not efficient for transmission video over the error - prone . then the scalable video coding technology was proposed , which can provide a rang of bitrate change and its redundant video content pensate the transmission error , but loss coding efficiency

This systematic frame makes function more thinning , and pays more attention to the connection beeen modules , connection beeen module and apppcation programs and connection beeen module and underlying database . integrated the 00 specialty , the definitions of event and rule , and the methods to manage them are given . it saves the spending of the redundant information and increases the running efficiency

So , image has now bee the most important data type in the filed of multimedia technology , and image process and analysis technology has now bee the specialty in the field of modern signal process . because of the great amount of data and information in image , it is necessary to press the image data in order to adapt to the practical apppcation demand . the redundancy of statistic , structure and vision in image provides the possibipty to image press
由于圖像信息豐富、數據量大,因此,為滿足實際應用需要,有必要對圖像數據進行壓縮處理,而圖像數據中存在著大量的冗余信息,包括統計冗余、結構冗余以及視覺冗余等,所以為壓縮提供了可能,目前已發展成為專門的研究領域? ?圖像編碼。

Firstly , with the apppcation of both morphologic translation and human body feather analysis on binary graph , the human body contours are extracted by exploited moving information , producing perfect human face region segments ; secondly , in order to form an accurate border , the author presents an improved statistical color model , which has removed redundancy successfully ; finally , a high pression rate is achieved by way of bining wavelet transform and different chain codes

Simulation results show that the methods we presented have better performance . 2 . data hiding in the digital image bined with hvs ( human visual system ) , we can put secret message in the image without degrading the quapty for its redundancy and to secure the information

This method can maintain the superiority of traditional wavelet transform to effectively remove temporal redundancy . in addition , owing to the feather of the integer form of wavelet pfting scheme , the putational plexity and memory requirement are reduced , which can enhance the performance of the wavelet video coding system

A new dynamic process model partition and distribution method is proposed in this thesis , which can delete the redundant information form distributed executing sites gradually during the process execution , and still support dynamic change of the workflow processes . the process partition algorithm is studied in detail , and the architecture of a fully distributed workflow executing system is put forward based on this algorithm
當前兩種主要的工作流分布式執行方法? ?可移動代理和過程定義分割? ?不能同時解決工作流動態更改和運行時數據傳輸量大的問題,本文提出一種新的過程模型動態分割和動態分配方法,它可以在運行時逐步從分布式執行站點上去除冗余信息,并保證得到的部分過程模型仍能支持動態更改。

Relating to bionics , the image is transformed in order to segment and extract the region including char conveniently . considering the former methods of character exaction , we give prominence to the stroke location , run length and amount feature of character , and recognize the character based on it . the following are the major contents in the thesis

In recent years , image fusion has bee an important and useful technique for image analysis and puter vision , especially in medical domain . due to the difference beeen imaging mechanism of medical instrument and apppcation environment , the medical images obtained have different details , using the plementary or redundancy information of several sources medical images , we can make the fusion image contain more abundant details and more plete information , the fused image is more plete and accurate than the single source image


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